What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 247 Feng Lei Cooperation

"The treasure that makes people unkillable!"

The crowd was excited. How tempting is the word immortal to a monk?

Isn’t the purpose of cultivation just to achieve immortality? Now there seems to be a living example in front of you, how can you not be moved?

"Erchen suspects that the power of Law Treasure gave him a clone. We kill the clone every time, so it seems we can't kill him."

Li Ba expressed some of his speculations.

"This is more reasonable."

Emperor Li nodded.

"Even if this treasure only gives people endless clones to kill, there should also be Law Treasure's main body and his own main body."

Emperor Qian looked coldly.

"My son is not talented enough and I couldn't find him."

Gan Wuji is ashamed.

"When he comes out, catch him and take a good look at him."

As soon as these words came out, all the major forces were shocked.

This blood-clothed old ghost has made such a big fuss that it even alarmed existences like Emperor Qian.

In Wuji Continent, the most powerful person is not the Immortal Gate cultivator, but the master of a country.

Their individual strength may not be the strongest, but the power they can mobilize is definitely the most Apex Level. After all, they are the power of a country.

Not to mention that the Qian Kingdom is a top power, even if it is currently in civil strife, a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.

In the secret space, Song Shi forced a team to retreat for the second time, and his mood was already very calm.

He glanced at some of the people who had looked at him greedily: "If you still want to kill me for treasure and points, you can come here and try."

No one took action, and the lessons from the past were right in front of him. No one would mess with him again until he was absolutely sure.

Shocking some people, Song Shi slowly collected the loot. No one dared to take advantage of it at this time.

In the past, he used to deal with corpses with a fire, but now that he has the blood dragon, he starts to let the blood dragon devour the blood.

Amid the roar of the dragon, the blood-colored Flood Dragon swallowed the corpses one after another. As the blood light pulsed, the white bones fell out, as if after years of corrosion, the flesh and blood had ceased and turned into withered bones.

This scene made many people look fearful. The old ghost in blood clothes killed people, set fires, and disposed of corpses so skillfully, which shows that he often does these things.

"Brother Song, do you want to help?"

Xuan Buzheng said hello.

"No, there aren't many people."

Song Shi shook his head, mana surged out, and a clone formed around him to handle the loot together.

He killed about fifty people, more than any other powerful force outside the dynasty, and it didn't take long to process the spoils.

Since all the people from the two dynasties left, all the point tokens remained. Many people were jealous, but no one dared to be the first to snatch them.

The point tokens were quickly collected by Song Shi. He brought his token closer and found that the points could be transferred directly.

After transferring all the points to his own token, excluding the 500 points that Gan Wuji originally lost, he once again got more than 1,300 points. Adding his own 10 points, the total points reached 1,800!

There is a ranking under the points, which is shining brightly. After reading it, Song Shi was surprised: "This is only second, not directly first?"

His muttering left many people speechless. Isn't that enough? This old ghost took second place by one person, which is something that has never happened before.

This secret realm is a chaotic battle where everyone relies on their abilities. There are not many rules. Naturally, the more people there are, the greater the advantage. It is often the descendants of the major dynasties who gain the most points, followed by the clans and other forces.

For a monk who fights alone, it is a good thing if he can avoid being robbed of points. This man in turn robbed the points of two major dynasties, ranking second made them envious, and he actually looked dissatisfied.

"Congratulations, Mr. Song. You are the first one in so many years to defeat many dynasties and enter the top three by yourself."

In the soft voice, Feng Wu walked over gracefully.

"Yes, Brother Song killed all geniuses. If these people grow up, not to mention all Infant Formation, there will be no problem reaching Gold Core perfection."

Xuan Buzheng lamented that these geniuses were all very knowledgeable, but they died here in vain. The forces behind them would probably be furious.

"Don't say this, I was forced to do it."

Song Shi shrugged, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Actually, I wanted to be a good person, but they forced me to become a bloody Shura."

These words made many people complain in low voices with black lines in their heads.

"Why did I see him go and provoke others to do Wuji, although doing Wuji is indeed a bit stinky."

"If he is a good person, I guess he will be considered a good person in ten lifetimes."

"I've never seen such a shameless person. He got an advantage and still acted like a good boy."

Song Shi was thick-skinned and ignored some people's ridicule, curiously asking: "Who is number one now?"

"It's the Kingdom of Thunder."

He Changqing pursed his lips: "They cooperated with Feng State and led people to rob the Medicine Country and force the Medicine Country to leave. At the same time, they defeated many immortal cultivating sects, families and Demonic Beasts, and gained a lot of points. Now they have more than two thousand points."

Song Shi unexpectedly looked over, and saw in the void several miles away, a young man wearing black armor, with short hair, thunder lines between his eyebrows, a stern face, and holding a spear sitting cross-legged in the void.

Around it, the power of silver thunder beats, constantly rising and dying, full of destructive aura, looking like a thunder god.

There were more than a hundred people following him, more than the Qian Kingdom looked like. This was not because the Qian Kingdom was weak, but because the royal family and other clans in the Lei Kingdom were all acting as one.

Next to the monks from the Lei Kingdom, a tall woman in green clothes from the Wind Kingdom and another group of people looked at them quietly. The power of the wind attribute was hovering, and there were faint signs of combining with the thunder power of the monks from the Lei Kingdom.

"His name is Lei Gensheng. Although he is young, he is actually quite old. Rumor has it that since he was a child, he has been able to practice Body Tempering in the Lei Kingdom's Thunder Spirit Pond and practice the Nine Heavens Thunder Technique, the peerless skill of the Lei Kingdom. He is usually very low-key. This In the secret realm trial, he was an instant success, killing several demon kings in a row, and defeating the Crown Prince of Medicine with one move. His personal combat ability is very strong, comparable to Nascent Soul."

When He Changqing said this, he had a look of fear on his face. The explosive power of the thunder cultivator was very strong, even half more terrifying than that of a sword cultivator like him.

"I didn't expect it to be him. I didn't pay much attention to it before."

Song Shi was surprised. Judging from his background, this person ranked second to last among those who reached the summit, only slightly better than Li Ba. Unexpectedly, he had the greatest advantage here.

"The main thing is that Feng Guo cooperates with them. The power of wind and thunder has the effect of blessing each other."

Xuan Buzheng interrupted with some dissatisfaction, looking regretfully at the graceful Feng Kingdom princess: "The two countries are located close to each other. The relationship was not very good before. I didn't expect that we would cooperate closely this time. It is a bit beyond our expectations. Judging from the rumors, , Fengmei is likely to marry Lei Gensheng."


Song Shi was thoughtful, and happened to meet the beautiful green eyes of the Feng Kingdom's princess, with an ethereal meaning.

"No one from the Feng Kingdom has reached the summit several times in a row. The country's national strength is getting worse with each generation. It is probably because of the pressure from the Lei Kingdom that it is preparing to affiliate with the other party."

He Changqing glanced at Xuan BuZheng and said, "Don't take advantage of others. Even if Feng Country doesn't cooperate with Lei Country, you won't have a chance."

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