What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 321 Green Flame Demon Phase

"I am determined to live up to my destiny."

The Azure Flame Demon Lord took over the dark contract and turned into a streak of fire to escape.

The Nascent Soul True Monarch can teleport, and the Soul Formation monk mobilizes the power of heaven and earth to move faster. He can go from the east of the city to the south in a few breaths.

The blue-black flame turned into a fire cloud and appeared above the residence of Yaoyue Palace with an oppressive aura. The surrounding temperature rose at an extremely fast speed, like a furnace roasting the earth.

"Here we go again, this time it looks scarier."

"Should we fight again?"

"Alas, there is no peace in troubled times, and we can't help ourselves."

Everyone who was just about to take a rest was disturbed, and everyone was a little resentful.

"Immortal True Monarch, come out!"

A scolding voice with a hint of impatience came from the fire cloud, shaking the void and making many people's ears buzz.

In the palace, Song Shi, who was pressing Ziyue on the bed, suddenly turned his head: "Where did this old immortal come from? Are you here to seek death?"

He let go of Ziyue angrily and walked out with murderous intent.

"I hate it when others do the cleaning while I do errands!"

While cursing, Song Shi walked out of the palace, golden light shot out of his eyes, and he could see through the old man in the fire cloud.

"Who the hell are you? I know you!"

The unceremonious words made the Qing Yan Demon Lord smile ferociously: "Song Shi, do you still remember the dark contract?"

He took out the dark contract, pointed it at Song Shi, and said condescendingly: "Now I am ordering you in the name of Heavenly Demon Temple to immediately stop Yao Yue from breaking through and let her act honestly."

Zi Yue, who followed from behind, shrank when she saw the black scroll: "Sir, is it possible that they forced you to sign a dark contract?"

These words made all the other elders who knew about the dark contract look surprised.

"Isn't the dark contract a method used by Heavenly Demon Temple to control its disciples? I heard it is very unfair."

"No way, he really signed a dark contract, so he must listen to Heavenly Demon Temple's arrangements, otherwise they can make him lose his soul."

"It's a pity that this self-proclaimed immortal reincarnation just helped our palace master break through, but I didn't expect that he is no longer free."

The elders discussed in low voices, feeling quite sorry. They looked at Song Shi and wondered how he would respond. He would probably give in.

"Go away, I'm not interested."

Song Shi is in a bad mood now and is too lazy to talk nonsense to this old man, let alone listen to his orders.

"Sir, you should know how terrifying the dark contract is, right?"

Ziyue was a little worried.

Others did not expect Song Shi to refuse, and couldn't help but sweat.

"You don't want to live anymore?"

Qingyan Demon Lord did not expect that this man would refuse directly. The flames on his body rushed towards the black scroll in his hand.

While the scroll was enveloped in flames, a destructive force emerged from Song Shi's body in the air, which turned out to be the blue-black magic flame burning on the scroll.

The scorching flames burned Song Shi's body and soul, and Song Shi couldn't help but frown in pain.

This scroll is quite weird. It can actually torture him from a distance. At this moment, he feels that his soul is burning in the fire. If it continues, life will be worse than death.

"How about it, is the feeling of the demonic flames burning your body and soul good?"

The Azure Flame Demon Lord looked proud.


Song Shi took another look at the dark contract and said, "You now have a chance to kill me. Do you take the initiative to use it, or do I force you to use it?"

His words were shocking. When everyone thought he would give in, he actually wanted to fight to the end.

Qingyan Demon Lord did not expect this person to have such a reaction, and said solemnly: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"If you can kill me, I lose."

Song Shi stared at the pain of the demon flame burning his body, took a step, a circle of body wheels appeared under his feet, and the six realms of reincarnation appeared around his body.

Above the six paths, the suns are suspended one by one, and nine suns are in the sky in an instant. Together with Song Shi itself, it looks like ten suns shining on the six paths of heaven and earth.

"Your magic flame is quite powerful. Come and try my master's true sun fire."

Song Shi raised his fist and activated the Dragon Subduing Hand Seal. The golden flame quickly transformed into a long dragon, roaring out with domineering and violent power.

"You're really not afraid of death!"

The Azure Flame Demon Lord narrowed his eyes. This man was not afraid of the dark contract at all. Is there any way to avoid the influence of the power of the contract?

With suspicion, he did not rush to kill this person with the power of the contract. He raised his wrinkled hand and made a seal.

"The green flame demonic phase appears!"

The blue-black flame quickly transformed into a flame giant, which was over a thousand meters tall and ferocious in appearance. The violent heat wave spread in circles, and all the power of heaven and earth was controlled by it.

As he retreated forward, the flame troll grabbed the fire dragon with one claw, and the golden and black flames eroded wildly, and they were even the same.

Song Shi was surprised: "The old guy still has some skills."

The Dragon Subduing Mahamudra has been basically astonishingly offensive since it was practiced, but at this moment it was like being caught by someone like a snake.


The Dragon Subduing Grand Hand Seal was directly crushed, and the Fire Dragon let out an unwilling cry and turned into a golden flame and dispersed.

"Sir, be careful, this person has practiced the ancient Law Manifestation Divine Ability, and his strength is above Zuo Wufan Soul Formation."

Ziyue reminded from the side.

“Law Manifestation Divine Ability…”

Song Shi looked at the thousand-foot-tall flame troll with a bit more solemnity.

After careful observation, you can find that the surrounding fire-attribute aura is completely surrendered to it, and at its disposal, every move is equivalent to the power of heaven and earth.

This is the ability of Soul Formation monks, who can mobilize massive amounts of power from heaven and earth to erupt with power that far exceeds their own.

Law Manifestation Divine Ability further exploits this advantage and reaches an extreme state.

The power he possesses is only his individual strength. If he really faced off, he would probably need the power of the nine Nascent Souls to fight.

"The little girl from Yueyue Palace still has some experience. This green flame demon phase of me is much more powerful than the incomplete Law Manifestation that the group of people from Qianzheng Academy made before. Boy, you still have time to regret now. Kneel down and beg me for mercy immediately. Otherwise, I will show off my power and burn you until there is no residue left!"

The Blue Flame Demon Lord stands on Law Manifestation's shoulder, looking proud and full of confidence.

In his eyes, even if this person has some ability, that is, he hurts the Heavenly Demon by taking some tricks, he is still a Nascent Soul monk after all. He cannot control much of the power of heaven and earth, so how can he fight against his Law Manifestation.

"Sir, this old guy is in the middle stage of Soul Formation and has vast Divine Ability. Why don't you come back and hide in the formation first, and we work together to stop him. He won't be able to do anything to us for a while."

Ziyue said.

"No need."

Song Shi waved his hand and looked at the menacing demon with a look of expectation: "Then please show off your power and don't let me down."

Finally, there is someone who can threaten him, especially since he has just broken through. This old man has good strength and can practice his skills.

As for winning without a fight, fight first and then talk about it. If you accidentally get burned to death, that would be the best.

Others couldn't understand Song Shi's thoughts, and they were not optimistic when they saw that he still refused to retreat.

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