What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 362 Don’T Be Too Greedy

Beasts have a very strong sense of territory. There is a strong scent of the Black Bull King nearby, and the wolves dare not enter at will.

Labu and the other demons finally breathed a sigh of relief. The captain grinned: "Boy, you didn't lie. Everyone owes you a favor."

Song Shi shrugged and didn't take it seriously.

"My little brother is a stranger. He doesn't look like the people from Stone Town. Why are you alone in the Warcraft Mountains?"

Rab asked curiously: "I wonder what I call my little brother?"

"If you're from out of town, you can call me Jiuyang."

When Song Shi said this, the archer who was investigating the situation suddenly exclaimed: "By the devil, the Black Ox King is really dead."

The latter stood on the branch of a big tree, looking into the distance with a shocked face.

A few miles away, the black bull king, who looked like a mountain, was lying on the ground, bleeding like a river, and had lost his breath.

"Kashiwagi, is the Ox King really dead?"

Captain Akaba jumped on the ground with surprise and suspicion, and rushed up to a huge tree next to him like an arrow. He grabbed the tree a few times with his hands, and climbed more than ten feet as nimbly as a monkey.

When he saw the body of the Black Ox King, his body shook violently and his eyes widened: "My Demon God is really dead. Could it be that some Demon King passed by here and didn't see it?"

"Far away in the horizon, close before our eyes, the devil you are talking about is me."

Song Shi said lightly, which aroused the contempt of the five people.

"Little brother, you have thin arms and legs. The lice on the Black Ox King can bite you to death. You still want to kill the Black Ox King?"

Holding the mace, the burliest guy sneered, ignored Song Shi, and ran over to see the body.


Song Shi could only say that his disguise was too good for these guys to see.

"Jiuyang, you are really like my son, you like to talk big."

Rab patted Song Shi on the shoulder: "Come on, let's go over and have a look. I don't know if we can get any benefits. If we can pick up something, I'll give it to you."


Song Shi felt like she was being taken advantage of.

"Boy, let's go, there are wolves behind us."

The last demon wearing a half-iron mask reminded him, striding towards the body of the Black Ox King.

Song Shi shrugged and was too lazy to explain. Anyway, he would only contact these people temporarily and go to their Stone Town to figure out the larger map.

He looked back at the wolves, and with a whimper of fear, the wolves ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Stone Town belongs to Lord Qingshan. If you are bigger, this old man has never heard of it. After all, he is an ordinary person."

Song Shi was thinking about some information in Labu's memory. The area he was in was controlled by a lord named Qingshan, and the nearby territory should be similar to the land of a country in the lower realm.

As he slowly followed him, Labu and the other demons had already arrived in front of the Black Ox King, nervously exploring the surrounding situation.

After confirming that there was really no one, the five demons immediately screamed excitedly.

"No one, the strong man who killed it didn't care about its body at all."

"Demon God, this is a Rank Four monster!"

"These are all ours. Just one magic core can make us rich!"

"Thank you Demon God for your gift!"

"Great, my son's debt can be paid off."

The words of the five demons made Song Shi curl his lips, "Thank you damn demon, you should thank me."

"Boy, it's true that you helped us come here, but you can't be disrespectful to the devil."

Captain Akaba looked dissatisfied.

The Demon God is equivalent to the God of this world. In the culture of Demon Race, it is the Demon God who roughly created this world.

Song Shi couldn't understand, and said expressionlessly: "If you call me kid again, I will be dissatisfied."

"Hey, why are you so stubborn?"

Captain Akaba was a little angry, and Rab on the side said hurriedly: "Captain, the smell of blood here is very strong, and it may attract powerful monsters. Let's get the good stuff and leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, although the aura of the Black Ox King can temporarily scare away the wolves, it will be troublesome once the wolves know that the Black Ox King is dead."

Archer Kashiwagi echoed.

"Yes, I'm talking nonsense to him, the magic core is the most important thing."

Akaba reacted and hurriedly brought the Ghost Head Sword to the Black Ox King's chest.

Facing the hill-like Black Ox King, Akaba could only hold on to the hair of the cow with one hand and the ghost-headed sword with the other, showing a solemn look: "This Black Ox King has rough skin and thick flesh. Although I am a seventh-level warrior, I am still too strong." Low, I guess it won’t break the skin, I’ll try it first, you guys prepare it, and we’ll do it together later.”

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. The bronze arm muscles swelled and suddenly expanded in a circle. Wisps of white air were released from his hands and poured into the ghost head knife, causing the blade's cold light to surge.

The knife flashed and followed a simple line to cut the cowhide.


A bunch of cow hair was cut off, leaving only a white mark on the cowhide, which was far from being broken.

"As expected, let's all come together."

Akaba made some room, and soon the five demons hung on the cow's tripe and tried their best to disembowel it.

"Oh, this cowhide is so thick."

"Hurry up, hurry up, it will be troublesome if other guys come over."

"It's useless to be anxious. This big guy is much stronger than us."

Song Shi looked at a few people busy and said a little speechlessly: "Do you want my help?"

Several guys simply ignored his words.

Song Shi shook his head, squatted on the ground, picked up a branch and drew circles.

He was thinking about something.

What is the relative position of the Wuji Continent and the Heavenly Demon world, what is the shape of the two worlds, and based on the other location, the approximate location of the space passage can be inferred.

"You should take a closer look outside the Heavenly Demon world, maybe you can see the whole thing."

Song Shi glanced at the sky and found that after entering, he didn't know how to get out. Judging from the fluctuations in space, it was not possible to get out by simply flying up.


There was a surprise next to him. A fist-sized crystal core with blood was held in Akaba's hand, exuding obvious energy fluctuations.

The five people looked at the magic core and were all extremely excited.

"The Rank Three magic core is worth tens of thousands of gold coins. How much is the Rank Four worth?"

"It must be calculated based on the magic crystal!"

"We've made it, and we won't have to worry about food and drink in this life!"

When they murmured, Song Shi sneered: "This is not something you warriors can take. If you ask me, just cut off some scraps. Don't be too greedy."

The warrior level is the lowest level for practitioners in this world, roughly equivalent to the acquired Martial Artist in Wuji Continent. Of course, demons in this world can become warriors as long as they reach adulthood, and their level is much higher than that in Wuji Continent.

His words poured cold water on the five of them, and they looked at each other for a moment.

People in any world can understand the reason why possessing a treasure is a crime. Not to mention that the environment in the Heavenly Demon world is more cruel. If more powerful beings know that they hold Rank Four magic cores, their lives will definitely be in danger.

"Hey, I have lived for so many years, and I am not as calm as a young man."

Rab sighed.

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