What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 329 Shattering The Void With One Hand

"You're really awesome. You can even capture an iceberg like Yaoyue that lasts ten thousand years. You're really a role model for our generation."

"I heard that Palace Master Yaoyue has never been lecherous with men. He is worthy of being the person who can kill the leader of Heavenly Demon Temple."

"Perhaps I learned that he is the reincarnation of an immortal and want to absorb some immortality."

People have always been accustomed to gossiping about things between men and women, and many guys started talking about it openly or covertly.

"Why did you just call me husband?"

Song Shi was still a little surprised. He didn't expect that the cold-tempered Yao Yue would change so much.

"What should we call it, officer? Master?" Yao Yue fell next to Song Shi and tilted her head, "Aren't we already Taoist couples?"

Song Shi understood that this was Yao Yue's thinking, and she didn't think too much about it.

He grabbed Yao Yue's hand, hugged her in front of everyone, and said close to her body: "It's a bit dangerous here, why don't you go back and wait for me?"

"I can help you."

Yaoyue's eyes were pure and bright: "Now that I have Soul Formation, I can play some role."

Song Shi thought of the Heavenly Demon who might be coming, and shook his head: "You have a special status and are not suitable to get involved in things here. You should help me keep an eye on Lao Liu and the others, and be obedient."

Yao Yue looked at Song Shi with wide eyes. With her past status, no one could order her. Now for some reason, she couldn't bear to refuse.

"Can I stay for a while? I just broke through and I have to move around."

Faced with the sincere eyes, Song Shi said softly: "If there is danger, just leave me alone and get out by yourself."

"Escape? You will all die today."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black crack suddenly opened in the sky of the imperial city, and the Heavenly Demon came out with the Infernal Furnace and the Immortal Transformation Demon King.

"Haha, you can't believe I'm back so soon!"

The Infernal Furnace laughed wildly.

In contrast, the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord was very quiet, like a dormant poisonous snake, scanning everyone present with his cold eyes.

"Respect the Demon Saint!"

The monks from Heavenly Demon Temple congratulated loudly, and their momentum suddenly rose.

"Array up!"

Emperor Qian stood up and wanted to use the power of the army to fight against the Heavenly Demon who was too highly cultivated.

"A bunch of frogs in a well, still think that I am as weak today as I was that day?"

The Holy Heavenly Demon looked down at all living beings, and a torrent of Heavenly Demon light erupted from his feet. He stepped hard, and the pressure of Mount Tai descended from the sky.

Everyone's bodies suddenly sank. It felt like the sky was falling. An unstoppable force was pressing down on them. Countless monks looked up in shock.

Just like dark clouds over the city, that one foot stepped on everyone's soul instantly.


Someone knelt down tremblingly, and similar sounds followed one after another. The lower the level of cultivation, the faster they knelt down.

It's not because their bones are weak, but because they really can't resist the terrible pressure that envelopes the world.

This kind of pressure not only targets the body, but also the soul. Not many people can resist it.

This is the terror of the Heavenly Demon. He can suppress an entire city by himself!

Emperor Qian faced the Heavenly Demon with an ugly face. Before, he had united his army to fight against the weak Demon, but now he knew how big the gap was.

Void Refining and Shattering Void can be called Transcendent Saints. Such existences have become extinct from ancient times to the present.

At this moment, relying on the number of people alone, they are not qualified to threaten the opponent. Even if they take action, I am afraid that they will not be able to exert their full strength.

He couldn't see any chance of winning for a while and felt desperate.

This time, even the immortal True Monarch could not stop the Demon Saint who had regained some of his strength.

Unless the ancient sword master is resurrected, no one can do anything to this person.

Facing the fearful looks of all living beings, Heavenly Demon enjoyed it a lot. His eyes fell on the Black Dragon Spear and he said coldly and ruthlessly: "This gun is not bad. I just need a handy weapon, so I'll use you."

Slowly raising his hand to grab it from the air, a huge claw condensed, exceeding a thousand feet, with rolling demon flames and engraved with circles of demon patterns. It can be called a hand that holds up the sky, and can even grab a mountain.


The black dragon roared, and with Emperor Qian and others quickly forming seals, the power of the explosion reached its current limit. With a violent intention, it swung its tail in the void and slammed into the devil's claws.

The two black giants made the world dim for a while, and with a roar, the dragon's claws collided, and the terrifying sound spread in all directions, deafening.

"Without the stimulation of Saint Realm, even if you are a Spiritual Treasure, you still have to be coiled up like a dragon in front of this Saint!"

Heavenly Demon smiled ferociously, and grabbed hard with his big hand. The power of Heavenly Demon's claws surged, and the black dragon screamed. The void around him was shattered, and even the dragon's body, which was transformed by mana, was scratched to pieces.

The void shattered under Heavenly Demon's grasp, revealing gray-black cracks. Qianhuang and others were shocked by the blowback, their faces turned pale, they vomited blood, and became sluggish on the spot.

When Heavenly Demon retracted his holy hand, he had already caught a black dragon-patterned spear. Although he was trembling and struggling, he couldn't get rid of it.

The three major Soul Formation-activated Spiritual Treasures turned out to be no match for Heavenly Demon. They were also deprived of the only Spiritual Treasure. All the monks on the large team changed their colors and finally understood how terrifying Heavenly Demon was.

"In ancient times, the Sky-breaking Sword Master did not kill him even at the cost of his life. He could only seal him. I probably know the reason."

Tianjizi sighed secretly.

The old master looked sad: "The Heavenly Demon is born. Is it possible that I have run out of energy to achieve my goal?"

The monks from Heavenly Demon Temple were so excited that they shouted like crazy: "Heavenly Demon is mighty!"

"Long live the Demon Saint!"

Song Shi has an immortal body and is the calmest, but his eyes are still wary: "Shattering the void with one hand, this guy can be regarded as a Martial Saint. He is more terrifying than the Soul Formation cultivator in the Void Refining realm, which is good."

As he learned more about them, he also realized that they were both in the virtual realm, but there were still differences.

For example, the Body Refining flow that relies on the physical body to shatter the void is far more terrifying than the Void Refining monks who refine a void.

In other words, this Heavenly Demon Saint is more powerful than ordinary Void Refining monks, not to mention that there are no Void Refining monks in the entire Wuji Continent.

"Husband, he is so strong."

Yaoyue's face turned pale, and she suppressed her fear so as not to lose her composure.

"Spiritual oppression, the power of space, and the physical strength. No one in this world can be his opponent, except me."

Song Shi pulled Yao Yue behind him: "He has recovered a lot of strength. Now, except for those at the same level, there are few who are his opponents. You can leave later while I'm here to hold him back. You don't need to ask any questions, I can't die." "

After saying that, he pushed Yao Yue out with one palm, and when everyone was forced by the Heavenly Demon's aura, he was the first to take the initiative to step out.

A shuttle appeared in the palm of his hand, and light kept shining. Song Shi walked towards the Heavenly Demon without fear: "Old dog, after hiding for so long, I finally gave up. Pretending in front of a group of ants is fun, you have the ability to do it. Are you having fun with me?"

"A frog in a well claims to be an immortal?"

Heavenly Demon sneered, the real immortal god is a powerful being that is much taller than when he was in his heyday. What qualifications does a Nascent Soul have to call himself an immortal?

He stabbed the black dragon spear that had not yet been completely subdued with his backhand, shattering the void, and Song Shi's body was easily stabbed to the core.

However, the latter also used the space shuttle to open a space crack. He pressed against the transparent body from the front and back, vomiting blood and taunting: "Old dog, come and kill this immortal. If you can kill me, I lose."

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