What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 353 Refining Demonic Qi

Outside the passage and inside the heavenly prison, no demonic energy surged out, and the concentration of the surrounding demonic energy began to decrease as it escaped outwards.

Emperor Qian mobilized people to deal with the evil energy. He did not dare to use magic power to offset it like Song Shi did, but instead had people use containers to seal the evil energy.

After the remaining demonic energy was almost dealt with, they took the time to repair the formation. With an formation master like Tian Jizi presiding over it, a new formation was soon activated based on the original one.

Three days later, Emperor Qian solemnly inserted the damaged Black Dragon Spear into the core of the formation and said to Tianjizi: "It can be activated."

A burst of mana fell, and the formation patterns engraved in the Tianlao space lit up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Buzz buzz.

Circles of formation light spread, forming a new barrier, and the entire heavenly prison turned into a special space, blocking the plane passage.

"It should be done. I'll go and inform my son-in-law."

Emperor Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this passage could be blocked, it would be much easier to deal with the evil energy outside.

He used the authority of the formation to come into the space crack and found that the demonic energy here was very thin. While surprised, he also noticed that the nearby demonic energy did not flow toward the formation, but instead gathered deep into the space.

"It's unreasonable. Where is the reason for the demonic energy to flow back?"

Qianhuang looked confused. After curiously digging deeper, he was shocked to find that the demonic energy was gathering towards a figure.

This person is none other than Song Shi. At this moment, he is sitting cross-legged in the crack in the void, in a state of cultivation.

The demonic energy around him is almost like the spiritual energy he absorbs during his usual practice, and Song Shi is constantly flowing out.

This is a normal phenomenon of practicing Qigong. The question is how Song Shi can absorb the demonic energy. For them, isn't the demonic energy equivalent to poison?

"Are you...are you okay?"

Emperor Qian couldn't calm down. He thought of something and said hurriedly: "You don't have to block the demonic energy like this. We have repaired the formation outside the space crack, which can block the demonic energy for a period of time."

Song Shi opened her eyes. One eye was as bright as the sun, with brilliant golden light. The other eye was dark and cold, like a devil's eye. The whole person also exuded a strange aura, as if good and evil coexisted, and light and darkness coexisted.

The strange aura startled Song Shi, thinking that Song Shi had been snatched away by the demon coming from the space channel.

"What do I have to do? Isn't it just cultivation?" Song Shi responded calmly.

"But you are absorbing demonic energy..."

Emperor Qian pointed at the demonic energy around him that was still gathering towards Song Shi and was then swallowed up.

"Why can't demonic energy be absorbed? It is also a kind of energy. Those Demon Races can absorb it, and so can the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord. Why can't I absorb it?"

Song Shi said of course.

Emperor Qian was stunned for a moment, and after carefully observing Song Shi, he didn't think he had been taken away from him, and said:

"When a person absorbs demonic energy, he will turn into a monster like the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord. You don't seem to have much abnormality. Do you have any secrets?"

"Just get through it."

Song Shi raised his hand, and the demonic energy condensed into a small black ball under his control, deforming according to his mind: "Even if you are not familiar with the demonic energy, you can forcibly refine it, and I found that the demonic energy has a miraculous effect on Body Tempering."


Emperor Qian didn't know what to say. Maybe this was the ability of immortals, which was not something ordinary practitioners like him could understand.

"I just sensed fluctuations in the formation. It has been repaired."

Song Shi stood up: "Since there is no problem for the time being, go back quickly to hold the wedding and give your daughter a title."

"You still remember this, I thought you forgot."

Emperor Qian showed a gentle smile, followed Song Shi and started to talk about his daughter, with a proud look on his face: "Xi'er has been very sensible since she was a child. After she gets married, she will definitely be able to assist you well."

"Wuxi is indeed a capable and talented woman."

Song Shi nodded, and the fact that Wu Xi was willing to trade her future for him to entangle Da Gan was enough to praise him.

"It's just that this child has suffered too much. She grew up in the palace, and there were all kinds of fights. When she grew up, she was responsible for the intelligence of a country. She didn't enjoy life well. I hope you can treat her well."

Emperor Qian guiltily expressed an old father's wish.

Song Shi came into contact with the unknown side of Wu Xi and seriously promised: "Yes, as my woman, naturally I will not let her suffer anymore.



Emperor Qian was relieved.

"Your Majesty, the Immortal True Monarch."

In the prison, Tianjizi clasped his fists politely.

Song Shi nodded and glanced around: "Fellow Daoist Tianjizi's layout is good, but it's best to add a warning formation. I'm worried that there are monsters coming at the other end of this passage."

Tianjizi was reminded like this and said: "I will make arrangements immediately."

"If anything goes wrong, please notify me in time."

Song Shi glanced at the crack in the space and felt that a group of monsters might rush out of the dark passage at any time.

"I will arrange for a garrison to patrol at all times. If there is a situation, it can also resist one or two."

Emperor Qian was also a little worried. Although he agreed with Emperor Li, most upper realms such as the Heavenly Demon realm looked down upon this world.

The question is what if you are interested?

After arranging some more back-ups, Song Shi and Qianhuang flew out of the prison.

The young man next to Tianjizi watched Song Shi's back disappear, and then he sighed: "Master, our choice was right. In the end, we still managed to hold on."

"Actually, you and I don't have much choice. It's more about following your heart."

Tianjizi shook his head, they were considered decent people and there was no way they would surrender to the demon sect.

Song Shi rushed out of the dungeon and exhaled happily. A strong wind blew up from his terrifying lung capacity, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

The demonic clouds in the outside world have dissipated a lot, and some normalcy has returned to the past. People on the streets have basically regained their consciousness. Officials are asking monks to exorcise the demonic energy from the living people.

The dead were piled up to unify the sparks, and under the power of the flames, everything was purified.

The Daqian army patrolled the city with a stern face. Once someone caused trouble, they would be quickly suppressed. The entire city was gradually returning to normal.

A beautiful figure is busy in the distance, with many figures surrounding it, looking very orderly.

After noticing the movement caused by Song Shi, Qianying turned around. She was dressed in a goose-yellow palace dress that made her whole body gentle and elegant. Her figure was graceful and graceful, and her waterfall-like hair was flying in the wind, with a crystal luster.

On her pretty face, a pair of big and bright eyes were like stars. After seeing Song Shi, they became even brighter, with a burst of surprise and a smile at the tip of her eyes.

"Father and husband, you are finally out."

Wuxi flew over.

"You girl, don't you want to take care of these trivial matters? You are going to get married soon."

Emperor Qian was angry.

"People also saw that the imperial city was in a mess, so they wanted to do their part."

Wu Xi was pouting, looking a little more coquettish and cute. She looked at Song Shi with a wave of eyes, boldly walked over and took Song Shi's arm, smiling and saying: "You say so, husband."

"I respect your choice, but now hurry back with me to hold the wedding. I have already informed many people and cannot miss their gifts."

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