What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 336 You Are Really Smart

"Go home often, go home and have a look."

Song Shi hummed a tune happily and walked out of her room.

Perhaps he had said hello in advance, but his courtyard had not changed much and no one lived there, but it was cleaned and it was not dirty.

He is in a better mood and has a backup resurrection point. If he gets bored outside in the future, he can just come back and rest for a few days.

Walking out of his own yard, there is a larger courtyard outside, which is obviously newly built.


Bai Yu'er noticed the movement and walked out in surprise. Then she showed a look of surprise and cheered: "Xiao Qin, the young master is back."

A ghost of a Chinese girl flew out from another small courtyard and came to Song Shi happily: "I have met your husband."

Song Shi nodded and asked, "Have Lao Liu and the others come back?"

"Master, I am here."

At the gate, the smart man with sunken brows came in excitedly and knelt down on one knee respectfully: "I have seen the young master!"

"What happened over there in the Imperial City?"

"Both sides suffer losses. Heavenly Demon Temple retreats, and the Daqian Royal Family cannot retreat."

"Oh, there is one less Heavenly Demon Saint, but we can't even gain much advantage."

Song is unexpected.

"It was the guy from Heavenly Demon Temple who blew himself up a lot after being forced into a panic, causing heavy losses to Da Gan."

Da Chongming told Song Shi something he didn't know.

"It turns out that I tried my best..."

Song Shi suddenly understood and changed the subject: "Where is Yao Yue?"

Bai Yu'er explained: "After she sent the people back, she returned to the sect. She probably wanted to take the opportunity to occupy a state and develop. Now many forces are taking advantage of the situation when both Daqian and Heavenly Demon Temple are losing."

"In this case, Jinzhou belongs to our Song family. Do you know what to do?"

Song Shi said bluntly, since Daqian can't control the states, if he doesn't take action, will Jinzhou, where his hometown is, be handed over to others?

"Yes, I will control Jinzhou."

Bai Yuer promised with a smile, looking confident.

If a Soul Formation monk can't occupy a state, that's a joke.

"Leave it to you, I just want a stable environment."

Song Shi waved his hand. He had no interest in fighting for power or conquering cities and territories.

Wouldn’t it be nice to lie at home, drunk and lying on a beautiful woman’s lap?

"Qin'er, make a pot of tea for my husband and rest at home for a few days."

Song Shi was so badly struck by thunder that she just wanted to lie down and enjoy the beauty's tenderness.

at the same time.

Everywhere in Jinzhou, undercurrents are surging.

"Although Daqian defeated the demon sect this time, his own vitality has been severely damaged. He will not have time to take care of other places within a hundred years. Let us seize the time to divide this state."

"Without the suppression of Da Qian, what follows will be the golden age of the major sects of cultivation. We cannot wait any longer."

"Only with territory can we have a population, so we can recruit more disciples and strive to become a first-class force!"

The large and small forces in Jinzhou are gearing up and preparing to do something big. Those who can eat meat want to eat meat, and those who know that they can't eat meat will also fight for a mouthful of soup.

When they were about to take action, a white shadow came to the door.

"The surname of Jinzhou will be Song from now on. Everything will be arranged by Mr. Song. Anyone who has any opinions can come forward now."

Bai Yu'er's voice spread, and at the same time a powerful coercion shrouded it, directly suppressing people with force, and the patronizing forces were frightened.

Every force she went to said similar things, and every force had no objection.

After such a simple turn, Jinzhou, which stretched three thousand miles across, settled down, and everyone was willing to follow the Song family's lead.

There is no way, the strongest person in Jinzhou is only Nascent Soul. With a Soul Formation coming forward, wouldn’t it be easy to make all the major forces honest?

The man who changed the entire situation in Jinzhou was lying lazily in the small courtyard at the moment, enjoying Bai Xiaoqin's gentle massage and tasting wisdom tea. It was really beautiful.

Bai Yu'er flew back and said with a smile: "Sir, the monks in Jinzhou are very obedient."

"Sister takes action, do they dare to be disobedient?"

Bai Xiaoqin chuckled, walked aside, and took out a guqin: "Husband, Qin'er will play a song for you."

Her name is Xiaoqin, and she has naturally been learning piano skills since she was a child, and has never shown it in front of Song Shi.

"One song is not enough, let's play ten."

Song Shi waved his hand.

"Okay, I just learned ten new songs recently."

Bai Xiaoqin pursed her lips and smiled softly, strumming the strings. The sound of the piano was like flowing water, making people feel peaceful.

Bai Yu'er twisted her waist and walked over to Song Shi, letting Song Shi rest on her soft and elastic slender thighs, stroking her cheeks and feeding Song Shi fruits.

Song Shi just enjoyed the music and food quietly, relaxed and fell asleep leisurely.

He looked peaceful as he slept, and his whole body exuded a pure white light, just like an immortal taking a nap in the Nine Heavens.

Circles of special Dao Rhyme fluctuations spread, causing the surrounding rules of heaven and earth to respond faintly, and Great Dao seemed to be in love with this person.

Bai Yuer's beautiful eyes were shining, and she stared at the man in her arms. Is this the vision of a reincarnated immortal? It's really extraordinary.

She and Bai Xiaoqin were immersed in the ethereal Dao Rhyme emitted by Song Shi, and both received great benefits. They felt ethereal and their thinking became sharper and clearer.

Even the smart guy guarding the door felt comfortable. The bottleneck from Innate to Transcendent was loosening, and there was an opportunity for a breakthrough.

At the end of the ten songs, the world fell silent, as if the courtyard had entered a unique realm, with a sense of transcendence.

The sound of slight footsteps came, which was particularly obvious in the quiet world.

Da Congming opened his eyes, looked at the burly figure who came, but said unkindly: "What's the matter with Master Hai? My master is resting."

"Lao Qi is indeed back."

Song Hai suddenly understood and confirmed his suspicion.

He said: "I'll come later. Lao Qi is working hard outside and is really tired."

"Fourth brother, come in."

Song Shi's voice came out. He was actually mentally exhausted and had recovered after taking a short nap.

Song Hai strode in with a smile, looked at Song Shi with extraordinary temperament, and said with a smile: "Seventh brother, just now the Lord of Jinzhou Palace suddenly came to pay me a respectful Innate, it must have something to do with you, right?"

"Quite fast."

Song Shidigu said: "It is indeed relevant. From now on, the Song family will be the talkers in Jinzhou. You can divide the resources. As for whether you can make the Song family take off, it depends on your own efforts."

Song Hai showed excitement: "Then aren't we like princes, able to control a state?"

"What does this mean? If I had an idea, I would have a chance to become emperor. Unfortunately, I am not interested, and you don't have the strength. You should just settle down and develop in a humble way."

Song Shi stood up and looked at the sky: "Since I have achieved Taoism alone, I have to have a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven. It's a pity that all the chickens and dogs at home are dead."

"Master, I would like to be your dog, and Mei Niang can be your chicken."

Da Chongming patted his chest and continued.

Bai Yu'er and Bai Xiaoqin both smiled. Both beauties looked stunning, and their faces were radiant when they smiled, making the whole courtyard light up.

Song Shi couldn't laugh or cry: "You are really smart!"

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