What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 347 Killed By Own Attack

Song Shi frowned: "Are you taking this for granted? You have never been to the Heavenly Demon world, so you are sure that they have no interest in this world?"

"As if you've been there?"

Emperor Li scoffed.

Song Shi wanted to say that he had really been there, but Emperor Qian on the side seemed to have received some news, and said with an extremely ugly face: "Damn it, the sealed space channel underground in the imperial city was broken, a large amount of demonic energy was released, and many living people were corroded by the demonic energy. , turned into a madman, and now the imperial city is in chaos, it is already a hell on earth!"

He was furious and pointed at Emperor Li: "It's all your fault. Tens of millions of lives in the imperial city may have been killed by you."

Song Shi's frown deepened. He knew that the imperial city was in very bad condition without going over to take a look.

Demonic energy is a different kind of energy, and even monks may not be able to withstand it. He has personally experienced it, and it can burst him before fusion.

How can ordinary people bear it?

"The weak have no right to survive. If they die, they will die. What can you do to me?"

Li Huang smiled proudly, thinking that this trick of stealing a house was very successful and would definitely seriously injure Da Qian's vitality.

"What a bunch of barbarians!" Emperor Qian was full of murderous intent and wanted to beat this guy to death on the spot.

A large part of his power was concentrated in the imperial city. If he was dealt with in this way, it would be equivalent to being immediately crippled.

"Soon, we barbarians will occupy the land of you sanctimonious people and steal your women!"

Emperor Li smiled ferociously.

"Your Majesty, the imperial city's demonic energy has erupted. We must return to defense. The imperial city cannot be lost."

King Fengxian flew over, extremely anxious.

The demonic energy has just exploded now, and there is still a chance to save it. If we go back too late, the entire base camp will be destroyed.

Emperor Qian was a little hesitant. If he retreated now, Li would occupy more land. But if he didn't retreat, his hometown would be gone, and subsequent counterattacks would be difficult.

"Your Majesty, keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood." King Fengxian persuaded.

Emperor Qian sighed, exhaled a breath, and said rather unwillingly: "Li Manzi, this time I underestimated your shamelessness in Li Guo, so I will let you be proud for a while."

"Haha, go back and save those ants. The Emperor of Kitakyushu will accept them."

Emperor Li laughed. He admired his own skill for being able to capture new land so easily.

Emperor Qian left angrily.

Seeing that Song Shi did not leave, Emperor Li sneered: "What, you still want to fight with my million-strong army?"

Song Shi looked at the latter expressionlessly: "You deserve a beating so much, it makes me want to try something."

"Get out of here, my emperor!"

Li Huang cursed, he didn't believe that Song Shi dared to attack them. Everyone here could drown this bastard with just a spit of spit.

"Song Shi, follow me back to the imperial city. We will give up the north for now."

Emperor Qian, who had flown some distance, turned back and said, "Let them be arrogant for a while."

"There's no rush. Leaving now would be a sign of weakness. Countries around other areas that I use my means to control may have other ideas."

Song Shi shook his head.

If every country uses this kind of formation to invade Daqian, Daqian will definitely be divided. Now we can no longer give others the illusion that they can invade at will.

On the contrary, we should give pain and pain to the guy in front of us, and completely cut off the idea of ​​​​certain people.

This is called hitting with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming.

"You are not overestimating your abilities. Are you alone qualified to say this?"

Li Huang raised his hand in disdain: "Let him have a taste of how to break a magic bow and teach him how to behave."

Next to the divine archers, some soldiers immediately drew their bows. These archers were all monks, and their bows themselves were also Law Weapons.

As he drew the bow, the arrow exploded with light. The power of destruction condensed on the arrow, and it was shot out with the power to break through the monk's defense.

Song Shi's eyes were cold, without any fear.

He looked down at the million-strong army, raised his hand and took out a golden talisman, and said to himself: "Originally, this thing should be used to deal with Demon Race and the like, but if you want to die, just use it in advance, it's so powerful. how."


Mana was injected into the talisman. After activating it, the talisman burned directly, and a dangerous aura surged.

Li Huang, who was originally complacent, immediately felt uneasy after noticing the fluctuations caused by the release of the talisman.

The next moment, the talisman released the power of destructive flames. The scorching temperature melted the void at a speed visible to the naked eye. The nearby air was distorted and the clouds in the sky were evaporated.

The nearby spiritual energy of heaven and earth vibrated and converged crazily towards the talisman, adding to its power, making the talisman shine brighter and brighter. The released power formed a huge solar energy ball, and its volume continued to expand, making the whole world a blinding daylight, making it difficult to keep one's eyes open. open.

The huge fireball pressed down on the army, and the surrounding temperature difference formed a circle of storms. It was huge and even larger than the ground formation, directly exceeding ten thousand feet. It is not an exaggeration to say that the sun fell. It was not something that a monk in this world could launch. Come out with Divine Ability.

"This...what is this!"

Li Huang was sweating profusely and looked at the scene in horror like a scorching sun falling. He had never seen such a terrifying attack since he was born.

The power of heaven and earth was like a boundless mountain crushing down. Before the sun set, the entire formation of the Li army was crushed by the pressure, and the mentality of the million-strong army collapsed on the spot.

Before they could escape in time, they were engulfed by the power released by the falling sun, and many people were vaporized on the spot.

"Oh my god, it's so scary."

Song Shi, who threw the attack, was also frightened by the battle. When he saw the destructive aura spreading, he exclaimed and reminded: "You guys run quickly."

Emperor Qian and others reacted and turned around without hesitation. Then the entire sun expanded, and they were like small black dots on the edge of the sun, which could be swallowed up at any time.

Fortunately, Fu Lu did not release it towards them. Queen Qian's clothes were burned on her back, and she finally rushed out of the central area of ​​Fu Lu's power.

They looked back at the fireball that had expanded to ten thousand feet and was still expanding, and they were terrified.

"This... what kind of talisman is this? It cannot be refined in this world."

Emperor Qian's tone was trembling.

"Your Majesty, he...why didn't he run out?"

King Fengxian said in embarrassment, his hair was burned off and he looked a little funny.

"Since he used it, he should be able to handle it. Don't worry about him."

Emperor Qian shook his head and hurriedly said to his subordinates: "Everyone pay attention and go all out to deal with the aftermath of the big sun's explosion!"


At this time, the sound of the explosion came, and the world suddenly darkened, like an ancient beast roaring, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the distant earth rippled like water.

The soil near the center of the sun easily melted into magma, and the vegetation on the periphery instantly consumed fly ash, which was then mixed with broken soil and rocks, turning into rows of huge waves of flames that spread.

The entire pass was trembling under this special wave, and it looked like it would be submerged in the next moment. Fortunately, a formation of light rose into the sky in time, struggling to block the aftermath, and the ground began to shake.

"Haha, unlock a new achievement, I was killed by my own attack!"

Song Shi smiled and advanced instead of retreating.

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