What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 327 Punch A Demon Cult Leader

In the Law Treasure space of the Infernal Furnace, Song Shi found that the surrounding flames suddenly reduced a part, and thought thoughtfully: "The power of the Spiritual Treasure has weakened a bit. Is there a fight outside?"

The next second, across the Law Treasure space, he could still detect intense vibrations coming from outside.

"Hey, don't be distracted, burn me with all your strength."

Song Shi reminded him that in such a quiet and secluded place, he wanted to be burned to death a few more times.

"If you want to die, just be quiet and don't bother me to take care of the little black dragon."

The Infernal Furnace is impatient.

"Black dragon? Daqian also found a Spiritual Treasure?"

Song Shi knew as soon as he heard that the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord had met an opponent of the same level, otherwise he would not have spoken like this.

The Purgatory Magic Furnace simply ignored Song Shi and continued to spit out magic flames, burning the black dragon on the opposite side.

"Haha, Huo Ke'an, you were born to be crushed by me. If you let that guy Jin Long come and beat you, you are still too young!"

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace looked disdainfully. The golden dragon it mentioned was the Spiritual Treasure obtained by the founding emperor of Daqian. It existed in the same era as it.

Black Dragon's eyes were cold and he did not refute, appearing very calm.

"Get down here, please?"

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace snorted coldly, spun quickly, appeared in the sea of ​​fire with the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord, and smashed down hard.


The bodies of the two Spiritual Treasures collided, and the Black Dragon Spear bent on the spot and trembled violently. It was obvious that it was defeated in a head-on collision.

The surrounding darkness disappeared quickly as if being dispersed by light, and the boundless sea of ​​​​fire rushed toward the three emperors.

With their strength, even the Soul Formation monks would be unable to last long under the flames of this Spiritual Treasure, so the area of ​​the Black Dragon Spear is their only barrier.

"Hold on, he can't consume us!"

Qianhuang shouted low, formed a seal with one hand, and used secret techniques to stimulate his own potential.

The other two elders slapped their chests, knocking out a mouthful of blood, and also forcibly mobilized their mana to maintain the consumption of the Black Dragon Spear.

"Heavenly Demon disintegrates Dafa!"

Immortal Transformation Demon Lord's body was covered in blood, and he was trying his best. Now he had to fight for his breath and forcefully suppress the three of them, otherwise it would be detrimental to them if they were dragged down.

The two sides reached a stalemate, and the horrific aftermath of the battle spread. Even Soul Formation did not dare to approach at will. Let alone others, no one nearby could intervene at this moment.

Perhaps the Purgatory Demonic Furnace was too powerful, and the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord was able to activate it all by himself, but he was still suppressing the Qianhuang trio little by little.

The mood of the latter three continued to sink, looking at the approaching sea of ​​​​fire. If they were swallowed by the sea of ​​​​fire, they would basically be defeated.

"You can disintegrate, and I can burn blood!"

The blood all over Qianhuang's body began to burn, stimulating more power at the expense of his body's essence and blood.

"Hmph, the blood-burning secret technique of the Blood Transformation Sect. When you destroyed the Blood Transformation Sect, you also secretly learned their supreme secret technique. It's really shameless. You said they were evil, but you ended up using it yourself!"

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord mocked with gloomy eyes. This blood-burning secret technique is as famous as their Heavenly Demon Temple's Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. It is also a top-notch technique that is desperate. If the three opponents burn blood at the same time, he alone has no advantage.

soon. The two elders of the royal family with higher cultivation levels also burned their essence and blood. The black dragon gun roared and its momentum surged, in turn forcing back the surrounding sea of ​​fire.

"Master Magic Furnace, I can't stand it anymore, you have to work harder!"

Immortal Transformation Demon Lord secretly said anxiously: "It's all that boy's fault for killing Uncle Master, otherwise it would be easy to suppress these three guys."

"Hmph, I asked you to wait a few hundred more years and wait until your cultivation level is higher before you take action. You can't bear it yourself. Now that your cultivation level is not enough, you are asking for trouble."

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace snorted coldly: "I can only use a little bit of the source. Hurry up and throw some more High Grade spirit stones to me. It's just that they can't afford me for this level of confrontation."


The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord had no reluctance at this time and took out all the spirit stones from his body and poured them over.

The Infernal Furnace swallows up the spiritual stones to replenish part of the consumption. In comparison, although the Black Dragon Spear can also absorb the power of the spiritual stones, the difference in the level of the Law Treasure makes it still inferior even if it does so, and the two are in a stalemate again. middle.


Looking at the black dragon shrouded in a sea of ​​fire in the sky, the old master was a little anxious: "The situation is not good."

"Old man, you should take care of yourself. I think you are going to die of old age. How about joining our Heavenly Corpse Sect as a zombie?"

Opposite him, a young man wearing an old gown and a face as white as jade smiled.

"In your dream, I am a righteous man and will not become an evil thing like you even after death."

On the other side, Tianjilou is also assisting Daqian this time. Tianjizi is very skilled in formations and can block the Sky Poison Sect by setting up battle formations. It doesn’t seem like the pressure is too great.

"Master, it seems that Qianhuang and the others are in a bad situation. Did we make the right choice this time?"

A young man said uncertainly.

"Since we are following the secret, don't have any doubts. Even if we lose, the worst we can do is withdraw from the imperial city immediately."

Tian Jizi stroked his beard and said with an immortal voice: "Disciple, since you are following our path, you must learn to be calm and calm, and not worry about gains and losses."

"Yes, master."

In the space of the Purgatory Furnace, Song Shi saw that the flames were decreasing again, and this guy didn't even have the time to talk nonsense with him.

He estimated that the outside world was at a critical moment, and grinned: "Broken furnace, do you think if I break your space now, will you fail in your fight with them?"

"Who did you tell to break the stove?"

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace couldn't hear others calling it that, and said coldly: "Come out if you have the ability. Don't talk nonsense to me here."


Song Shi took out a shuttle with silver-white runes engraved on it, which contained strong space power.

"Fortunately, I haven't used this thing and haven't taken it out and put it in the storage ring. Otherwise, there is no way to leave here except for death."

Thinking happily in his heart, Song Shi activated the sky-breaking shuttle, and a space-shattering power burst out.

"Hey, wait, I take back what I just said."

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace noticed something was wrong and quickly changed his mind.

But Song Shi had already thrown the air-breaking shuttle somewhere at will.


The sky-breaking shuttle turned into a silvery white light, like a nail piercing the space, forcibly opening a passage.

Deep in the cracked space, a circle of flame runes was densely covered, blocking the way, but was still pierced by the air shuttle, and then hit a wall.

"Damn it, Po Kong Law Treasure, how do you have this thing?"

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace exclaimed, and then the whole space trembled, and Song Shi made a hole directly to the outside.

outside world.

The body of the Purgatory Furnace vibrated abnormally, and then its stomach split open, a white light emerged, and Song Shi escaped with him.

And he himself was also damaged, his power was affected, and the pressure on the Black Dragon Spear was greatly reduced.

"what happened?"

Before the Demon Lord of Immortal Transformation could react, a fist kept enlarging in front of him.


The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord, who had cracks all over his body due to the Heavenly Demon disintegration method, was directly punched and exploded, turning into a rain of blood, and the Spirit Partitioning was shattered on the spot.

Qianhuang and the two elders, who were working hard, burning their essence and blood, and their bodies were dry, were a little confused.

Why does this scene seem familiar?

"Tsk, tsk, why are you so fragile? You can't even withstand my fist."

Song Shi blew the flames on his fists and opened another hole in his stomach. He said to the Purgatory Demon Furnace with ugly eyes: "Thank you for helping me refine my golden body with this broken furnace. I'm stronger now. I can fight every demon with one punch." Teach the leader.”

"Go away, I call it the Purgatory Demonic Furnace, not a broken furnace!"

There was a hole in the Purgatory Demonic Furnace, and he was cursing with his burning stomach.

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