What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 319 You Have To Work Hard

"What is this guy doing?"

Ziyue was a little confused.

"Is it possible that he used his life to protect the palace master?"

Lan Yue Perfected Being was suddenly a little touched. This is the man he didn't get. He is really outstanding.

"This person is dead, don't worry about it, stop the old witch Soul Formation first!"

The old master quickly suppressed his surprise, the seal changed, and the black and yellow ruler accelerated to fall.

Those who invite the moon palace also mobilize their magic power and prepare for a fierce collision.


A dragon roar sounded out of thin air, and the golden light shone brightly, quickly turning into a fire dragon and colliding head-on in front of the Xuanhuang Ruler.


The giant ruler was actually blocked by the fire dragon, and the two sides were deadlocked in mid-air. Circles of energy ripples spread, and the void fluctuated like water, creating a terrifying aftermath, making everyone in Yaoyue Palace protected by the formation feel like they were facing a storm.


The old master was furious, and a man who wanted to die appeared. Why is it still happening? Is it over?

"It's still me, young master. Are you surprised?"

Song Shi appeared after the fire dragon. He raised his palm, and his magic power rushed out like a volcano. He actually blocked the Xuanhuang Ruler with one palm!

His size is extremely small compared to the Xuanhuang Ruler, like an ant compared to an elephant, but the fire dragon he releases is more than a hundred feet long, and its explosive power is very powerful.

"It's you!"

The old master recognized Song Shi this time. He did not take part in the battle when Heavenly Demon escaped, but he saw with his own eyes that this man penetrated Heavenly Demon's body.

Others were shocked by Song Shi's strength. Even though he was only at the Nascent Soul level, he could block the combined attack of a group of people by himself. His strength was definitely comparable to Soul Formation.

Zhengde finally understood why he felt a little familiar. Wasn't that the person who suddenly rushed out and bumped into their attack just now?

"Immortal True Monarch, aren't you an enemy of the Demon Cult? Why are you helping them?"

Zhengwu asked angrily.

"Heavenly Demon Temple and I are enemies. Yao Yue Palace is not included. You can go back. I can guarantee that Yao Yue Palace will not attack the imperial city. It is best for you to use your strength on other Demon Cult monks."

Song Shi said calmly, he was satisfied after dying once. At this moment, he was in full strength, even if he was not defending, his body was comparable to the Spirit Weapon. It was difficult to kill him even if he continued to fight, so he might as well stop.


The old master stared at Song Shi: "Why should we believe you?"

"I alone caught your attacks, is that enough?"

Song Shi asked rhetorically.

The old master has nothing to say.

This person is much stronger than what I saw at first. He has reached the Nascent Soul Late Stage in a short time. At this moment, the fluctuation of mana alone makes him, the Nascent Soul Great Perfection, feel depressed. No wonder he can catch them and surpass the Nascent Soul so easily. attack.

"I hope you can keep your promise, everyone, retreat!"

The old master made a decision immediately.

He is very smart and knows that even if he continues to attack, with this person here, plus the formation of Yaoyue Palace and many disciples, it will be difficult for them to break through.

In this case, it is better to go back and deal with other demon cultivators as soon as possible.

The most important thing is that this person is too scary.

Not only is the strength terrifying, the speed of improvement is also amazing.

How long has it been since the last time? From the early stage of Nascent Soul to the Late Stage, I’m afraid the next time we meet, it may be Soul Formation.

Who would want to offend such a person?

"Another person who lives a long time and thinks clearly."

Song Shi showed admiration.

This means that those who understand current affairs are heroes.

If the old master entangled with him today, he would definitely be asking for trouble. The other party also understood this, so he retreated decisively.

Seeing the people from Qianzheng Academy retreating, the people from Yaoyue Palace breathed a sigh of relief, and then faced Song Shi in awe.

Catching the attacks of so many monks with his bare hands, no matter who he was, his strength was enough to scare everyone present.

Song Shi withdrew his magic power, looked far away, and found that the Demon Cult had invaded the imperial city.

He frowned: "A lot of people have to die. It's quite difficult to stay alive in this world."

"Sir, is it really you?"

Ziyue took a deep breath and flew over, mustering up the courage to speak to Song Shi.

Song Shi turned his head and a dreamy woman appeared in front of him.

Her eyes are like amethyst, and she wears a purple dress, which makes her snow-white jade skin even more pure and delicate. Her face is flawless, her temperament is noble, she has cold glamor and charm, and she has a graceful figure. She can be called a beauty that will conquer the country.

In normal times, Ziyue Perfected Being is one of the three Nascent Soul monks of Yaoyue Palace. She has a distinguished status and has always been noble and not angry.

At this moment, when facing Song Shi, Ziyue was a little uneasy and nervous, fearing that something was wrong and the man in front of her would misunderstand.

"It's me. Why, can't you remember the man who once cultivated with you and helped you cultivate?"

Song Shi teased.

Not long after he arrived at Yao Yue Palace, this woman wanted to help him break through. Later, after he succeeded, he aroused the covetousness of the elders of Yao Yue Palace. Finally, he was kidnapped by the shameless old woman Lu Yue and almost lost his virginity.

This incident left a deep impression on him, after all, Lu Yue was transformed into a man.

Ziyue's eyes showed surprise, but also contained some complicated emotions: "I didn't expect you to improve so quickly. After a few years of not seeing you, your cultivation level is already higher than mine, and you can even resist Qian Zheng Academy by yourself."

"There is no way. Immortal reincarnation, the realm below the immortal, there is no bottleneck for me, I only need to continue to absorb power to break through."

The song is neither salty nor bland.

"Yes, maybe only the reincarnation of an immortal can achieve your level."

Yao Yue nodded, her expression even more complicated.

The man in front of her was an immortal in her previous life, and she was just an ordinary cultivator. Her path to cultivation was long and difficult, and each level was more difficult than the last. However, the other person was constantly recovering her cultivation. It was destined that the gap between the two parties would become wider and wider in the future.

Song Shi saw Ziyue's bitterness and smiled teasingly: "You have to work hard. I will go to the upper world soon. If you cannot reach Soul Formation, you will never see me again."

"Well, Ziyue will definitely follow the young master's footsteps."

Ziyue showed a determined look. Before, her practice was mostly for the sake of longevity, but now she has an additional goal.

That is to keep up with this man and not be left too far behind.

"You guys, please step back."

She waved to the others who were watching the conversation between the two of them curiously, not wanting to let the disciples know too much about them, and invited: "Young Master, how about we come to my bedroom for a chat?"


Song Shi also has something to ask Ziyue, which is not appropriate to say in front of so many people.

The two flew towards the purple palace, and others started talking in low voices.

"I didn't expect this person to know Ziyue True Monarch."

"I know. It turns out that he is the mysterious man who helped Uncle Ziyue. I heard that many elders were fighting for it, and finally he was secretly abducted by the previous master of Green Moon Hall."

"There is no news about the previous Green Moon Perfected Being. He was probably killed by him."

"It's normal. Doesn't this person claim to be the reincarnation of an immortal? I heard that he is also related to an inner disciple. Hehe, it is equivalent to being related to the younger, middle-aged and older generations of the Moon Palace we invited. It's really amazing."

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