What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 300 Dark Contract

"No, they are monsters or beasts, irrational, and I heard they are failures."

The young man shook his head: "There are many types here based on different bloodlines, and the young man has only heard of them."

"Heavenly Demon Temple has a lot of perverts..."

Song Shi muttered that the Heavenly Demon Temple was playing ghosts, that is, merging with beast souls after death to turn into bull-headed and horse-faced things. Heavenly Demon Temple actually engaged in such a taboo thing, and he became more and more glad that he did not join.

He increased his speed.

Although Dad and the others were captured for a long time, since they might be used as food, he still had to arrive earlier. He didn't want to run over to save people and end up with a pile of excrement.


There was a monster coming along the way, and it was much stronger than the previous ones. It made no difference to Song Shi, and he just pushed past it.

The movement here has been known to the other side. Before Song Shi arrived, many figures fell down and stared at Song Shi coldly.

Among these people, there are many who have animal-like eyes and more or less animal characteristics on their bodies, such as long snakes, animal tails, animal ears, etc.

Unlike the slender monks, these strangers have strange auras, more like beasts than humans.

"Whoever comes, please tell me your name."

There is a strange person with a bad look on his face.

"No need to be rude, this is my new guardian."

A long voice came,


A monk with green light all over his body suddenly fell down, so fast that Song Shi was also surprised.

This man's body skills are so powerful that even he thinks he is not as good as him.

Perhaps in an open space outside, he could compete with Shrink the Earth to an Inch, but his flexibility was still far behind.

This person felt like he was blending into the wind, flowing naturally.

The opponent's cultivation level is also higher than his, reaching the Nascent Soul Late Stage. He is definitely not simple in the Heavenly Demon Temple, and his status is noble.

"Who are you?"

Song Shi said coldly: "I have never seen you."

"The name of Young Master Song of the Immortal True Monarch is resounding throughout Daqian. Even if Mr. Qing has not seen it with his own eyes, he is still like thunder."

The green-glowing figure's magic power converged, revealing his appearance as a man wearing a cyan close-fitting brocade robe.

This man has a slender figure, a short beard, and a handsome appearance. He is completely different from the beastly figures around him. Instead, he looks like a dashing knight.

His words shocked the other aggressive people,

Song Shi's eyes narrowed slightly: "You knew I would come?"

He became wary. If this was really a plot against him, it would be difficult to save people. Even if he was not afraid of death, people could still threaten him.

"I have thought about it, but I didn't expect Protector Song to come so soon."

The man in Tsing Yi smiled, cupped his fists and said, "Let me introduce myself. I am Qing Yu, the protector of Heavenly Demon Temple. I have admired Mr. Song for a long time. When I meet him today, he is far more handsome and transcendent than the rumors say."

Song Shi sneered: "Interesting, I killed your Heavenly Demon Temple protector and seriously injured you. Heavenly Demon Temple's painstaking efforts to save you, Heavenly Demon Saint, still want me to be your protector?"

"Mr. Song, I, Heavenly Demon Temple, only care about ability. Even if you and some people in my sect have enmity, it will not prevent us from cooperating."

Qingyu said with a kind face, "In my opinion, if you can seriously injure Heavenly Demon Saint, your future achievements will be limitless, and may not be inferior to him."

Song Shi sneered: "I'm not interested. I'm just looking for someone today. Are you going to hand him over obediently, or should I take action?"

Seeing Heavenly Demon Temple doing these things with his own eyes, Song Shi didn't want to have more contact with these people, and how could he be willing to do anything to protect the law.

Qingyu put down his hand and said meaningfully: "Who is Mr. Song referring to? There are quite a few of us here."

"You are very good at movement and very fast. You can often tease people in the palm of your hand. Should we try and see if I can kill you?"

Song Shi's eyes were cold.

"I am no match for Mr. Song. Mr. Song is a strong man who can take the leader's blow. His Divine Ability is vast. Qingyu must admit defeat."

Qingyu waved his hand hurriedly: "As for the people Mr. Song is looking for, they are actually very safe. We are just inviting them over as guests."

This weak and threatening statement made Song Shi frown: "What do you want to do? Be more open-minded."

"It would be better for Mr. Song to be our protector, so that he can become one of our own."

Qingyu smiled: "If Mr. Song is really unwilling, we also hope that Mr. Song will not stop me from doing things in Heavenly Demon Temple."

"no problem."

Song Shi readily agreed. He just couldn't stand some of Heavenly Demon Temple's actions. It was not a blood feud. Now that he had the leverage, he could only compromise first.

"There is no proof for what you say, so we have to sign a contract."

Qingyu shook his head: "After all, there are too many people in this world who don't keep their word."


Song Shi has no objection.

Qingyu showed surprise, "The contract I'm talking about is stricter than the oaths I usually make. If you really violate it, your soul will be destroyed."


Song Shi was interested in it and said without changing his expression: "As long as I don't violate the contract, it's just a piece of waste paper."

"It seems that Young Master Song is very confident in himself, but I still suggest that Young Master join us so that the contract can be less restrictive."

Qingyu found that he couldn't see through this man. Did he not know how binding the contract was, or was he really confident?

Song Shi's eyes fluctuated: "What are the benefits?"

"Become a protector. Except for the leader, deputy leader, and protectors at the same level, you can't give orders. Others can give orders. As long as you don't betray our religion, you will be free."

"What, Heavenly Demon doesn't want to kill me, will he still allow me to join?"

Song Shi teased.

"The Demon Saint actually admires Mr. Song very much. He said that no one has been able to hurt him in so many years. He recognizes your ability. Only with his instructions can we dare to invite you."

Qingyu smiled.

"Okay, I'll join. Bring me the contract."

Song Shi readily agreed without any hesitation, leaving everyone present at Heavenly Demon Temple a little confused.

"Okay, Mr. Song is so courageous!"

Qingyu applauded: "A monk who cares about his family like Mr. Song is really rare in our Heavenly Demon Temple. I can set an example for everyone in the future, so that the congregants can learn what filial piety is and what integrity is."

Song Shi pouted, a group of lawless, unscrupulous, sinister and vicious people... Heavenly Demon Temple, who can talk about all kinds of shortcomings, will they learn the etiquette of loyalty and filial piety?

He said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and bring out the contract!"

"It's really comfortable to talk to Brother Song."

With a smile on his face, Qingyu took out a black scroll from his arms. A cold and dark aura filled the air, as if it could swallow up the light. It didn't look like a serious contract at first glance.

He opened the contract, and the surface of the scroll made of unknown material was still black. The entire underground space was so dark that Song Shi felt that the true fire of the sun would be swallowed by the scroll.

"Brother Song, this contract has been signed by one party. We promise not to harm your relatives. Please also write on it with your blood that you will not betray our religion or violate the leader's promise."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Shi cut his finger and golden blood flowed out, which he used as a blood pen to write on the contract.

Qingyu was stunned. When he signed this dark contract, he struggled for a long time. Didn't this person even think about it?

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