What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 206 I Am Your Second Uncle

"Li Tie's leg is broken!"

"It's amazing. Who is he? He can break Master Li's legs with one slap."

"Master, this is a more powerful master than Li Tiejie!"

The originally frightened melon-eating crowd suddenly became excited again when they saw Song Shi crushing their favorite master, and started talking excitedly.

Sun Buye, whose face was as swollen as a pig's head, was frightened and angry: "You have gone too far. Why should you interfere in the affairs of our Sun family?"

"Give back the Song family's property, or I'll kill you!"

Song Shi raised his hand and just used a little bit of the power of the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu from the previous chapter to form an oppressive force.

Sun Buye fell to the ground under the pressure of the powerful momentum and shouted in panic: "Ding Sanren, help!"


A flying sword with a yellow edge suddenly shot out from behind the door and stabbed Song Shi in the head.

Song Shi is too similar.


A golden elephant as big as a small building stepped out, with fierce and domineering power, and smashed the flying sword into pieces with a bang.


The Law Weapon was broken, and a short old man at the door was bitten by the backlash. His face turned pale on the spot, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, looking horrified.

"My Law Weapon!"


Song Shi appeared next to him instantly and hit him with his elbow.

The earth shook and the mountains shook. The monk was beaten into the soil, and his blood continued to overflow.

When Li Tiejie saw this, he turned around and ran away, dragging his broken lower body.


One foot fell and crushed his spine. His whole body was bent and deformed, and he fell into the ground. He died miserably.

All the melon-eating people were silent and did not dare to discuss it any more.

When Sun Buye saw Song Shi killing two of his family's top masters without saying a word, he was so frightened that he urinated in urine.

"You still haven't paid it back?"

Song Shi's body was full of energy and blood, spotless, and he walked towards Sun Buye calmly.

"Return! I will return your property, please don't do anything!"

Sun Buye collapsed. In a moment, the family's two biggest trump cards were killed. It was really terrible. He felt that if he hesitated, he would be the one who died.

"I'll give you one day to spit out everything you swallowed, and then pay for something of equal value, otherwise your Sun family will be destroyed."

Song Shi looked cold. He was so ruthless not only because Song Hai or the Sun family had embezzled the Song family's property, but also because the Sun family had a grudge against him.

Besides, he is strong enough now, so why should he be polite? He should be killed when he deserves it, there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Yes, yes, we will definitely do it."

Sun Buye kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Song Shi looked at Song Hai, who hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, senior!"

To be able to kill two masters so easily, this person must be the martial arts Grandmaster on Innate Qi.

Song Shi nodded slightly: "These two dead people's things are yours."


Song Hai didn't expect that he could still benefit from it, and was a little confused.

"The Song family's property will be left to you."

Song Shi was about to leave with his hands behind his back and had no intention of meeting each other.

He has many enemies now. If people know that he is helping the Song family, it will easily bring disaster to Song Hai and the others.

"Senior, are you leaving? You've helped me so much, and I haven't had time to thank you properly yet."

Song Hai hesitated to speak. He didn't think this person was familiar, but he was sure he had never seen him before.

"I will stay in Jinxiu City for two more days. Besides, you don't have to be mentally burdened. I am also a member of the Song family and am related to you."

Song Shi saw what Song Hai was thinking and took the initiative to speak out.

"Can you tell me, junior, how to call you?"

Song Hai was secretly happy. He didn't expect that his family had such powerful relatives, and he didn't know about it before.

Song Shi made up a relationship smoothly and said: "I am your second uncle."

"Second uncle."

Song Hai thought about it for a moment. His father was already in his sixties, and there were not many people of his generation. He had hardly heard of him from the previous generation. He was probably in his eighties or nineties.

He still looks so young, it must be because Foundation Building has been successful and his vitality has greatly increased.

He thought thoughtfully, in this world, Innate can live three decades, Foundation Building Transcendent can live three hundred years, and eighty or ninety years old is actually equivalent to an ordinary person's twenty or thirty years.

"Clean up and take me home to sit for a while."

Song Shi waved his hand and said nothing more.

"Okay, second uncle."

Song Hai replied happily, turned around and took out the storage bag of Li Tie's legs that were stuck in the mud, and took another look at the special Law Weapons on his feet, which were a pair of special boots.

"I'm afraid this guy has athlete's foot. He just kicked me to death."

Although his face was full of disgust, he took it off anyway, and the stench really spread.

"Ugh, it stinks!"

He hurriedly held his breath and turned away while retching.

Song Shi frowned and raised his hand to release the wind from his palm to prevent the stench from spreading to his side.

"Hey, a veteran martial arts master like Li Tiejie died like this."

"Yes, it was too fast. I was planning to let my son learn kung fu from him, but he was beaten and deformed."

"Song Hai's second uncle is even more powerful. I wonder if he will accept a disciple."

"What does this smell like?"

The stench spread, and people watching and talking about the show vomited out and some even fainted.

They gave Song Shi a depressed look and ran away one after another, leaving the whole street with the smell of their feet.

Song Shi had a strange look on his face: "This guy doesn't do this specifically. If he takes off his shoes when he can't win, he can have another chemical attack."

Song Hai quickly touched the other guy who didn't even have time to tell his name, then ran back and said, "Second uncle, I've packed it up."

"Let's go."

Song Shi turned around and followed Song Hai back to Song Mansion and went straight to her room.

Song Hai was a little surprised. Why did the second uncle come to his seventh brother's room? Is it a coincidence?

Song Shi walked in, closed the door, and then threw out a formation disk to isolate outside exploration.

"Second uncle, you are so cautious and worthy of learning from the younger generation."

Song Hai flattered him without leaving any trace.

"What happens next is a secret and cannot be revealed, otherwise you will definitely die."

Song Shi said coldly, and then the bones, skin and flesh changed and quickly returned to their original appearance.


Song Hai looked at Song Shi in astonishment: "Are you Lao Qi?"

Song Shi had a smile on his face and teased: "It's also your second uncle."

"I'll fuck you, second uncle, for taking advantage of me."

Song Hai rushed over and clamped Song Shi's neck, and said with surprise and joy: "Lao Qi, you are actually more powerful than me. You killed an Innate and a Qi Refining monk in just a few strokes. You are so capable. I didn't realize you were so powerful before. "

"There is no way, genius cannot be judged by common sense."

Song Shi smiled proudly and thought to himself: "No matter how powerful a genius is, he can't compare to a cheater."

"You are a real genius, probably only comparable to those guys from big sects."

Song Hai agreed. Thinking of some of the information he had obtained, he asked curiously: "Lao Qi, didn't you go to Yaoyue Palace? Why did you come back? Could it be that those women were too fierce and scared you away?"

"How is it possible? It's something else. Now I'm in another sect, which is more complicated."

Song Shi didn't say much. The fourth child's strength is very powerful for ordinary people, but in the entire Immortal Cultivation World, it can only be regarded as a beginner, and he has not even been exposed to the fact that he was taken away.

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