What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 267 Advanced Nascent Soul

Not only the mana, but also Song Shi's thoughts. He needs to catch the spirit talisman and leave a mark on Bai Yuer's soul so that he can control it.

"Old ghost in blood clothes, please be merciful. I can swear that I will never be your enemy again."

Bai Yuer begged for mercy.

"What are you talking about? The best thing you can do is not to mess with me."

The light between Song Shi's brows brightened, and his spiritual power turned into another illusory person who flew out. After forming a seal, he shrank to form a ray of light that suddenly shot on Bai Yu'er's head.


The air shook slightly, ripples spread in circles, and then all the runes formed a vortex and quickly merged into Bai Yuer's eyebrows.

In the latter's spiritual world, Song Shi stepped in wearing clothes composed of purple and black runes.

In front of him was a world of ice and snow, just like the one that appeared when Bai Yu'er invaded his spiritual world. In the center of the snowflakes, a white snake was struggling.

Powerful spiritual fluctuations spread like a violent storm, but unfortunately the runes were more powerful, and the gangrene that attached to the bones invaded Bai Yuer's Primordial Spirit.

"After all, raising Primordial Spirit in the physical body is worse than raising Primordial Spirit in Nascent Soul. Don't tell me that you have lost a wisp of Spirit Partitioning by me."

Song Shi said something and pointed out, which became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the thoughts suddenly penetrated the Primordial Spirit and went deep into it.

Outside, Bai Yuer's snake body instantly collapsed to the ground, leaving only instinctive twitching and her eyes becoming dull and lifeless.

A unique connection is established between the two parties. As long as Song Shi is willing, he can make Bai Yuer suffer extreme pain and even die with a single thought.

This kind of pain is still at the soul level. Unless Bai Yu'er is strong enough to break free from the power of the runes, she can only be at his mercy, even if she wants to die.

Song Shi opened her eyes, and at the same time, a purple talisman appeared on Bai Yuer's head, which gradually dimmed in the light.

After all, Bai Yuer's cultivation level was high and her physical body was strong. Even though she was tortured by the spirit-controlling talisman for a while, she still woke up quickly at this moment.

Her eyes regained their vitality, and she looked at Song Shi with complicated eyes, and said reluctantly: "I should have committed suicide decisively, and now I will be your slave for the rest of my life."

"Not a slave, a pet."

Song Shi shook his head: "Pets are treated well, even better than some people."

"It's still a shame!"

Bai Yu'er gritted her teeth, but she didn't dare to scold Song Shi. The runes that invaded her Primordial Spirit were weird and she was not allowed to have any disobedient thoughts.

"What if you have a chance to become an immortal in the future?"

Song Shi asked: "Do you feel that the future is bright?"

Bai Yu'er returned to her human form, facing each other naked, with the whites of her eyes exposed: "With your ability to cause trouble, I may not survive that day."

Song Shi smiled awkwardly: "You slept with me to death again and again. I have learned my lesson. From now on, I will keep a low profile and be as obscene and developed as possible."

"You know there's a saying that states are easy to change, but nature is hard to change."

Bai Yu'er didn't believe it.

"I am very cautious by nature, but I was impetuous and lost my true intention."

Song Shi shook his head with emotion.

He has lived in the Song family for more than ten years, so naturally he will not be as arrogant as he is now. Otherwise, with the situation where he is targeted by the eldest brother, he will have to die several times before he can reach adulthood.

Well, if he was killed by the big house back then, he could have awakened the system earlier, but it's a pity that he didn't know that he was dead.

With some emotion, Song Shi ordered: "Stop talking nonsense, come over and help me practice."

Bai Yu'er's eyebrows flashed with purple runes, showing a look of pain, and finally walked over obediently and cooperated with Song Shi to practice.

The yin and yang diagram emerged. Without Bai Yu'er forcefully seizing the power, according to the strength, the fused power was 19 points.

"One more percent."

Song Shi ordered, and he was immediately given more power. The abundant spiritual power was absorbed and refined by him, and used to breed the Nascent Soul.

In Dantian, the flame-burning Gold Core begins to change. It is not only the ultimate nine-yang mana, but also begins to have the origin of yin attributes.

It happened that he awakened the water spirit root, and this yin attribute source continued to grow and merged with the nine yang mana.

The Gold Core quickly spun, and soon the Gold Core cracked open and began to melt, forming an energy vortex similar to a yin and yang diagram.

In the center, Song Shi's thoughts merged into it, and the Gold Core began to change, turning into a little person in an instant, looking exactly like Song Shi, but completely scaled down.

This is Song Shi's Nascent Soul, which is no more than three inches tall and is surrounded by fire dragons and water snakes.

He opened his mouth and sucked in, and the power of Gold Core was quickly swallowed up, and his size grew rapidly, from three inches to half a foot.

Next to the Nascent Soul, there are nine fireballs burning, which are nine small Gold Cores. In the future, nine more Gold Cores can be formed to bless the Nascent Soul.

In the palace, Song Shi's aura surged, and the released aura made Bai Yu'er feel pressured.

A golden Nascent Soul emerged from Song Shi's forehead, his eyes were full of spirituality, and he said with a smile: "This was made by the two of us."

"Congratulations on your breakthrough."

Bai Yu'er said complicatedly.

"There is nothing to be happy about. This realm is not difficult for me."

Song Shi's Nascent Soul takes a step, disappears from above the head, and appears in the corner of the palace in an instant. This is true teleportation.

"As a result of my thoughts, Nascent Soul can arrive quickly, and the space becomes much clearer to me. Sure enough, Nascent Soul is the shortcut to comprehend the Great Dao of heaven and earth."

Song Shi smiled and twisted the Nascent Soul to look at it: "It's actually a special Gold Core that can walk flexibly. It's still relatively fragile and can't stay outside for too long."

After experiencing the Nascent Soul situation for a while, Song Shi's Nascent Soul became a little dim and returned to the body in a flash.

Then a terrifying devouring force erupted from his body, like a bottomless pit, wildly devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and half of the power condensed by the two cultivations was directly sucked away.

Song Shi's realm quickly consolidated, his mana began to skyrocket, his body and soul transformed, and his energy and spirit reached a new level.

"The breakthrough was so smooth. It's really not an ordinary person."

Bai Yu'er sighed secretly, the other party was so powerful, it was even harder to get rid of control now.


Outside, the weather changed, and dark clouds began to gather in the sky.

The power of Song Shi's breakthrough is still the power that stirs the world, forming a new realm of Thunder Tribulation.

Theoretically, he has to go through the baptism of Thunder Tribulation before Song can fully enter the realm of Nascent Soul.

"I'm going out to survive the disaster."

Song Shi got up, directly controlled the underground palace, opened a portal, and easily came outside.

His soaring power was like an unquiet whirlpool, stirring the power of heaven and earth. The Thunder Tribulation became more ferocious, and large swaths of thunder flickered in the black clouds.


The thunder dragon, which was ten times more terrifying than Gold Core, fell from the sky and struck Song Shi hard, knocking him staggering.

"Nummy, quite comfortable."

Song Shi commented, before he could utter a word, the sky and the earth lit up, and a bigger thunder was coming in the blink of an eye.

There was a loud noise and Song Shi was knocked to the ground.

The thunder dragon, which was ten times more terrifying than Gold Core, fell from the sky and struck Song Shi hard, knocking him staggering.

"Nummy, quite comfortable."

Song Shi commented, and was later criticized by the thicker Thunder

Song Shi

The thunder dragon, which was ten times more terrifying than Gold Core, fell from the sky and struck Song Shi hard, knocking him staggering.

"Nummy, quite comfortable."

Song Shi commented, and was later criticized by the thicker Thunder

Song Shi

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