What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 298 Half Demon And Half Human

Bai Yu'er regained her momentum, and the lady and others were finally able to vent their anger. They were all sweating profusely and a little exhausted.

When the noble lady heard Song Shi's question, she said with reluctance: "Humph, you're a bastard. Where can I have a father?"

This further confirmed what Song Shi was thinking. He said nothing more and looked at the girl's pure eyes, "Let's go out first. Yu'er, please ask clearly the ins and outs of their disappearance."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand and disappeared instantly with two women and a baby girl.

Such a superb scene made the lady's eyes widen: "It turns out that this young man is a master. It's so perfect."

She is also a monk, and she can see that Song Shi's strength is definitely not simple.

Bai Yu'er turned around and looked over. Everyone felt that a pair of huge snake eyes appeared, and they fell into psychedelia.

In the elegant room of the restaurant, the purple smoke curls up from the incense burner, bringing with it a peaceful atmosphere.

On the bed, a two- or three-year-old girl curled up and slept soundly. Song Bei covered Yaya with a quilt and tiptoed out of the room.

Looking at Song Shi standing by the railing, she smiled reassuringly. Among her brothers, she liked the seventh brother the most, but he was rarely together.

"Why doesn't she go to Changsun's house?"

Song Shi spoke.

"She went, but was crushed out because she was not carrying a boy."

Song Bei sighed.

Preferring boys over girls...

Song Shi sarcastically said: "It also shows that King Fengxian doesn't care much about this playboy. No wonder he was sent to Jinzhou back then."

"Well, I heard from my father that King Fengxian had more than thirty sons. The mother of Changsunji is dead and no one can speak. In addition, Yaya is a girl. The second sister was kicked out when she went there. She doesn't admit this at all. child."

Song Bei smiled bitterly, his immature face showing the complexity of an adult. It was obvious that he had experienced all kinds of worldly experiences over the years.

"He didn't find another man?" Song Shi was curious. With Song Jia's conditions, it shouldn't be difficult to find a man to take over.

"I looked for them, but I had no luck. They all died in the conflict between Jinzhou and the Demon Cult."


Song Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "She has really good eyesight, but you, she wanted to feed you to evil spirits at the beginning. Don't you hate her and help her take care of the child?"

"I don't hate it. Beibei was the most useless at that time. If eaten by evil spirits, it would keep you guys alive, and Beibei would be very happy in hell."

Song Bei's eyes were shining and he spoke seriously.

"What a silly boy."

Song Shi patted Song Bei's head helplessly: "You have the same personality as your mother, you are submissive and take responsibility for yourself when something goes wrong."

Song Bei thought of her mother, "My mother said that a family must understand each other to be harmonious and beautiful."

Song Shi felt that she had been educated by this girl. She was very unhappy with Song Jia, and couldn't stand Song Hai, a guy who caused trouble and did not take responsibility.

He didn't attack Song Bei. This girl had her own ideas, which was a good thing.

"Well said, but people still have to be a little selfish. Not everyone can forgive you."

Song Shi stroked her sister's hair: "Especially you, sometimes people will suffer if they are too kind. Also remember, you are very useful."

"Yeah, thank you, brother."

Song Bei showed a bright smile.

Without saying anything, Song Shi looked outside, thinking about the fragmented Song family. Maybe this girl was the few shining lights of humanity in the Song family.

"Come and watch the sunset with my brother for a while."

Song Shi put her arms around Song Bei's shoulders, and the latter leaned against him obediently, enjoying the rare peace.

After checking Song Bei's situation, I found that this girl has no spiritual roots, but she is practicing martial arts. She has just started. This skill can only be regarded as strengthening her body. She cannot deal with more powerful beasts.

"This girl is too kind, why don't you help her on her path to spiritual practice?"

Song Shi thought in his mind that he had a lot of treasures. Even if Song Bei was practicing martial arts, he could help pile them up.

It's just that the stronger you are, the more complicated things you come into contact with, and without enough experience, it may not be a good thing to improve.

"Husband, I prepared some food. Sister Beibei must be hungry. How about letting her eat some?"

Bai Xiaoqin came over silently and spoke softly.

"It's better that you are careful. I have already inedged. It's okay if I don't eat. Beibei is still growing, so don't worry about it."

Song Shi patted his head and said, "Let's go, Beibei, eat before we talk."

After a while, Song Shi felt a little distressed when she saw Beibei eating and drinking.

I am a well-to-do person, but this sister who has a good relationship with the Song family is suffering here. It is really a contrast.

"Beibei, eat slowly, and more."

Bai Xiaoqin handed over a glass of water and was a little angry: "The Li family doesn't even give you enough food?"

"No, these are too delicious." Song Bei felt a little embarrassed.

Song Shi turned around and walked out of the room, and a white shadow fell next to her.

"How about it?"

"I have inquired clearly. It is Jinzhou who is secretly competing with the Demon Sect. Song Hu was bewitched by a woman from the Demon Sect and left the city without a trace. His father and others who were later traced also never returned."

Bai Yu'er told the information that she didn't know before: "The place of the accident was an abandoned mine outside the city. Now it has become a forbidden area. Most people dare not approach it. People from Jinzhou have always suffered losses after going there several times, so they don't want to go there." Dare to act rashly again."

"I'll go take a look. You'll guard them here."

Song Shi was afraid of some plot against him. After all, in Daqian Imperial City, he revealed part of his identity. At least Princess Wuxi and others knew about his relationship with the Song family.

"Yes, sir, be careful, this is the map of Jinzhou."

Bai Yuer handed over a silk scroll.

"You work very hard."

Song Shi nodded and left with the scroll.

Jinzhou is located in a mountainous area with many mines, hence the name Jinzhou.

The abandoned mine he was going to was hundreds of miles away from the capital of Jinzhou. When he arrived at the mine, it was already dark, and the huge mines among the mountains and rivers looked dark. The mountain wind blew through, and there was a strange sound. The whining sound was like an evil spirit whispering.

Song Shi thought quickly and passed through a part of the mine. He was blocked when he went deep into a part of the mine. It was the power of the formation.

"It's really weird!"

Ripples appeared in the space under his feet, and he landed outside the largest mine in a flash, and walked in calmly.

The faint fishy smell blew out with the wind, Song Shi's eyes lit up, and the darkness in the cave was pierced.


A ball of golden flames emerged, suspended on the body and turned into a circle. Under the light, white bones appeared under the feet.

Song Shi keenly discovered that there were teeth marks on the white bones, as if they had been bitten by wild beasts.


After taking a few steps, the light he released attracted something in the darkness, and a black shadow rushed towards him with its bloody mouth open.

Song Shi thought, and the latter was frozen in mid-air, maintaining a fighting posture.

But Song Shi looked surprised. The person attacking him was not a human or a ferocious beast, but a monster with a body and a bear's head.

The lower body of this monster resembles that of a human, but it is covered in black fur. There is a scar on the bear's head, and half of its face and one ear were cut off, making it look particularly ferocious.

"Half demon, half human?"

Song Shi frowned, Dad and the others wouldn't be dragged into creating such a monster, right?

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