What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 341: One Punch To Defeat A Sect

Deep inside the medicine door, in the center of the smoke-filled hall, there is a medicine stove, with a group of people sitting on the left and right, talking.

On the main seat, an old man in a dark green gown was playing with a jade cicada, with precious jade hanging around his waist, like a rich man.

The people on the left and right are also senior members of the medicine sect, all dressed in rich and luxurious clothes.

On the left side of the first seat, a young man who was not only richly dressed, but also had an equally noble temperament said with a majestic face: "There is another problem in Daqian Imperial City, and we are distracted and go north to defend against the Li Kingdom. We must be even more distracted. We don't have to hold back. We will take care of ourselves." This Baizhou has been completely transformed into the territory of our Medicine Country."

"The eldest prince, I heard that a princess from Daqian is going to marry Song Shi. I am afraid that he will use his hand to deal with us."

The old man in the first seat said slightly fearfully.

"Song Shi? They are probably exaggerating on purpose. An ancient powerful man like Heavenly Demon could be killed by a Nascent Soul monk?"

The eldest prince of Medicine Kingdom looked confident: "Besides, we only took over Baizhou, and we didn't occupy his hometown. What are we afraid of?"


There was a loud noise outside, and the entire hall shook violently. Tea on many people's tables fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Shocking aftermath surged forward, faint dragon roars echoed, and a powerful pressure enveloped the hall.

The eldest prince of Yaozhou, who was talking eloquently, turned pale: "What happened? The medicine doesn't come back. Is this how you operate in Yaozhou, and someone actually knocked on your door?"

The old man in the first seat had an ugly look, and before he could answer, Song Shi's voice came in.

"I, Song Shi, am here to cause trouble!"

The sound vibrated the void, booming, and the seats were shaking.

Yao Bugui stood up abruptly, his eyes narrowed, his expression ugly: "He's actually here!"

Suddenly, the door deformed violently and was torn apart by a big hand that changed its magic power. Several guards screamed and flew in, and fell hard in the hall.

All the senior officials present stood up angrily and stared fiercely at the radiant figure outside the door.

The blazing true fire of the sun rolled up a heat wave, and Song Shi was immersed in the golden flames, walking slowly through the air.

"Since everyone is here, it's time to talk together."

Song Shi spoke first with a faint smile: "I am about to get married to Princess Wu Xi. I invite your Yao Sect and the Yao Country behind you to attend the wedding. The gift is half of the Yao Sect's profits here. What do you think?"

Everyone was stunned and found it ridiculous. How could there be such a shameless person in this world?

Even if you get married, if you don't ask for a gift, you still want half of the revenue of the entire medicine school. What's the difference between this and robbing?

"What, you are not satisfied? Then give me 70%, so as not to embarrass you."

Song Shi looks like he has you all in mind.

"If you want to rob me, just say so. Why are you pretending?"

He scoffed at the medicine not returning.

"It's uncivilized to rob too much. We need to think longer term."

Song Shi's expression turned cold: "If you don't agree, you can all stay here today!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability.


The eldest prince sneered: "Haha, Daqian is bragging about your achievements crazily, but I want to see how powerful you are. The elder will accompany you to fight with me."

"Okay, grant your wish!"

Song Shi glanced at everyone present, with a hint of disdain on his lips: "Forget about one, let's all come together, otherwise it won't be fun."

The eldest prince's face was gloomy: "In that case, everyone will follow me to receive this distinguished guest."

More than a dozen spells were condensed first, and then various Law Treasures were sacrificed. For a moment, various lights flashed in the hall, and everyone launched powerful attacks.

Song Shi watched calmly, the tallest person in this group was Nascent Soul, and the other ten or so were all Gold Core monks.

Even if they launch a siege on him without any hesitation, for him, he is barely qualified to fight against him.

The eldest prince saw that Song Shi was not afraid at all, his expression became fierce, and he secretly sent a message: "Don't hold back, he must be disabled today, otherwise our plan in Baizhou will be ruined."

Everyone's expressions became fierce, their magic power surged wildly, and they performed exceptionally well.

"The six paths of reincarnation, the human world!"

Song Shi was condescending and raised his fist. The powerful mana surged out like a tide, and a six-path reincarnation disk quickly evolved outside his fist.

The runes in the roulette wheel flowed, and six phantoms emerged. He was like a god in charge of the six paths of reincarnation, and the human world among them shone brightly.

The appearances of all living beings are revealed, the mortal world is billowing, and countless figures are running around and working in the image, with joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, just like the real world.

The vast magic power carries the artistic conception of the mortal world and descends on everyone.

Yao Bugui and the others were in a daze for a while, as if they were thrown back into the mortal world, running for survival, worrying about money, prone to joy, anger, and sorrow, unable to decide their own destiny.

Everyone was stunned at this moment. The spells that broke out and the Law Treasure that was activated became much weaker without realizing it.

At this moment, Song Shi's Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist is even more powerful, with the addition of spiritual attacks. Not to mention Nascent Soul monks, even Soul Formation is very difficult to encounter.

There was no surprise, but Song Shi's Six Path Demon Suppressing Fist carried a vast power that could cover the sky and the sun, breaking through numerous defenses and attacks, and fell heavily.


Amidst the loud noise, each spell exploded like fireworks, quickly collapsing and dissipating under the power of the Six Paths of Samsara Fist. All the major Law Treasures also trembled violently in the collision and were directly knocked down.


Yao Bugui, who had come back to his senses, looked at the punch that was like a mountain falling in disbelief, and his face turned pale.

Katcha kacha!

The main hall was almost like a paper lake under the power of the punch. It was shattered one after another under the power of the punch. The terrifying pressure made the eldest prince and Gold Core vomit blood first, watching in horror as the attack like the fist of the gods fell.


Yao Bugui reminded frantically that he used various defensive methods to catch Song Shi's attack, but the result was still to no avail.

The ground sank, everyone screamed, and the palace floor was punched into a pit.

Broken tiles and bricks flew everywhere. Only the Nascent Soul monk Yao Bugui was left standing among the people in the pit. The others were all vomiting blood and kneeling on the ground.

One punch defeats one door, which shows how powerful Song Shi is.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Song Shi looked at everyone indifferently, "How about I bury you all here.

"You have something to say!"

The medicine failed and he quickly accepted it: "This Baizhou is originally Daqian's territory, and you are a relative of the emperor. When we do business here, we should take 70% of the profits to honor you."

"It's quite sensible. In twenty days, you will come to Jinzhou to attend the wedding. I will wait for the next force and you will take me to the warehouse to have a look."

Song Shi said calmly, in fact, he had no murderous intentions. After all, if he killed people, who would ask for resources in the future?

The key is to kill him. He doesn't have anyone to manage him here. Isn't it nice to forcefully share most of the profits to save time and effort and let these guys work for him?

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