What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 279 Bai Xiaoqin Was Arrested

"I'm leaving. See you later."

Song Shi turned around, appeared at the entrance and exit with one step, and disappeared with another step.

Bai Yu'er followed closely, leaving Old Monster Hei alone.

Lu Youyou was still staring blankly at the position where Song Shi left. Song Shi's back was still in front of her eyes, and she felt particularly melancholy.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other again for the rest of our lives."

She murmured to herself: "So what if we meet again? How can I be in his eyes like this?"

Lu Jiu could only sigh when he heard his daughter's words.

Outside the ghost pit, a shadow instantly appeared in the air, followed by a white man behind him.

"Have the Qianlong Army and the Demon Slayer Department left? That's not bad."

Song Shi scanned around and didn't see any more ambush. It was probably the Qianlong Army and the Demon Slayer who saw that he was not easy to mess with and chose to retreat.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Bai Yu'er came over and hugged Song Shi's arm, looking like a little bird.

Song Shi hugged Snake's waist, opened a folding fan and waved: "Go to my wife Bai Xiaoqin."

The latter was shocked: "Young Master is already married?"

"I'm so old, shouldn't I get married?"

Song Shi asked rhetorically.

"It's Yu'er who talks too much. An outstanding person like the Young Master should not only get married, but also get as many as possible."

Bai Yuer hurriedly changed her tune.

"Let's go and search somewhere."

Song Shi took out a flying boat, got on it and flew to the nearest human city.

"Young master, you must have been able to fight for more than half a year. Yu'er will serve you and relax for a while."

Bai Yuer leaned against Song Shi with a smile and began to undress and take off her belt.

Half a day later, Song Shi and Bai Yu'er entered the state capital of Youzhou.

Located in a bitter cold land, many people in Youzhou practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies, and their style is completely different from that of wealthy Jinzhou.

On the vast land, strong and powerful men can be seen everywhere.

These people usually wield swords and guns, and fight for favors.

Bai Yu'er's fairy aura is full of enchantment, with a unique temperament, charming appearance, and a stubbornness that captivates the country and a smile that captivates the city. Along the way, many hot-blooded men lost their souls, but no one dared to act recklessly.

Because anyone who dares to mess around will die.

Song Shi stopped in front of a market. It seemed to be a flower and plant market, but there were not many people buying and selling flowers and plants. They just sat and talked among the beautiful flowers and plants.

"Does the young master want to use Huajianfang's channels to find sister Xiaoqin?"

Bai Yu'er said charmingly: "Actually, I can ask the children in the clan to collect information."

"People are the ones who understand people best. Their business skills are very good. After all, they can track my existence."

Song Shihehe, strode over.

Pairs of people looked over, but no one came to greet the guests.

Song Shi picked a peach blossom and put it on Bai Yu'er's head, "This year, in this door, the peach blossoms on the faces reflect each other's red."

Bai Yu'er's face became even more rosy, she covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Young Master is really sentimental."

"It's a pity that this is not a place for romance. There are ears and eyes everywhere."

Song Shi caressed Bai Yuer's smooth and delicate face, indicating something.

"The shelves in Huajianfang are not small. Knowing that the young master is coming, you still dare to hang them on purpose."

Bai Yu'er glanced at something coldly.

As an intelligence agency, Huajianfang could not know her, who rarely walked in the world, and it was absolutely impossible not to know a celebrity like her son.

If it wasn't so much intentional then it was intentional.

"Since they won't come out, there's no need to come out. Let's destroy them all."

Song Shi retracted her hand to make room for Bai Yu'er.

"Your Excellency, you are being too domineering. Our business at Huajianfang is just too good and we can't spare any manpower to entertain us for a while. Your Excellency, you want to destroy us for this trivial matter?"

A middle-aged man in flashy clothes with oily hair and pink face walked out, looking dissatisfied.

Although he is only a monk, he is very confident in his own territory.

Besides, he had some doubts that the old ghost in blood clothes in front of him was not really the old ghost in blood clothes. After all, Huajianfang and the old ghost in blood clothes didn't have a good relationship, so logically he wouldn't come looking for them.

Song Shi wonders where this guy's confidence comes from. Is the reputation he has gained these days not loud enough or fierce enough?

He asked back: "If it's very easy to kill you, do you think I need to care?"

"Who are you and what are you doing to cause trouble?"

The latter is the owner of the branch here. He kneads his hands behind his back, and the nearby flowers and plants bloom, forming a circle of special formation power.

There are monks guarding him in the dark, and if necessary, they will take action immediately.

"I'm looking for a ghost."

Song Shi didn't seem to notice the latter's little move, "I found it. I won't hold you accountable for selling my information."

"Looking for ghosts? Are you playing tricks on us?"

The head of the branch couldn't help but laugh and decided that Song Shi was here to cause trouble.

"I am now a member of the Demon Cult and cannot speak properly..."

Reminding herself that there is no need to be reasonable, Song Shi waved her hand: "Forget it, just use force. Yu'er will be dealt with by you. I just want the results."

"Don't worry, young master, Yu'er is very good at making people obey."

Bai Yu'er smiled. The temperature nearby suddenly dropped. A light flashed in her eyes, and the branch owner froze in place.

A layer of frost appeared all over his body, and the light in his eyes disappeared, and he was forcibly controlled by Bai Yu'er.

"I'm looking for a ghost named Bai Xiaoqin from the Tiangui Sect. She disappeared when the Tiangui Sect was besieged..."

Bai Yuer told some information. As long as Huajianlou contains information related to Bai Xiaoqin, there is a chance to find the approximate location.

Song Shi took out tea leaves to make water and drank it leisurely. It felt comfortable to walk with a powerful subordinate. It was so comfortable to not have to do such things by oneself. "

The master of the branch said blankly: "I have paid attention to her. She is quite special. The Qianlong Army and the Demon Slayer Division are all looking for her."

Song Shi looked up: "For what?"

"It's Bai Xiaoqin's treasure, and it's also related to the old ghost in blood."

The branch owner revealed some secrets.

Song Shi was stunned: "Have you found her location?"

"I heard that he has been captured by people from the Demon Slayer Division. Not long ago, a special Law Treasure was also seized."

The branch master's words were shocking, which made Song Shi, who was drinking tea, frown. The special Law Treasure was probably a war puppet. He didn't expect to be caught so soon. He stood up and said, "How long did it take?"

"Half a month ago."

Song Shi felt some urgency. The word "grab" was used to describe this guy. It was probably a real grip. Bai Xiaoqin was not out of his wits yet.

"It took too long. I should have asked you to find her secretly earlier."

Song Shi was a little regretful. He thought that Bai Xiaoqin was protected by the war puppets. As long as he was careful, it was not difficult to protect himself. He didn't expect that he would be caught.

"Where was she taken?"

Song Shi decided to take another trip.

"Imperial City."

Hearing the return, Bai Yu'er felt that it was going too well and said: "Sir, are you going to the Demon Slayer Division? This may be their trap."

"The trap is better. I just hope she is okay. This is my wife."

Song Shi didn't care at all and was about to leave when a group of people came over and one of them caught his attention.

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