What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 21 Successfully Introduce Qi Into The Body As Soon As He Practices

However, are cultivators really so low that they come to brothels to entertain guests? Now you're completely naked, without a trace of immortal aura.

Noticing Song Shi's skeptical gaze, Liu Ruxue, although she didn't know what a husky was, knew that he was doubting her.

Her pretty face blushed, and with a charming look, she glared at Song Shi and said, "Do you think cultivators hide in deep mountains and forests, detached from the world? Indeed, there is a part that does, but I am not like that!"

As the gentle breeze dispersed, she floated down like a soft petal, landing perfectly in Song Shi's embrace. With seductive eyes, she said, "Our sect is here to experience the mortal world, to find our other half, and now I have found mine!"

Song Shi suddenly realized that Liu Ruxue had noticed something about his spiritual roots. Was she suggesting that they become cultivation partners and ascend together?

"Would the young master be willing to cultivate with Snow?" Liu Ruxue exhaled lightly, with a demeanor that could be easily taken advantage of. Any normal man would find it hard to refuse.

Not to mention Song Shi, who had originally wanted to cultivate. His eyes burned with excitement as he said, "Snow, if you are willing to guide me into the Immortal Gate, this young master would be more than happy to!"

"From now on, the young master will be Snow's cultivation partner, and Snow will no longer accept any other man."

Liu Ruxue spoke gently, adding in her heart, "Before I drain all your essence."

"Alright, but I can't promise not to seek other women."

Song Shi teased with a smile.

"No, as cultivation partners, we cannot allow a third party to intervene. It would pollute our yin and yang energy and make it difficult for us to advance in our cultivation."

Liu Ruxue shook her head. Unless her cultivation technique reached perfection, she couldn't even ask for a cauldron, let alone Song Shi.

"From what you're saying, your cultivation technique is suitable for both men and women to cultivate together?"

Song Shi pondered, feeling that this woman's sect and the so-called Joyous Union Sect were similar.

"That's right, our sect's Sun and Moon Radiance Technique is a well-known dual cultivation technique in the Immortal Cultivation World. Naturally, we disciples also cultivate similar techniques."

Liu Ruxue's fingers skillfully wandered on Song Shi's body. "From now on, only the two of us will know what happens next. It's not suitable to tell anyone else."

"Tell me!"

Song Shi showed an expectant look.

"You come from a wealthy family, so you should know that the background of the Inviting Moon Tower is not simple, right?"


"It's even more complicated than you think. Aside from its deep connections with the nobles and scholars of Daqian, the key is that there is the Inviting Moon Palace, a top-level sect in the Immortal Cultivation World, behind it. Every Inviting Moon Tower in each city is a training ground for us new outer sect disciples."

Song Shi was shocked. Did he come into contact with a major sect as soon as he arrived? He thought it was just a small sect.

He couldn't help but ask, "Can I join the sect?"

Currently, he had no way of coming into contact with cultivators, so Song Shi naturally wanted to seize this opportunity.

"Not for now."

Liu Ruxue shook her head. "But you can become my cultivation partner. As long as your cultivation is sufficient and you pass the sect's assessment, I can introduce you to the sect."

"So, does that mean I won't have a chance to cultivate the Immortal Law?"

Song Shi felt regretful. If he couldn't enter the sect, the only way to come into contact with cultivation techniques would probably be through this woman.

It seemed that he still had to take risks and quickly draw the cultivation technique from the lottery turntable. He couldn't rely on others.

"With Snow here, the young master will definitely have a chance."

Xue Er smiled enchantingly, captivating the nation.

"I paid a great price to specially exchange a cultivation technique for you. Young master, you must find a way to repay me," she said.

She pressed her heart tightly against Song Shi and seductively said, "Young master, you must come often so that I can absorb your cultivation and when my cultivation is high enough, I can also support you."

Song Shi nodded without hesitation, "No problem, give me the technique. I'll come every day from now on."

Liu Ru Xue giggled and wiped her clothes. She magically produced a small yellow booklet and a piece of paper. "Young master's spiritual root is the Fire Spiritual Root. This cultivation technique is called 'Refining the Sun Technique' and it is very suitable for young master. Take a look first, and I will guide you into it."

Song Shi curiously took it and opened it to read.

He found that the method of cultivating the Refining the Sun Technique was similar to the Iron Sand Palm and the Prajna Technique, but more complex.

"This is difficult to understand, right? Let Xue Er teach you."

Liu Ru Xue leaned against Song Shi's arm and extended her slender jade-like fingers, sliding them on his chest, pointing out the exact meridians and acupoints for him.

Song Shi felt a little uncomfortable, but the cultivation technique was right in front of him, more valuable than beauty. He endured the distracting sensation and earnestly studied.

"We cultivators are different from those crude martial artists. Although we also cultivate essence and refine qi, we focus more on assimilating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is fundamentally different from martial artists," Liu Ru Xue disdainfully looked down on martial artists and continued, "When we draw in spiritual energy and combine it with our essence, we can condense our own spiritual power. When our spiritual power is strong enough, we can cultivate spells, activate Law Weapons, and fly through the sky and travel underground!"

"This Refining the Sun Technique visualizes the world as the sun, absorbing and refining the sun's energy of heaven and earth, and then combining it with our own essence to condense fire spiritual power!"

At this point, she suddenly realized that Song Shi was already sitting cross-legged and breathing, so she hurriedly said, "I haven't let you cultivate yet, don't act recklessly. The power of fire attribute spiritual energy is very volatile. If you're not careful, you might lose control."

She became a little anxious. The cultivation furnace hadn't been nurtured yet. If he died from losing control during cultivation, she wouldn't have a place to cry.

But Song Shi had already entered a state, and a flame was faintly burning in his abdomen. The fire attribute spiritual energy between heaven and earth slowly gathered and flowed into his body.

She was also a novice with not much cultivation, feeling at a loss for a moment.

Knowing that if she rashly interrupted, this guy would die even faster.

Helpless, she could only nervously watch.

Song Shi only felt a hot energy entering his meridians through his acupoints from the void, and then gathering in his abdomen.

"This is spiritual energy? More precisely, it should be fire attribute spiritual energy!"

Song Shi found it quite novel. This was external energy, completely different from the internal cultivation he had practiced before.

"Martial arts mainly cultivate essence and refine qi, while cultivation focuses on Qi Refining for longevity, emphasizing external conditions and talent."

Song Shi pondered. It seemed that something in his abdomen was attracting this spiritual energy. Most likely, it was the so-called spiritual root.

Without this fire, he felt it would be difficult to absorb and retain the ethereal spiritual energy from outside.

The spiritual energy flowed along his meridians into his dantian, and the fire in his abdomen became brighter. A trace of pure fiery red energy appeared in his dantian space.

Song Shi was secretly delighted. Was this spiritual power?

As he became happy, he snapped out of his ethereal state, and the attracted spiritual energy dissipated.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Liu Ru Xue's resentful gaze.

"I didn't expect young master to be so insightful. You succeeded in drawing in spiritual energy as soon as you started, scaring me to death," she said, patting her chest, looking scared.

Seeing Liu Ru Xue's frightened appearance, Song Shi swallowed his saliva and said, "I was lucky. I felt it right away."

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