What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 281 Please Lead The Way

"A bit weak."

Song Shi was still unfinished, looking at Jin Guang who was beaten into a pulp: "I haven't even tried my best."

Huang Heyu: "..."

She quickly smiled and said: "Young Master is still so interesting."

"Why did you come to Youzhou?"

Song Shi asked casually.

"To be honest, Heyu occasionally collects some intelligence. The clan needs to understand the situation in the human kingdom."

Huang Heyu thought about it for a moment, and then said his purpose: "I didn't expect to be targeted by the Demon Slayer. Logically speaking, they should pay attention to the Demon Cult monks."

"There are no demonic forces in Youzhou that can threaten Daqian. Their control is stronger than before. You are not allowed to explore the information at will."

Song Shi told some situations. In the past, the Tiangui Sect existed in Youzhou, and even when the Great Qian Dynasty was at its peak, its right to speak was limited, but now it is the other way around.

Huang Heyu was thoughtful, bowed and saluted: "I understand, thank you sir for reminding me."

Song Shi looked at this young woman who once amazed him, and found that she no longer had the same flavor as before. Is it because she has grown up, or has she seen too many stunning beauties?

He smiled and raised his finger: "You allowed me to benefit from Huangliang Yimeng, and I will give you something today."

The crystal fingers glowed with light, and runes condensed between the outlines to form a silver talisman.

"Open your hands."

Song Shi grabbed Huang Heyu's palm.

The latter opened it obediently, revealing the white and smooth palms.

When the song is a little bit, the silver talisman shines brightly, and is imprinted on the palm of Huang Heyu's hand.

"This is a space moving talisman. You can use it once when you are in danger. Don't be like this time when you almost got it."

Huang Heyu was surprised when he heard this. This moving talisman must be too precious.

She looked up and was about to speak, but found that Song Shi was gone.

"There's no need to say thank you. I didn't say thank you to you many times before."

Song Shi's voice echoed leisurely: "Oh, there is a pill that I can't use. I'll give it to you by the way."

A gust of wind blew by, Huang Heyu looked down at the palm of his hand, and there was a jade bottle floating on the rune that began to fade.

She stared blankly, and after a moment, she showed a happy smile that made the whole world eclipse.

"The good deeds sown yesterday are bearing good fruits today. It's great."

After sweeping away the gloom, Huang Heyu left with a relaxed expression.

After she left, the void fluctuated and Bai Yu'er appeared.

"What a lucky guy."

She hadn't appeared just now, just so that the young master could get along with her alone.

"Formulating good causes and obtaining good results is her way."

Song Shi walked out, but he didn't leave, he just didn't want Huang Heyu to refuse what he gave.

"I, Monster Race, do have some naive guys who believe in the way we humans do good, but unfortunately it's more about repaying evil with kindness."

Bai Yu'er didn't agree.

"Everyone has their own way."

Song Shi looked at the golden True Monarch: "If you go the wrong way, you will probably die. Those who carry it over will have a chance to become immortals and gods."

Bai Yu'er nodded, there is no prosperous road in this world, it is all a road of thorns, and it is impossible to become an immortal or a god casually.

She saw that Song Shi had no intention of leaving: "Master, aren't you leaving?"

"Why go? I was originally going to find the Demon Slayer Division. Since I met one, let's wait for the second one to come over."

Song Shi folded his arms and waited quietly for a while. As expected, a group of people flew in from a distance. They were fierce and fierce, and they were not easy to mess with at first glance.

"Who dares to kill me, the deputy director of the Demon Slayer Department!"

Before the person arrived, a question came first. Then the person who came saw Song Shi and felt familiar for the first time.

When Song Shi turned around, True Monarch was so frightened that he stopped hastily and said angrily: "The old ghost in blood is you!"

"We meet again so soon."

Song Shi smiled and looked like she was greeting an old friend.

True Monarch frowned and glanced at Bai Yu'er, who was silent, and said secretly: "The enemy's strength exceeds the plan, retreat first."

The last time he suffered a loss at the hands of this person, he didn't even care whether the golden True Monarch was alive or dead, and decided to avoid it without hesitation.

"Why are you running away? I have something to do with you."

Song Shi Shrink the Earth to an Inch appeared on their retreat: "The Demon Slayer Department and the Demon Slayer Department are side by side. I guess you are familiar with each other. I need you to lead the way."

True Monarch speeded up the process without saying a word.

This guy was definitely not joking with him. If he didn't leave, there was no telling what would happen.

"This True Monarch needs to calm down."

Song Shi said lightly to Bai Yu'er.

The latter understood, smiled sweetly, and snowflakes floated out of thin air in the sky. One after another, the snowflakes fell on True Monarch and the others, erupting with terrifying ice power.


The men who followed the demon slayer True Monarch only had time to exclaim before they quickly turned into popsicles.

The demon-killing True Monarch was covered in frost and couldn't help but tremble: "You...you are really the White Snake Demon Lord, and you still listen to his orders?"

Compared with Bai Yuer's identity, True Monarch was even more shocked that the Great Monster would obey the orders of the old ghost in blood.

With a shocked expression, he was frozen by Bai Yu'er and fell to the ground, making a crater.

Bai Yu'er did not kill him, and the body of the Nascent Soul monk was considered strong and was not broken into pieces.

Song Shi walked to the side and said with a smile: "True Monarch, right? Let me ask you something. Did the Demon Slayer Division capture a ghost named Bai Xiaoqin?"

The latter was partially thawed, hesitated for a moment, and said honestly: "That's what happened. I heard that she is your maid, but I didn't expect you to care so much."

"Come on, take me there. If something happens to her, you don't have to live."

Song Shi looked indifferent, with no idea.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can say anything."

True Monarch nodded.

"I have no interest in killing you unless you are looking for death."

Song Shi took out the flying boat: "Fly directly to the imperial city. By the way, where is Bai Xiaoqin being held?"

"She was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison in the Imperial City, which is under the jurisdiction of the Earth Dragon among the eight Heavenly Dragons."

True Monarch hesitated and told the location.

Bai Yu'er's face changed: "Sir, Yu'er advises you not to go. Daqian Prison is very scary, and it's difficult to get out of the Soul Formation. I guess they just want to wait for you to enter the urn."

"Oh, then I want to see if it is as powerful as the legend."

Song Shi laughed and didn't care.

"We should still take him with us. The imperial city is so big and we are too lazy to run around. Let's go straight to the prison."

True Monarch was a little creepy when he saw Song Shi's smile.

This person went to the Imperial City's Heavenly Prison. Wouldn't he pierce all the Heavenly Prisons and overthrow the entire Imperial City?

No...probably not...

He felt uneasy.


The flying boat flies away.

Above the white clouds, the sky is clear.

Song Shi was sitting on the head of the boat practicing, with a bright light surrounding his body.

These sunlights continued to condense and soon burned, and wisps of golden flames appeared, which were the true fire of the sun.

Song Shi has a strong physical body, pure Yang constitution, and special skills. He can practice directly in the sun and condense the true fire of the sun.

As one of the most domineering forces in the world, the more Song Shi absorbs and refines the true fire of the sun, the more powerful his magic will be, and the power of the Nine Yang Divine Body will be more terrifying, allowing him to go further.

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