What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 270 You Have To Be Good And Cheap

The guy from the White Snake tribe hiding next to him was a little dumbfounded.

"This human seems to be Nascent Soul. He was in Transcending Tribulation half a month ago."

"It's so amazing that I can actually fight against the old black monster."

"Why didn't the ancestor come out? Is there something wrong?"

A group of snake monsters were a little dumbfounded and didn't know what to do for a while.

Song Shi, who was entangled to death, took advantage of the pressure to fuse the power of his whole body. The origin of the golden Divine Body boiled under the drive of the Yin and Yang Chapter of the Immortal Golden Body, forming a mysterious yin and yang diagram.

The power of the black old monster's terrifying entanglement was removed a lot during the flow of yin and yang, and the time Song Shi could persist was greatly extended.

What left the old monster Hei most speechless was that under his oppression, this person's skill level was obviously improving, and the flow of the Yin-Yang diagram became more and more rounded.

"Let me help you practice!"

The black old monster was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Is there a problem? You bit me if you don't like it."

Song Shi pushed the sword energy above his head to the limit. If the black old monster dared to speak, he would definitely be dripping with blood.

"Do you really think that I can't do anything to you?"

The old black monster had gloomy eyes.

"Please use it and let me see it."

Song means provocation.

The old black monster who was originally planning to wait for his clansmen to come over to deal with Song Shi was so stimulated that he simply didn't bother to wait any longer and growled: "Let you have a taste of my wild divine power!"

A wild aura emerged from his body, like a wild beast resurrecting. The old black monster's body expanded, his physical power surged, and his stalking power more than doubled.

Song Shi's body-protecting aura immediately began to deform, the sword energy was shattered, the flame was extinguished, the Yin-Yang diagram continued to twist, and after a moment, it was directly pressed back into the body.

Song Shi's body was touched by the snake's body, and a cold and violent aura came in, making him feel a little chilly.


The sound of breaking sounded, and Song Shi's face changed slightly. This old guy must be really powerful.

"Human, I have the bloodline of the wild beast Black Water Black Snake, how can I compare with my body?"

The old monster Hei looked at Song Shi whose bones were beginning to break and sneered with a proud look on his face.

"You should think about it, I'm still in the Nascent Soul realm, wait until I get to Soul Formation, haha."

Song Shi's words pierced the heart of the old black man who had just been proud and barely breathed.

He became angry, "Then you must be able to break through to Soul Formation alive?!"

The wild power exploded, and amidst a burst of rapid crackling and shattering sounds, Song Shi was directly deformed and became unrecognizable.

He sprayed out the rotten poison in one breath, not targeting the physical body, but covering Song Shi's Nascent Soul, causing her to die miserably.

"Hoo ho!"

The old black monster stuck out his tongue and gasped for air.

Using the power of blood was very expensive, and he was very tired.

"Don't resurrect me, don't resurrect me!"

Looking at Song Shi's broken body, the old monster couldn't help but mutter, and the next moment, his pupils shrank.

"Ah, why the hell do you want to be resurrected again!"

He was so angry that he cursed because Song Shi's body turned into a burst of light and disappeared, then appeared intact in the same place.

Song Shi heard the scolding echoing and looked helpless: "I don't want to either."

The old black monster was so angry that he almost vomited blood because he looked like he didn't deserve a beating. Why don't you want to beat me after working hard for a while?

He pointed at Song Shi, his fingers trembling: "It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable."

"Who said that? The gift of fate has already been marked with a price. Do you know how much fear of death I have to bear? Do you know how lonely I am destined to be in the future?"

Song Shi sighed with a look on his face, and the old black monster was dumbfounded.

This person still wants to be shameless and do things that no one else would dare to think about, but in the end, this guy has to be cheap and behave?

He laughed angrily: "You don't want it, but I do. Are you willing to give it to me?"


Song Shi shook his head and hooked his hand: "Come again, don't get involved this time, it will be more comfortable if you go head-on."

The black old monster stared at Song Shi and did not move.

On the surface, he was killing the opponent just now, but in the blink of an eye he was alive and kicking.

The key is to use all your strength to suppress this guy now. If the opponent breaks through to Soul Formation in the future, why not beat him?

Not to mention Soul Formation, if he just improves to a small level, he probably won't be an opponent.

Thinking of this, the black old monster couldn't help but feel irritable. This person was difficult to kill before, but now he is so strong, how can he still play?

"No wonder Bai Yu'er didn't come out, I'm afraid it's going to be bad."

Feeling uneasy in his heart, he transformed into a human form in a burst of black energy, with a cunning look in his eyes, and squeezed out a smile: "Ahem, you see we all misunderstood. I only dealt with you to help Fairy White at first, no. If we don’t know each other, how about making friends?”

As a snake, he is naturally flexible and flexible. After realizing that Song Shi was not easy to mess with, he decisively changed his attitude and tried to save her.

"But you killed me many times."

Song Shi smiled, this old monster was quite cautious, and immediately changed his face when he saw that there was no benefit.

"You are not dead, and there is no loss to you."

The old black monster thought that his enemies, whether human or demon, seemed to have no good end, and he was even more unwilling to continue.

"How come there's no loss?"

Song Shi chuckled: "You can't just go through with it so perfunctorily."

"Don't go too far, I don't want to fight with you anymore."

The old black monster is afraid. If this person continues to be like this, he will be killed by all the energy.

"It doesn't matter what you say."

Song Shi slapped his waist, and a blood-colored Flood Dragon flew out with a roar, and a golden dragon gun appeared in his hand. Both Spirit Weapons were activated with most of their power in an instant, and they attacked the old black monster at the same time.

"When is the time to retaliate? I won't waste my time with you."

As soon as the black old monster saw Song Shi's Spirit Weapon, he turned around and left.

When he took this guy as a prisoner before, no Spirit Weapon was found, which meant that the place where the Spirit Weapon was hidden was beyond his ability to detect.

He is not even qualified to find out, which means he has not found out the other party's background. The other party has already forced him out by various means.

In this way, even if the fight continues, he will have a greater chance of losing.

"If your guess is correct, she should have suffered a big loss and was captured by you."

The old monster Hei was determined, a black river blocked in front of him, violently collided with the blood dragon's spear, and he continued to retreat.

"Old monsters are just old monsters, smarter than humans."

Song Shi's spear was like a savior, breaking through the black river that was transformed into bones, rotting poison, and poison. The fire expanded rapidly in the black river and stabbed the old monster unstoppably.


The two sides collided, and with the help of Spirit Weapon, the gap in realm was bridged. The black old monster no longer had any advantage.

Realizing that Song Shi was not letting him go, Old Monster Hei had a sullen face and was in a dilemma.

Now that Monster Race is watching, if he is scared away by a human race, he may become a joke in the entire Beast World.


Whoosh whoosh!

Snake demons with cold and dark auras appeared one after another, looking at the battle scene in surprise and confusion.

They were reinforcements that were called over. They thought the ancestor was fighting with the White Snake Demon Lord, but they found out that they were a human race.

Isn't this the lair of their Snake Clan? Why would a human race run wild here?

The old monster Hei was embarrassed. Originally, he was planning to retreat, but now that his clan members are coming, he has the nerve to retreat directly.

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