What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 254 How To Get First Place

A white jade monument appeared in front of the palace, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's been a hundred years again. I don't know who will take first place this time."

"Last time, I remember it was the current queen of Li Kingdom, a female monk."

"Yeah, I don't know if it's her granddaughter this time. Prince Qian and Prince Li have both been eliminated, so there's a big chance."

"Stop talking, the list will be out soon. I don't know who will have a chance to get Immortal Law this time."

Many eyes focused on the jade stele, and at the bottom, a row of words was slowly revealed.

No. 10, Heavenly Demon female.

When the name was revealed, everyone looked at the Heavenly Demon girl with a black robe and a mask, and a graceful figure, with different expressions.

"Heavenly Demon Temple is amazing. It is indeed a sect that dares to rebel."

"The key is that two royal families came out early."

The female Heavenly Demon looked helpless. Originally, she was going to give the points to the old ghost in blood, but the man didn't come to her in the end.

"Reward Sixth Grade Divine Ability."

The voice of the spirit of the secret realm echoed, and then a jade slip fell from the sky and landed in the hands of the Heavenly Demon woman.

This Divine Ability comes from the Nine Kingdoms and is given as a reward to the top ten people.

Heavenly Demon Temple has produced nothing, which is equivalent to making money for nothing.

"Where are the others?"

The Heavenly Demon girl's eyes moved around the other people on the stage, but she didn't see Song Shi. "Did he come out early? I didn't notice any obvious fight. Who can force him to leave?"

Not only him, but He Changqing, Xuan Buzheng and others were also quite surprised.

"Where is the old ghost in blood clothes, hiding and afraid to show up?"

Gan Wuji's eyes were gloomy, and he wanted to find the old ghost in blood more than anyone else.

In the high palace, Song Shi looked down at everyone and took everyone's situation into consideration.

He smiled lightly: "Many people want to see me."

"My little friend, you have Law Treasure to protect you, so you won't die easily, but I think you should not provoke too many enemies. No matter how powerful the treasure is, it still has shortcomings."

The spirit of the secret realm reminded: "Sage Lord Langya thought that he could go anywhere after practicing the Void Sutra, but he ended up being trapped and has not been able to be free for tens of thousands of years."

"I understand, thank you for your kindness."

Song Shi nodded. He had died thousands of times in the space storm. To be honest, he didn't have much interest in dying now.

Anything, no matter how fun it is, will become a bit boring if you play it too much.

"The monks still have to rely on themselves. The Law Treasure is something external to the body after all. I think you can understand."

The spirit of the secret realm felt that this person was a little off track and kindly reminded him.

Song Shi doesn't understand this. It's a pity that when faced with the power that can be obtained easily, who can resist the temptation?

He looked at the Nirvana List and then at the Spirit of the Secret Realm: "This list is published once every hundred years, and every time it rewards Divine Ability spells and the like. Will it not be repeated after so many years?"

"Of course, but what we get is basically nine countries. They don't mind, and they care about whether they can compete for the first place."

The spirit of the secret realm was meaningful: "Of course, the inheritance left by Saint Lord Langya is not allowed to be copied from the side stories. You are an exception. I did not ask you to swear any relevant oaths."


Song Shi was surprised: "I might make a few hundred copies of it when I go out."

"You can't copy it yet."

The spirit of the secret realm said confidently: "The Void Sutra is very mysterious and difficult to copy for those who have not practiced it. Besides, you have so many enemies, so there is no reason to spread the techniques randomly."

"Forget it, I won't tell you these jokes. When it's over, will the secret realm disappear into the depths of the void? Or will it be nearby?"

"It's nearby, but the void is unfathomable. If I don't take the initiative to show up, people in this world won't be able to find it."

The spirit of the secret realm looked at Song Shi: "You seem to have something in your words."

"I was wondering if I could use the secret realm as a Cave Mansion for training. The environment here is quite nice."

Song Shi makes no secret of her interest in secret realms.

The spirit of the secret realm didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You're really rude. I'm just asking for your help, but I'm not selling myself out."

"That's a shame."

Song Shi regrets that the secret realm is hidden deep in the void, quiet and safe, and much more powerful than the Cave Mansion outside.

The key is to get out of the secret realm, and he will have the opportunity to go to the depths of the void and receive the baptism of the void storm, which is temporarily unavailable outside.

"Come down, little friend, the first name will be announced soon."

Mijing didn't want to talk to Song Shi anymore, so he waved his hand and teleported Song Shi.

On the stage, many geniuses gathered and looked at the last three places.

The Secret Realm Trial tests not only personal strength, but also strategy, cooperation and other abilities, and is more focused on overall quality.

Being in the top three means that the entire team is very strong and is likely to make their country even stronger in the future.

"Third place, Feng Wu!"

The voice of the spirit of the secret realm was majestic: "Reward Heavenly Phoenix feathers!"

As the name appeared on the jade tablet, a fiery red feather with a phoenix sound fell from the sky and landed in front of Feng Wu.

"It's actually this reward!"

"This Heavenly Phoenix feather was provided by the Ancient Beast clan when they participated in the Immortal Fate Conference. It was only brought out after so many years."

"Incredible, this is an ancient treasure, rare in this world."

Feng Wu happily accepted the reward and saluted respectfully: "Thank you to the aura of the secret realm for giving me a tailor-made reward."

She happily held a colorful feather, which contained the Divine Ability of Heavenly Phoenix, which was good for her and even Li Guo.


As soon as Song Shi appeared, he heard Feng Wu's joyful voice. He curled his lips and said, "This old man just moved me around without my permission."

In the depths of space, the old man took him directly back to the secret realm, making him unable to accept the baptism of space storms again.

"Second place, Lei Gen's student, will be rewarded with the Nine Dragons Thunder Spirit Hammer!"

At this time, the second place was announced, and many people in the waiting crowd showed surprise.

"What's going on? Lei Guo is not number one."

"I remember they surpassed 2,020 by a few points, and they seemed to be in first place until the end."

"What happened? Who overtook the last subject!?"

Lei Gensheng frowned, he should be number one.


Nine silver thunder dragons suddenly burst out from the sky, swimming in the void. After gathering, they turned into a mysterious silver hammer, with a destructive aura rippling.

"Nine Dragon Thunder Spirit Hammer, this is the High Grade Spirit Weapon. It was refined by the ancient artifact refining country. I didn't expect it to still be there. How many treasures are stored in this secret realm?"

"In tens of thousands of years, if the treasures provided are not taken out every time, it is estimated that thousands of treasures have been accumulated."

"I don't know who it was at the first moment, and now I can't think of it for a while."

People start from the baby to the last place, which is the first place this time.

"First place, Song Shi, will be rewarded with an Immortal Law article!"

A majestic voice broke through, and Lei Gensheng raised his head suddenly: "Impossible, his points are not as high as mine, how did he get first place!"

He said angrily: "When I was teleported, I was ranked number one. There is definitely something wrong with this."

"The trial is over and will start again a hundred years later!"

No explanation was given to Lei Gensheng, nor did he bother to explain. As the void twisted like water, everything about the secret realm disappeared, and everyone was left on a wasteland, big eyes facing small eyes.

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