What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 332 I Want To Die With You

The Heavenly Demon's voice passed through the void and landed three hundred miles away, echoing next to the Purgatory Demonic Furnace who was spending his energy to suppress Emperor Qian and others.

Based on the previous movements, the latter knew that Heavenly Demon was defeated.

"Hmph, you are asking me to break the stove at this time. I am a dog to help you. Just go and die on your own."

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace sneered, unmoved at all.

What does the Heavenly Demon's immortality have to do with him? As a Spiritual Treasure, he is arrogant, not like a dog, who comes and goes away in a flash.

When he didn't get a response, Heavenly Demon's face darkened and he was about to seal his seal.

"Profound Transcendence Excalibur!"

Song Shi drank in a low voice, a brilliant light burst out between his brows, and an extremely sharp and completely materialized spiritual sword shot out, blasting towards the Heavenly Demon with such force that it seemed to penetrate everything in front of him.

Heavenly Demon's soul was locked by the attack on the spiritual level, and he only had time to see a ray of light appear. The boy's hole shrank and was shot by a sword.

The next second, his body trembled violently, and he groaned in pain. His eyebrows cracked, purple blood flowed out, and the destroyed eyes were gushing with blood.

"Hey, it turns out your Primordial Spirit is not as powerful as your physical body!"

Song Shi laughed, this guy should have gone to Body Refining*** and his divine power is relatively weak.

He originally felt that his physical body was cracking, his Nascent Soul was melting, and his mental power was not completely consumed, which was a waste. He tried to attack, but he did not expect to find the opponent's weakness.

The Heavenly Demon's one-eyed gaze stared at Song Shi with a solemn expression: "The third cultivation of Jing, Qi and Shen is one more step than the dual cultivation of Jing, Qi and this Saint."

He didn't say any malicious words this time. He must have been completely shocked by Song Shi's background. His mind stabilized for a moment. He took a deep breath and formed seals with his hands like lightning.

When Song Shi thought this guy was going to use some great Divine Ability, the black magic pattern condensed under the opponent's seal, turned into a black snake, and disappeared into the void.

Song Shi, who had just used the Profound Transcendence sword with all his strength and was mentally exhausted, watched the demon snake disappear and said in surprise: "Is it possible that you can still shake people? You shouldn't. After being suppressed for so many years, who else can help you?"

"You'll find out soon."

Demonic patterns also appeared on Heavenly Demon's body, covering his somewhat cracked body and delaying the collapse of his physical body.

"No matter what means you have, continue to eat my fist."

Song Shi did not stop attacking, because the more Heavenly Demon Saint acted like this, the more it showed that he could not hold on any longer.

In the Imperial City, a black snake suddenly appeared next to the Purgatory Demonic Furnace. At the same time, a magic pattern appeared on its body, echoing the black snake.

"Damn it, you actually left a secret hand on me!"

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace cursed and wanted to stop the black snake, but it already had the secret methods of the Heavenly Demon on it. Under the combination of inside and outside, it was unable to stop it and was penetrated into the body by the black snake.

A black flame brand appeared, the body of the Infernal Furnace buzzed, and it flew out uncontrollably.

While cursing, it flew to Heavenly Demon through the air and said: "Heavenly Demon, if you have the ability, don't say one thing, and do it secretly. You curse me with your words, but secretly give me a back-up, I Despise you."

Heavenly Demon's face was gloomy, "Although you are in tatters, you are still a Spiritual Treasure after all. You are still useful at critical moments."

"What the hell..."

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace still wanted to curse, but Heavenly Demon's holy magic formula changed, and the Purgatory Demonic Furnace immediately lost control. When it became quiet, it smashed at Song Shi.

Song Shi's continuous strong attacks were exhausted, and he was hit by the Infernal Furnace and died simply.

The Heavenly Demon exhaled. Fortunately, he summoned the Infernal Furnace in time. Otherwise, in his current state, he would have been unable to stop the opponent from attacking desperately.

The flames of the purgatory furnace were reflected in his eyes. He opened his mouth to swallow, and the blue-black flames flew into his mouth, and began to absorb the power of this Spiritual Treasure to recover.

After being resurrected, Song Shi saw this scene and laughed: "So you can't hold on any longer. How much can this broken stove help you? Just die."

Seeing the hope of killing this guy, Song Shi formed a seal with his hands, uniting his spirit, energy and spirit.

With a bang, his whole body turned into a flaming sword and quickly stabbed at the Heavenly Demon.


With a loud noise, Song Shi was blocked by the Infernal Furnace, making a sound similar to a bell, and a dent was knocked out by Song Shi.

Song Shi turned into a lake of flesh and blood, and was burned by the blue-black magic flame, turning it into coke.


Heavenly Demon spit out a mouthful of blood, and the magic marks on his body were suddenly broken. His eyes were ugly: "This guy!"

The opponent's combined attack of spirit, energy and spirit was even more explosive than Soul Formation. Although it could only attack once, it shocked the Heavenly Demon who was protected by the Infernal Furnace and cracked some of it.

"Can't fight with him anymore!"

Heavenly Demon became more and more uneasy and changed the magic formula. After Song Shi was resurrected, the Purgatory Demonic Furnace poured in and put it away instantly.

"If you can't kill me, can't I seal you?"

Heavenly Demon murmured, controlling the Purgatory Demonic Furnace to fly towards him, and wanted to put it away.


When the Purgatory Demonic Furnace shrunk and was about to be held in his hand, there was a sudden violent shock and a cold light broke through the furnace and shot out.


One of Heavenly Demon's arms was forcibly cut off by Song Shi. The pain from the wound made him explode. He scratched Song Shi's head with a claw, squeezed it hard, and shattered the Primordial Spirit in it.

Both sides were killed and injured. The magic patterns on the Heavenly Demon's body collapsed. The originally suppressed injuries could no longer be controlled. His whole body was cracking and dripping with blood.

He grabbed his arm, with a crazy look in his eyes, and reconnected the broken arm to his shoulder. As the flesh and blood squirmed, it was temporarily healed.

After doing this, he grabbed Song Shi's headless body, and a strange shuttle fell into his hands.

"The Sky Breaking Shuttle actually has such a treasure. How deep do you hide it?"

Seeing Song Shi's body disappear, Heavenly Demon was very crazy and gritted his teeth: "I don't believe it anymore, so I can't cure you."

Activate the purgatory furnace, release destructive flames, and rush towards Song Shi after his resurrection.

After the latter was resurrected, he saw the sky-breaking shuttle in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Saint and said, "Trouble, the treasure has been lost again. If I am trapped again, I will not be able to break the sky and leave."

He stepped to avoid the flames, and circled around to kill the Heavenly Demon: "It was just close, die!"

The whole person turned into divine light and burst out, and the void split open in an instant, and was actually cut through by the desperate Song Shi.

With absolute momentum, under the Heavenly Demon's fearful gaze, he penetrated the flames all over the sky and killed the Heavenly Demon fiercely.


Heavenly Demon hummed, the Purgatory Demonic Furnace shone brightly, and the flames reached the sky, turning into a giant furnace to catch the sword light transformed by Song Shi.


The Purgatory Demonic Furnace was shaken violently by Song Shi, and circles of energy ripples continued to spread, shattering mountains.

The Heavenly Demon vomited a lot of blood, but he did not kill Song Shi. With a quick pinch, he suppressed the exhausted Song Shi in the purgatory space of the Purgatory Demonic Furnace.

After doing this, the Heavenly Demon Saint's body swayed, as if a gust of wind could blow him down. He looked towards the imperial city and turned into a shadow and shot out.

"Lord Demon Saint!" Immortal Transformation Demon Lord saw the appearance of Heavenly Demon Saint, his heart skipped a beat, and his expression was horrified.

Who can beat the Heavenly Demon Saint like this? Could it be Song Shi? That's incredible.

The Heavenly Demon didn't pay any attention to it, and plunged into somewhere in the imperial city, like a meteor, fleeting away.

He was in a very bad state at the moment, even worse than when he got out of trouble, because his physical body was about to collapse.

"It's all because of this shameless person who actually beat my supreme demonic body, which I have cultivated for tens of thousands of years, to the point of collapse!"

Heavenly Demon is extremely angry in his heart. Once the demon body collapses, his own foundation will be destroyed. This is something he absolutely does not want to see.

He didn't dare to stay at this moment, otherwise if someone discovered the problem, many people would notice him and he would have to find a way to leave.

And this world is not suitable for his recovery. He must find something suitable for his recovery, and even return to the Heavenly Demon world immediately.


He came to Tianlao. Due to the impact of the war, the formations along the way had long been exhausted and their power was no longer there. He easily broke through them.

Heavenly Demon came to the bottom of the Eight-Sect Spirit-Suppressing Formation in one breath, grabbed and tore at the huge Eight Trigrams Diagram, and the space was shattered.

After the splendid Eight Trigrams Diagram, a dark space crack appeared, which seemed to lead to an unknown world, and wisps of purple-black airflow that was different from this world continued to overflow.

This is demonic energy, similar to spiritual energy, but with completely different properties. It is an excellent thing for the Heavenly Demon Saint.

The Heavenly Demon opened his mouth and inhaled, and the demonic energy accumulated in the space channel was devoured wildly, and his collapsed body finally relaxed.

"It's comfortable. I haven't absorbed demonic energy for a long time."

Heavenly Demon took a long breath and stared at the broken stove in his hand with gloomy eyes: "The spiritual energy in this world is exhausted, there is no need to stay for the time being, go back first, and deal with this trouble."

After saying that, he stepped into the space rift and officially returned to the Heavenly Demon world.

For Soul Formation monks, the space channel between transmigrate interfaces is still very dangerous.

But for his level, it is much safer. Not to mention this is a relatively safe passage. He even came with a large army back then.

He forced the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord to attack the Imperial City, in fact, in order to consume the formation here so that he could leave safely.

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord is willing to take action, and also wants to send him away, and at the same time use his power to destroy Daqian and become the master of a country.

The two have mutual needs, and normally everything would go smoothly. However, a Song Shi appears and interrupts some of their agreements.

Now he has no time to worry about the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord, so he will leave first.

Inside the Purgatory Demonic Furnace.

Five fire dragon snakes bit Song Shi's head and limbs, suppressing him in the sea of ​​fire, but did not destroy his body and prevent him from resurrecting.

"I hate being suppressed the most!"

Song Shi found that he couldn't struggle, and thought to himself: "I can escape in Ragnarok, but..."

Looking at the surrounding fire snakes, this binding method can be easily broken off by Ragnarok.

The problem is to get rid of it. Without the shuttle, you can't leave this space.

He frowned: "Only after death and resurrection outside."

"When the means are used, I will regret it less. If I had known more about the Void Sutra, I might have been able to break through the space and leave on my own."

Song Shi sighed, but he knew that the Void Sutra was not easy to comprehend. The realms were too different, and he might be able to gain some control in Soul Formation.

Just when he was about to kill himself with the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Method, the space suddenly fluctuated, and five fire snakes took him away from the Law Treasure space.

It was dark outside, with almost no light visible. The destructive force swept over, causing Song Shi's body to collapse. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Where is this?"

"Boy, I am in the space channel, and there is a chaotic void storm outside. Next, I will banish you to the depths of the void. Even if you don't die, you won't be able to find your way back."

Vicious words came out of the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord's mouth. He was actually planning to banish Song Shi into the void. Not to mention the space storm that could destroy Law Treasure, even if he lost his direction and support, even immortals and gods might be lost in it.

He really had no way to deal with this man, so he could only do this.

With a hard push, Heavenly Demon threw Song Shi like garbage into the chaotic void outside the space channel.

Song Shi smiled instead: "You did it wrong again."

If the Heavenly Demon didn't throw him out, Song Shi had to find a way to die in order to escape, but was resurrected in Wuji Continent.

By then, he will be in the Wuji Continent, and the Heavenly Demon will be in this unknown space channel. Even if he can't die, there will definitely be nothing he can do to this guy.

Throw him out now, and he can directly reset the resurrection location and completely kill the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord.


The Heavenly Demon struck out with a palm, and Song Shi was instantly thrown into the space storm. Seeing Song Shi being swallowed up by the space storm, he squinted: "Is it possible that this is not possible? It should be possible. I don't need to doubt myself."

The interface channel is more than a hundred times more dangerous than the space on the mainland. If the space storm on the mainland is just a breeze, then the space storm here is a real storm, which is even more terrifying.

Song Shi didn't last long before he was crushed by the space storm.

Heavenly Demon's holy eyes flashed with magic light. As he advanced, he stared at the place where the opponent died, and found that the opponent was not resurrected nearby.

"Haha, I'm here."

Song Shi appeared behind him and rushed over. Instead of attacking, he grabbed the Heavenly Demon.

"Since you like space storms so much, let me go out and experience them too."

With that said, Song Shi forcibly pulled Heavenly Demon out of the passage and crashed into the chaotic storm.

"I want to die with you!"

Song Shi said loudly.

"Let me go!"

The Heavenly Demon is extremely angry. This person can't die. They both die together. The other person can still be alive and kicking after he does it once, but he is gone after he does it once.

He raised his hand to summon the Infernal Furnace, but with a bang, Song Shi slapped him back in advance. The impact took him deeper into the void at the same time.

The Heavenly Demon hurriedly summoned the demonic flames of the Purgatory Furnace. As a result, Song Shi had been burned by fire and pierced by guns many times, and his physical resistance was already very strong. When shrouded in flames, he did not immediately turn into ashes, but his skin and flesh were torn apart.

Song Shi's Divine Body is not much worse than Heavenly Demon's demonic body. After he killed Heavenly Demon like an octopus, even if Heavenly Demon crazily suppressed him and burned him with demonic flames, he still couldn't get rid of it for a while. control.

A destructive space storm swept through, and their mana and bodies were quickly destroyed.

At this time, the Purgatory Demonic Furnace trembled, and the weapon spirit revived. It was discovered that Song Shi and the Heavenly Demon Saint were fighting. When he lowered his head and saw it, he screamed angrily: "What the hell, you made another hole for me, you two are really The dog, let you two mad dogs bite it, I won’t get involved.”

It forcibly resisted the control of the Heavenly Demon and hid in the relatively safe space passage to watch the show.

Heavenly Demon lost his last support, and his expression became frightened: "I will not fight with you anymore, let go, I am going home, and I promise not to invade your world."

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