What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 29 Big-Headed Ghost, Using Magic To Fight Magic

"The young master who has received an education is truly different. I can't speak such words like Old Liu does."

Da Congming praised, carefully hiding the treasure in his arms, when suddenly his pupils contracted.

On the window across from him, he saw a pale face.

"Who is it!"

He threw the firewood in his hand directly, but the pale face disappeared instantly, the firewood hit nothing and fell outside with a loud clang.

"Could it be another ghost!"

Da Congming's scalp tingled.

Song Shi turned around and looked, there was nothing, his expression calm.

As someone who had been killed ten times by the Red-clothed Ghost, he was no longer afraid of such things.

"Let's ignore it and eat our food."

Song Shi scooped up the specially cooked braised meat with a spoon and took a bite of a pig's trotter, not caring at all if there was anything outside.

Da Congming made the fire burn brighter, feeling much more settled by the warmth, and then picked up a braised chicken to eat.

"Young master, want some wine?"


The two of them sat around the stove, cooking meat and eating, drinking heavily.

After eating more than ten catties, Da Congming couldn't eat anymore, and in the end, Song Shi finished the whole pot of soup before patting his stomach. "You go to the yamen to sleep and see how many people are still alive."

"Young master, aren't you going?"

Da Congming looked outside and his expression became wary. "It's already very unsafe here."

"I have the Law Treasure protecting me, it's fine. It would be better if the enemy attacks, that way I can know their situation."

Song Shi said calmly, "I forgot to tell you, I'm cooperating with the Demon-slaying Division, helping them lure out the enemy. If you stay here, the enemy might not come out easily."

"No wonder, I was wondering why Sikong Ya was willing to let me leave."

Da Congming suddenly realized that he had been successfully deceived by Song Shi.

"I'll see you off."

Song Shi escorted Da Congming to the crowded street before returning alone.

The once luxurious Song Mansion was now quiet, with the sounds of insects and birds completely gone.

The autumn wind swept up fallen leaves, making a hissing sound, as if an evil ghost was lightly scratching the ground with its nails.

Suddenly, Song Shi felt someone behind him.

He turned his head to look, but there was nothing empty.

But in that instant, a snow-white face hung upside down in front of him, giving off a creepy smile.

The head to which the face belonged was strangely large, with no nose or body, as if it had been cut off with a single knife, and blood was dripping.

The sudden change frightened Song Shi, and he instinctively took a step back.


The latter chuckled evilly, opening its blood-filled mouth, revealing sharp teeth, and the mouth stretched all the way to the root of the mouth, unnaturally enlarging.

"You have bad breath, it's disgusting!"

Song Shi cursed, and the iron ring big knife he had been practicing with during the day was unsheathed with a clang, but before he could strike.


Because they were too close, his head was bitten off by the big mouth.

Blood splattered, and he instantly became a headless corpse spraying blood.

"Ding, you have been decapitated by the Yin Spirit Big Head Ghost, Fire Spirit Power +2!"

"You draw strength from death and gain a Free Attribute Point3!"

"You will resurrect in three seconds!"

"No resurrection point set, default resurrection in place!"

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by a new target, meeting the incentive conditions. If you eliminate the target that caused your death within the specified time, you will have a chance to draw a prize."


Song Shi's headless body fell to the ground, staining the ground red with blood.

The Big Head Ghost laughed triumphantly, its sharp teeth clacking, but before it could digest, the head in its mouth suddenly disappeared.

The blood on the ground also disappeared, and with a flash of light, Song Shi's head appeared, lying intact on the ground.

In the moment of resurrection, Song Shi continued the unfinished strike, jumping up from the ground and delivering a vertical chop.

The Big Head Ghost looked at Song Shi in astonishment, and as it was about to be struck by the knife, its body suddenly became illusory.

Song Shi's knife struck nothing but cut through a small tree behind it.

"What, physical attacks are ineffective!"

Song Shi was shocked.

If physical attacks are ineffective, then ordinary people and even Martial Artists would have a hard time dealing with this thing.


In a ghostly scream, the Big Head Ghost appeared out of thin air in front of Song Shi.


Just like a gate knife, Song Shi's head was easily bitten off, meeting the same fate.

"Ding, you have been decapitated by the Yin Spirit Big Head Ghost, Fire Spirit Power +2!"

"You draw strength from death and gain a Free Attribute Point +2!"


After dying twice in a row, Song Shi's spiritual power reached twenty-two points, already reaching the third level of Qi Refining.

The spiritual power within his body advanced to another level.

The Big Head Ghost looked at Song Shi in astonishment, not understanding why this person couldn't be killed.


In the sound of the collision of iron rings, the blade gleamed brightly.

This was the strike of Song Shi, who had been resurrected, continuing to attack the Big Head Ghost.

"Since physical attacks can be avoided by you, then I will use magic to deal with magic!"

Amidst the flickering blade, Song Shi decisively used his Fire Spirit Power.

The scorching fire attribute spiritual energy was mobilized by Song Shi's thoughts, surging out from his dantian, flowing along his meridians, and injecting into the iron ring knife in his hand.

The Big Head Ghost was attacked and, using a similar method, grinned and suddenly blurred its head.

At this moment, Song Shi's blade lit up, the red fire spirit power making the blade heat up, and a masculine force permeated the air!

With a hissing sound, the big knife struck something, and a miserable scream sounded in the darkness.

"This guy is an energy body. Indeed, energy must be used to deal with energy, and yang must overcome yin!"

Song Shi's gaze was sharp as he glanced at the red-hot big knife, which now had an additional layer of black airflow that was rapidly evaporating.

In front of him, the Big Head Ghost was nowhere to be seen.

"The system didn't give a prompt, so it definitely didn't die!"

Song Shi felt a sense of vigilance and realized that he was enveloped in a black mist, losing contact with the outside world.

He couldn't help but think of when he was targeted by the female ghost before, it was the same feeling. This was probably a special ability of ghosts and monsters.

At this moment, there was a faint movement behind him, and he swung his knife backhand.

The black shadow flashed, and nothing was hit, but Song Shi felt a pain in the back of his head. Half of his head was directly bitten off, and brain matter flew out.

He died again...

Reality is so cruel. Without enough strength, facing this kind of ghost and monster, an ordinary person is just a dead end.

Not to mention Song Shi, a novice, even a clever person encountering this thing would have little chance of survival.

"Ding, you have been killed by the Yin Spirit Big Head Ghost, Fire Spirit Power +2!"

"You draw strength from death and gain a Free Attribute Point +1!"

In the familiar prompt, Song Shi returned to his original state and took the opportunity to strike the Big Head Ghost, but the damage was still limited.

Song Shi's face darkened. From the effect of his attack and the system rewards, this thing was definitely on par with an Innate, even stronger than the water monster in the reed marsh.

Because this thing was very agile and could also evade physical attacks, even a peak Martial Artist would probably be in a dead end if they encountered it.

"Let's fight it a bit first. If I can't kill it after dying ten times, then I'll run!"

Song Shi made up his mind and opened the system panel to take a look.

Race: Human

Spirit: 28.1

Physique: 40.5

Comprehension: 22.4

Talents: Fire Spirit Root, Innate Divine Power, Clear Dao Heart, Indestructible Vajra Body

Abilities: Iron Sand Palm (Entry-level), Prajna Gong (Entry-level), Refining Yang Technique (Third level)

Energy: Fire Spirit Power 24, True Qi 4

Free Attribute Points: 25

Lottery Chances: 0

"I died three times just now, and the deaths were miserable. There was no increase in physique, which means this thing's attacks are not purely physical."

Song Shi pondered, realizing that these three deaths had increased his Fire Spirit Power by a total of 6 points and his Free Attribute Points by 6 points. Now he had 25 Free Attribute Points.

"Since physical attacks are ineffective and I can't react as quickly as you, this time I'll allocate all my points to Spirit!"

Song Shi's eyes turned cold as he allocated all his Free Attribute Points to Spirit.

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