What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 323 Immortal Transformation: Don’T Bully Others Too Much

The terrifying blue flames caused the magma to boil, and the space was faintly melting. Everyone under the protection of the formation

"Ding, you were burned to death by the Qingyang Spiritual Flame, your Yin attribute source was strengthened, and you awakened the Taiyin Spirit Body!"

"Your body and soul will be destroyed, and your Transcendent Level reward will be doubled..."

The harder Song Shi is burned, the more powerful the reverse reward will be. In one step, the Yin attribute Spirit Body will be awakened, and the resistance to Yang attributes will be greatly increased.

He chose to resurrect on the spot, and the surrounding magma was boiling and rolling high, drowning him after his resurrection.

The remaining spiritual flames around him still carry domineering power, but their power is no longer as powerful as before.

"The power of the spiritual flames condensed by Soul Formation and above monks is indeed very powerful. It actually burned me directly."

Song Shi looked satisfied, formed a seal with his hands, opened his mouth and sucked in, and a devouring force spread, directly swallowing up the remaining spiritual flames and turning them into nourishment for his own infant fire.

This movement made the Qing Yan Demon Lord, who was not completely relieved outside, turn pale with fright.

"Still... not dead yet?"

The Blue Flame Demon Lord was a bit doubtful about life, "How is it possible? This is the Innate spiritual flame left over from the birth of this world. Even just a trace can burn all the Soul Formation monks to death!"

"It turns out you didn't cultivate this. That's a pity. I thought you still had it."

Song Shi bathed in the magma, his body shining brightly, and he walked out with a look of regret.

He looked radiant, more feminine, not as strong and domineering as before, and had a feeling of returning to his original nature.

"not dead!"

Seeing Song Shi appear in high spirits, Ziyue was completely relieved. She knew that this person was unlikely to be killed by the Qingyan Demon Lord.

Although she didn't know what kind of Divine Ability this man used to achieve this, she didn't need to be worried.

Hey, why are you so worried? The two have not been together for a long time. Could it be possible that you still fall in love with each other?

Ziyue was stunned for a moment, and quickly reminded herself that this was not a man she could get, and it should not affect her pursuit of immortality.

Compared to Zi Yue's peace of mind, Qingyan Demon Lord looked as if he had eaten a fly. Feeling the mana still surging in his body, his expression changed instantly and he turned around and left.

"I can't tangle with perverts. I'm just making a tactical retreat now."

He comforted himself in his heart and walked extremely neatly.

"Hey, why are you running? Keep lighting the fire for me."

Song Shi chased after him and threatened: "If you don't give it, I will kill you."

Song Shi has no interest in keeping enemies who have little value for the New Year.

Qing Yan Demon Lord's hair stood on end when he heard this. He really felt that he might be killed by this person.

If he can't kill the opponent, then this person will be invincible.

He had tried twice before and failed to kill him. He really didn't have any trump cards to try again, so he immediately used his escape technique with all his strength to escape.

The problem is that Song Shi's speed is not bad either. The incomplete Shrink the Earth to an Inch has learned to perfection, and with a flash of golden light under his feet, he intercepts the Blue Flame Demon Lord.


The two sides briefly exchanged moves, and a terrifying wave of energy spread. After the city wall next to it was touched, they all collapsed, floating up into the sky with dust, and the gravel ejected like bullets, shattering the windows and tiles of many houses.

Song Shi frowned. He didn't like to affect innocent people. Although there were no living people in the outer city at the moment, with their strength, the people in the city would soon be affected.

He said coldly: "Old man, why are you running away? Come fight me openly."

The Green Flame Demon Lord shows up in a dark line. If he hadn't already started to weaken due to the excessive consumption of the Law Manifestation, do you really think he wouldn't dare to fight?

He couldn't help being surprised when he saw Song Shi's condition, and he really couldn't understand it.

Even if a Nascent Soul monk has extremely strong magic power, why can he still maintain his full power at this moment when he unleashed the kind of attack?

If not, how could he be forced to waste Innate Spiritual Flame, or even have to escape?

After all, with his strength, there are not many opponents in this world. Except for those old guys who are still struggling in the Soul Formation Late Stage, when did he be forced to this point by a Nascent Soul monk?

"You really have the great Divine Ability of Transcendent. You are invincible and can maintain your condition at any time."

Qingyan Demon Lord stared at Song Shi with fear. As a veteran of Heavenly Demon Temple, he was naturally well-informed, but he had never encountered this person's situation.

He has seen people who are difficult to kill, but they basically escaped death and took a long time to recover. He has never seen people who can maintain their peak after encountering a fatal attack. They are so alive and kicking, nothing happened, and they are even improving. How could it be possible otherwise? Force him to this?

"I've even been an immortal, so what does that mean? Since you can't bring me anything interesting, just go and die."

Song Shi showed murderous intent. He estimated that this person also had a contract or something, which was incompatible with the spirit-controlling talisman, and he probably couldn't control it.

"Hmph, you are indeed in good condition now, but I am a skinny camel after all. If you want to kill me, you are still a little short of the mark."

The Azure Flame Demon Lord sneered. This man's strength was about the same as him. As long as he wanted to leave, why should he kill him?

"It's really hard to kill, but I have weapons."

Song Shi laughed mischievously, raised his hand, and a silver-white ancient long sword appeared. The sword was extremely long, nearly half a foot long, and was smooth and silver-white. The ancient Chinese character "Tai" was written on the sword's body.

This is the spiritual sword he pulled out, Meita.

Also called Tai Sword!

This sword looks very domineering, and it also carries a strong coercion, with a sense of dominance.

Under the blessing of his Sword Intent and mana, with the clang, the substantial sword energy erupted, and the sword energy stretched three thousand feet across, leaving a sword mark on the ground.

All the weapons around him trembled, as if they were welcoming the Emperor of Swords, and they all surrendered.

The Qingyan Demon Lord's face changed wildly: "Supreme Grade Spirit Weapon, how could you have such a treasure!"

He couldn't decide. He didn't have anything like the Supreme Grade Spirit Weapon. There were only a few of them in the entire Wuji Continent. They were basically named. How could he not be surprised when this man suddenly took out one.

The most important thing is that this person was able to fight against him without using the Spirit Weapon just now. Now with the help of this weapon, he is even more dangerous.

The Spirit Weapon is a weapon suitable for Soul Formation and Void Refining levels. With the opponent's deep magic power, he is fully qualified to use this spirit sword.

"Get away quickly!"

He was so anxious that he had no intention of fighting this pervert anymore, and his whole body instantly turned into a ball of fire and disappeared.

Song Shi looked indifferent, and when the sword turned, the world suddenly lost its color.

A dazzling sword light divided the world into two halves, with obvious traces drawn out, and fell on the cyan afterimage in the distance.


The Azure Flame Demon Lord screamed, one of his arms was cut off, turned into blood foam under the sword energy, and was destroyed instantly.

Amidst the gushing blood, the Green Flame Demon Lord staggered out, shocked and angry.

This man's swordsmanship is actually so powerful!

The thing I was most worried about appeared, and I really faced a threat to my life.

He gritted his teeth and made a secret, his eyes suddenly turned red, his magic power exploded under the secret technique, and his breath suddenly became violent. "Heavenly Demon disintegrates!"

As the secret technique was used, his speed increased instead of decreasing, and he disappeared in a flash.

"I will also disintegrate a Heavenly Demon!"

Realizing that he couldn't catch up, Song Shi used the same secret technique without hesitation. Blood burst out all over his body, the blood in his body boiled, his potential was stimulated, his magic power was rolling, and his speed skyrocketed.

This is the initial stage of Heavenly Demon's disintegration. It only burns the essence and blood, but if it continues, the consumption will increase exponentially, and it will soon have to disintegrate to bear it.


He caught up with the fire ahead with a bloody afterimage, and disappeared in the south of the city in a blink of an eye.

"He actually went after the Azure Flame Demon Lord!"

Yao Yue couldn't laugh or cry. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, who would have believed that a Nascent Soul was chasing Soul Formation?

"Don't look at it, everyone. He is leaving for now. Please be careful. If a powerful character comes again, we will have to deal with it ourselves."

She reminded the stunned people that they did not take it lightly just because Song Shi drove the Qingyan Demon Lord away.

After a dozen breaths,

East of the city.

Hundreds of miles away from Yaoyue Palace, Demon Lord Qingyan was covered in blood and screamed loudly: "Leader, save me!"

"Who's hunting you?"

Before Demon Lord Immortal Transformation could react, a snow-white sword light shattered the body of Demon Lord Qingyan, and the sword energy continued to fall.

The Demon Lord Immortal Transformation who had just come out shrank when he saw this heaven-reaching sword energy, and hurriedly backed away.


A mountain range was cracked open, and a 10,000-meter-long ravine was instantly created on the ground.

The terrifying destructive power made the Demon Lord of Immortal Transformation twitch his face and looked at the figure surrounded by sword light in the sky: "Is it possible that some old guy from the Sword Kingdom is here? Why have I never seen him before?"

At this time, he found that there was blood in the sword light, which looked a bit familiar, "Why is this fluctuation a bit like the Heavenly Demon's disintegration method?"

"Hey, no killing."

Song Shi's startled voice came out. He did not receive the system prompt. He immediately understood that the Qingyan Demon Lord had not been completely killed, and his thoughts swept away quickly.

"why you!"

Qingyan Demon Lord couldn't recognize Song Shi at this moment, or he was deaf. He stared at Song Shi: "Nascent Soul Late Stage, Heavenly Demon disintegrates the Dafa, chases Uncle Qingyan, what kind of monster are you!"

In his mind, he still had the impression that the other party used coincidence to sneak attack on Heavenly Demon and was able to match his own move.

Now that he was so strong, he doubted his life for a while.

Also, why didn’t the dark contract bind this person?

"What kind of monster? Please call me Song Xianren?"

Song Shi said disdainfully: "You monks from the lower world don't know how powerful my master's Divine Ability is, and you still want to enslave me. It's really wishful thinking."

He was too involved in the drama now. He kept saying that he was the reincarnation of an immortal. He also deliberately pretended to be condescending and looked down on the other party. As he said it, he started to believe it.

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord was stunned. This man was really the reincarnation of an immortal. That would be terrible.

"Leader, what are you still doing? Take out the incomplete Spiritual Treasure and kill him to avenge me."

A ball of fire appeared behind the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord, turning into a somewhat incomplete Primordial Spirit. It was the Azure Flame Demon Lord, with a look of resentment on his face at this moment.

"Forget that you are a human monk Soul Formation, and there is such a thing as Spirit Partitioning."

Song Shi looked at Qingyan Demon Lord's Spirit Partitioning with a sudden look on his face. The opponent must have used his clone to withstand his killing blow just now.

He didn't remember to take action anymore, and said with curiosity: "By the way, I have a question. You two are also considered the real high-level officials of Heavenly Demon Temple. Do you have a dark contract?"


The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord said coldly: "In my Heavenly Demon Temple, those who reach Soul Formation will have their dark contract terminated, because the existence of the contract will affect the breakthrough."

"Oh, do you think I can enslave you?"

Song Shi Digu, he doesn't mind taking in a few more Soul Formation level subordinates.

"Hmph, I, Heavenly Demon Temple, have bound my soul to the evil god. Apart from the dark contract, nothing can enslave us!"

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord was dismissive and stared at me. Song Shi said: "Since you are the reincarnation of an immortal, it is not unbelievable that you have the means to get rid of the contract, so don't think about enslaving us."

"Then I can only kill you so that we can be quieter."

Song Shi said calmly, as if this matter was as simple as eating and drinking water to him.

The Qingyan Demon Lord was so angry that he wanted to curse, but the Qingyan Demon Lord raised his hand to suppress it and said to Song Shi: "Isn't it enough that you beat my teaching elder to this state?"

"As expected of the leader, he is really calm."

Song Shi smiled: "Listen to this old man, you have an incomplete Spiritual Treasure. Come, let's fight, let me experience the power of your Heavenly Demon Temple Spiritual Treasure."

Such an attitude made the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord narrow his eyes, and instead of following Song Shi, he frowned and said, "Why do you need to be my enemy? We don't have much enmity?"

"I just can't stand you, is that enough?"

Song Shi didn't bother to say that he had a grudge against Heavenly Demon Temple when he was in the Song family. There was no need for it. With his current strength, he could beat whoever he wanted, and Heavenly Demon Temple was no exception.

Such an arrogant scene made the Qing Yan Demon Lord so angry that his Primordial Spirit transformed. This man was so unscrupulous that he was even more demonic than their demonic sect: "It's so arrogant. I have lived for so many years and I have never seen anyone dare to show up in front of me, the Heavenly Demon Temple." The person who said this!”

"Now you see it!"

A cold light flashed in Song Shi's eyes, "Only the Primordial Spirit is left and dares to bark at me like a dog and send you on your way."

The Profound Transcendence sword in his sea of ​​consciousness shines brightly.

A soul-level attack rushed out instantly, with a terrifying Sword Intent that shattered everything, and instantly pierced the Primordial Spirit of the Blue Flame Demon Lord through the air.


The latter screamed, the voice was sharp and extremely sad. The Primordial Spirit was shattered under the Sword Intent, and he was directly killed by a thought, and his soul was scattered.

This time, Song Shi got the hint and got one more chance to win a lottery.

"Damn it!"

The person right next to him was actually killed, and Immortal Transformation's suppressed anger burst out: "Song Shi, don't bully others too much!"

"Oh, I'm still a little uncomfortable with these words coming from the mouth of a demon sect like you."

Song Shi said cowardly: "You are a Great Demon. You usually bully others and kill people like crazy. Didn't you ever think that you would also be bullied?"

The Demon Lord of Immortal Transformation's voice was forced out from between his teeth, like the wind of the Nine Netherworld: "Okay, what you said makes sense, let's see who is bullying whom today."

The black demonic flames on his body burned fiercely, and from the seals formed with his hands, a broken blue-black furnace flew out.

This stove has three legs and two ears. It has a simple appearance, like a pottery pot made from clay. It is divided into two layers and is engraved with ancient magic patterns.

The moment he appeared, Song Shi felt that the fire-attribute aura between heaven and earth was suddenly out of control. Even his own true sun fire couldn't help but want to surrender and fly towards the stove.

The light on the stove flickered, and a cyan eye condensed. It turned and stared at Song Shi for a moment, and actually smiled: "Such pure firepower, Immortal Transformation, you woke me up this time, you are a good thing, but your cultivation is a bit Low."

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