What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 305 You Fell Into The Trap

A group of people had to stop and wait for orders, not daring to move forward.

Because the light in front is so dazzling that it blinds a dog's eyes, and if he is too close, his traces will be easily revealed.

"General, there is an unknown strong person ahead."

Behind, the scout respectfully reported to a burly figure.

"I'm not blind, I can see."

Ma Deyao, the general of the Kuanglong Division of the Qianlong Army, was a little depressed. He had received intelligence that Qingyi, the strongest man in the Heavenly Demon Temple's lair, had left secretly and was about to lead a group of people to sneak attack at night. Why did another powerful character appear? ?

This guy is so majestic that he feels like the sun is rising in the sky. Even from such a distance, he feels pressure. His strength is definitely not simple.

"The power is too upright. I haven't heard of anyone like this in Heavenly Demon Temple, but it's unlikely that he is an enemy of Heavenly Demon Temple. Otherwise, how could he be able to challenge others to practice at their doorstep?"

Ma Deyao frowned and cursed: "Grandma, I led an army thousands of miles to attack. Is it possible that the journey was in vain?"

He looked at the well-dressed woman on one side and said politely: "Princess, what do you think we should do? Why don't you inform His Majesty?"

"General Ma, Your Majesty took the risk of sending one of the eight troops here to destroy an arm of the Heavenly Demon Temple. How could you back down?"

An old man in official uniform next to the woman scolded her, looking dissatisfied.

He is Li Datong, the official number one monk in Jinzhou. He is very powerful in metal magic, and he once firmly overpowered the head of the Ye family.

"Yes, the opportunity is rare now and cannot be missed, otherwise they will attack."

The new head of the Ye family agreed. They are all local monks, and naturally they don't want Qianlong's army to retreat at this time.

"Why are you not sure that this is a deliberate setup by Heavenly Demon Temple?"

Ma Deyao said coldly: "The whereabouts of Qingyi are mysterious and difficult to pin down. How come we got the information about his departure this time?"

Li Datong retorted: "General Ma's words are wrong. People are sometimes negligent. And don't you believe the top-secret information that I, the Jinzhou monk, gave me in exchange for my life?"


The woman spoke and everyone fell silent.

She was dressed in men's clothing, with red lips and white teeth, and a heroic air. It could be said that she was killing both men and women.

"This man's aura is somewhat familiar. He may be an old friend. If it is really him, it may be a good thing."

Wu Xi's eyes exploded with aura, and his vision was extremely terrifying. He looked at the sun in the night sky in the distance. Because of this person's presence, everything nearby was bright for hundreds of miles.

"Princess knows this person?" Ma Deyao was surprised.

"You've seen it too."

Wu Xi said meaningfully, "You guys wait here, I'll go over and make contact."

"Not princess, it would be bad if it's a trap."

Ma Deyao was a little worried.

"My eyes will not be mistaken. I am sure of it. You are waiting here. You cannot act rashly without my order."

Wu Xi shook his head, moved his lotus steps, and disappeared into an afterimage.

Ma Deyao frowned and widened his eyes to see clearly the figure in the dazzling light. As a result, his eyes became numb and he felt that the junior was blinded.

"General Ma, don't be nervous. The princess is gifted with spiritual eyes. She can see the nine heavens from above and penetrate the nine underworlds from below. You should not be mistaken."

Li Datong comforted.

"I hope it's not a trap. The princess has a noble status and is involved in a major event. There can be no mistakes. You and I are always ready to help."

Ma Deyao said seriously.

Li Datong asked curiously: "Is it possible that the rumors are true, that the princess will marry the immortal True Monarch in exchange for his help?"

When the new head of the Ye family heard this, he looked a little unhappy and snorted: "What is the immortal True Monarch? I think he is a weakling on both sides. One moment he is in the demon sect, and the next moment he betrays others."

"The head of the Ye family has a lot of resentment."

Ma Deyao glanced at the latter: "I heard that this immortal True Monarch has a grudge against your Ye family, but I advise you, this person has great Divine Ability, and is now at the Nascent Soul level, and his strength is even comparable to the Soul Formation level. The leader of the Heavenly Demon Temple is fighting against you, and you have met a completely different opponent."

The face of the new head of the Ye family changed, and he showed a look of fear. Back then, when the man was still in Gold Core, he made the Ye family suffer and killed the previous head of the family. Not to mention that the other head was now at the Nascent Soul level, he really didn't have any confidence.

"This man is really as powerful as the rumors say. What kind of reincarnation of an immortal is he?"

Li Datong asked curiously.

"I have seen it with my own eyes. As for whether he is the reincarnation of an immortal, he must be such a powerful person at such a young age, otherwise he would not have improved so quickly."

Ma Deyao nodded.

On the other side, Wu Xi moved close to the ground among the vegetation and forests. As she got closer to the abandoned mine, the vegetation became less and less, the light became brighter and brighter, and her speed also slowed down.

She stopped in the area in front of the mine, hid behind the weeds, and glanced at the artificial sun in the sky. Runes flashed in her eyes, looking mysterious and mysterious.

"It's you, why are you here?"

When she muttered, she actually got a response.

"I also want to ask why you are here."


A small human face appeared in front of her out of thin air, startling her so much that she almost took out the Law Treasure and smashed it at it.

Taking a closer look, this face looks like Song Shi's, but it's much smaller and looks like a wow.

This is Song Shi's Nascent Soul. He noticed someone approaching and saw that it was Wuxia, so he used a Nascent Soul to come down to meet him.

Wu Xi breathed out: "I didn't expect that you would have discovered me first, so I wouldn't have to go out to see you."

"Oh, Princess Wuxi missed me, so she came here to find me?"

Song Shi smiled jokingly, and the entire Nascent Soul seemed to blend into the void.

"Who is looking for you? I didn't even know you were here."

Wu Xi rolled his eyes, looking strange.

Song Shi was just joking. He teleported behind Wu Xi and looked into the distance with interest: "Come as soon as you come. Why are you bringing so many people here to prepare for a sneak attack on the Heavenly Demon Temple's stronghold?"

"That's right, we learned that the Green Wing Protector here has left, and we are preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, pull out this stronghold, and eliminate the threat from Jinzhou."

Wu Xi nodded: "Jinzhou is rich in ores and is the main source of raw materials for our weapons. We cannot afford to lose anything."

"Oh, it seems that you take it seriously. It's a pity that you fell into the trap. They deliberately gave you a chance. There is a guardian here." Song Shi thought for a moment and said.

Wu Xi's face changed slightly: "Really? How do you know?"

"Because I am the protector." Song Shi smiled strangely and looked at Wu Xi with evil intentions.

The latter's hair stood on end, and she subconsciously wanted to retreat. A force of restraint came. Song Shi reached out and touched her cheek: "Don't be afraid, I am very compassionate."

Wu Xi frowned, rolled his eyes, and quickly calmed down: "No, you are against the Heavenly Demon Temple, how can you be their protector?"

"They threatened me with my family and asked me to sign a dark contract, even if I don't become a protector."

Song Shi looked like he couldn't help himself.

Wu Xi's pretty face sank: "How could this happen!"

She secretly yelled that it was bad, if Song Shi was in charge here, it would be more dangerous than if Qingyi was in charge.

When she was about to think of a way to tell Ma Deyao not to come to rescue her, she noticed that Song Shi had a strange smile and his eyes lit up: "No, this matter is definitely not that simple."

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