What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 259 Why Don’T Everyone Kill Me Once?

With the awakening of the Jiuyang Divine Body, he discovered that the true fire that previously only existed in the Gold Core of the meridians was directly integrated into the flesh and blood.

Just like the sword energy comprehended by the Spirit Communication Sword Body, it directly becomes his innate power. At this moment, if he lets out a little blood, he will have the power of fire.

In the past, mana contained real fire, but now it exists all over the body, and its power is greatly increased when casting spells or fighting.

On the ground, the broken ice shards disappeared, and Song Shi appeared behind the White Snake Demon Lord, with flames beating in his skin.

He hugged the astonished White Snake Demon Lord from behind: "The beating is kissing and scolding, but it's love. I can't bear your affection."

The White Snake Demon Lord was surprised and released the ice aura again. Then he found that the masculine power in this man's body had become much stronger, and it did not freeze him instantly like before.

Song Shi deliberately leaned on her shoulder with a look of enjoyment: "It's quite cool."

"Then you just die."

Killing intent burst out in the eyes of the White Snake Demon Lord, and he became competitive and used more mana to freeze this person.

This time, Song Shi's flesh and blood were releasing scorching energy, but he temporarily blocked it, and his palm continued to take advantage of the monster unceremoniously.

"How come this old ghost's body contains such a majestic Yang attribute? Why didn't it exist just now?"

Emperor Qian stared at Song Shi. He had been paying attention and could clearly see the difference between before and after.

"Father, it's possible that it's the treasure in it."

Qian Wuji speculated that he didn't think this person was hiding his cultivation.

Emperor Qian frowned and looked at the blood-clothed old ghost who was frozen into ice again. So far, he has not found any trace of the so-called treasure.

Amidst the shattering sound, Song Shi died again.

Jiuyang Divine Body continues to improve, and the true fire contained in the flesh and blood becomes more and more intense, which is of great benefit to him in cultivating the true sun fire.

After the second resurrection, the White Snake Demon Lord was still hugged by Song Shi. This time she did not rush to take action. Instead, she hugged Song Shi and squirmed slightly against his body.

She looked at Song Shi's body and said with interest: "You are really good at this. Do you want to go back and play with me?"

She now really wants to capture this person and study it carefully to see how he avoided the ice aura and how he teleported behind her.

Finding out these secrets will definitely be of great benefit.

"No problem, I don't mind if you gave birth to a child."

Song Shi smiled. The Divine Ability of this snake demon can stimulate the improvement of his Jiuyang Divine Body. Naturally, he is interested in being frozen a few more times.

"Pervert, shameless, even monsters want to fuck you."

Lu Youyou spat, very disdainful.

"He is truly a role model for our generation."

Xuan Bu Zheng was amazed.

He Changqing chuckled: "This guy really knows how to pretend."

Faced with Song Shi's teasing, the White Snake Demon Lord's eyes flashed coldly, and he was unwilling to mention the evildoer. He said expressionlessly: "Since you agree, let's go."

She grabbed Song Shi's arm and wanted to teleport away.


Qianhuang stepped on the golden dragon and blocked the way, with a domineering look: "White Snake Demon Lord, I did not agree to your taking him away."

"This person wants to follow me, why do you stop him?" The white snake demon king's body was filled with cold light, and the monstrous Monster Qi transformed into a cold white snake whose momentum was not inferior to the opponent's.

The two Soul Formation-level momentums collided, creating a terrifying energy storm on the spot. The Celestial Phenomenon underwent drastic changes. One side was sacred and bright, while the other was cold and snowy.

Song Shi's expression changed. This is the true strength of the Soul Formation monk. The White Snake Demon Lord didn't use all his strength when he dealt with him just now.

"This is my enemy of the human race. It is our internal matter. You Monster Race should not interfere!"

Li Huang fell to the side and followed to prevent the White Snake Demon Lord from taking away Song Shi.

"Hmph, kill my son, and this will no longer be a matter within your human race!"

The Scarlet Crow Emperor falls on the side of the White Snake Demon Lord. Although the Scarlet Crow clan and the White Snake clan are naturally hostile, there is nothing wrong with standing aside for the sake of this man's treasure.

The other kings, the Monster Emperor and even the Monster Lord just looked on indifferently, as if they were not prepared to get involved.

But smart people know that when something good comes along, they will never sit still.

"In this case, we can only have a fight to determine his ownership!"

The White Snake Demon Lord stood on his head with slender eyebrows, and a fierce aura emerged from his body, which in turn suppressed Emperor Qian.

The latter had just broken through to Soul Formation, and the human physique was worse than that of spiritual snakes like White Snake, so they gradually fell behind.

However, when he took out a black spear, the gap was instantly made up. The power of the black spear merged with Qianhuang's mana, and quickly transformed into a black dragon, exuding a tyrannical aura.

For a moment, dragons and snakes appeared together in the void, black and white.

"This is a Law Treasure imitating the Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Dragon Spear? How come the properties are not consistent with the Qianhuang himself at all."

"So what if it doesn't meet the requirements, this Law Treasure is still powerful, surpassing the ordinary Spirit Weapon. I don't know if it has reached the level of Spiritual Treasure."

"The Kingdom of Qian is still too big to fail. Although there is no Spiritual Treasure to suppress it, Emperor Qian himself broke through to the Soul Formation and refined this imitation Spiritual Treasure. It should not be underestimated."

Someone was whispering in the dark, and the Demon Cult monks from Heavenly Demon Temple looked unhappy.

The more powerful the emperor is, the more unlucky they will be.

At this time, Song Shi rolled his eyes, let go of the White Snake Demon Lord, and took a step forward: "I will follow this banshee myself. If you want revenge, why don't you each come and kill me to vent your anger?"

Seeing that Song Shi was seeking death again, Emperor Qian, Emperor Chiwu and others frowned, unsure of what Song Shi's purpose was. .seven

Even if it is difficult for this old ghost to die, there is no need to do so, right?

"Shut up, you have no business talking now."

The White Snake Demon Lord waved his hand, and Song Shi turned into ice cubes on the spot, but was not killed.

She opened her mouth to swallow Song Shi, but suddenly a dragon roar spread, and huge black dragon claws fell from the sky, forcing her back with a bang.

Song Shi was caught in the aftermath of the collision and flew out like a ball.

The Chiwuhuang's eyes lit up, he transformed into his prototype, spread his wings and flew out, grabbing Song Shi.


Emperor Li held the giant ax and struck down hard, forcing Emperor Chiwu to dodge sideways. The power of the giant ax fell to the ground, creating a canyon with a roar.

But the next second, a white shadow struck him and sent him flying away.

The white shadow paused, revealing a silver-white snake tail. Its scales had snowflake-like lines. The endless freezing power was released with the cold light. There was already an extra layer of ice on the ground nearby, and snowflakes continued to fall from the sky.

Looking along the tail to the body, a white snake nearly a kilometer long is hovering on the ground. There is a slight bulge on the head. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is about to turn into a dragon.

The White Snake is an ancient alien species with a high growth limit, so it is not like some snakes that can turn into dragons at the Gold Core level. Although it is not a Flood Dragon, its strength is more terrifying than an ordinary Flood Dragon.

She moved her tail and rolled Song Shi into ice cubes. She did not try to swallow it again because Emperor Qian was always watching.

"White Snake Demon Lord, you must go against me?"

Emperor Qian's face was cold: "Believe it or not, I will go and clear your White Snake Cave tomorrow!"

"The Qianhuang is quite serious. Are you planning to rely on the large number of people to bully our Snake Clan?"

Amidst the insidious laughter, the Black Snake Demon Lord fell next to him, smiling superficially but not smiling at all.

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