What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 364 King Level Bloodline

"Feel free to come to me for revenge, but remember to be quick."

Song Shi replied calmly, but still urged the other party to take revenge.

Before the latter could speak, the phantom was shattered by Song Shi's thought.

In the brightly lit hall, click!

A wooden sign as green as emerald was shattered, and the originally projected scene disappeared like a bubble. The guy who was about to say harsh words felt as if someone had suddenly pinched his throat, and he had no chance to fight back.

"Ah! I will definitely use the beaten head of the guy who killed me as a chamber pot!"

After suppressing it for two seconds, he still suppressed his anger and let it out with a bang on the table, beating it to pieces.

The distant owner was so angry that he slapped the table and vowed not to let Song Shi look good.

Song Shi chuckled, and if he had enough hatred this time, he would probably come over to trouble him.

He raised his hand to the meat paste, and a black ring flew over.

"I like this kind of gift. You can divide the rest among yourself."

No one dared to move.

"Master Demon King, the territory of the Chiba family is larger than the Qingshan territory, and it is one of the best among the six nearby lords..."

"Stop talking nonsense, pick it up or not!"

Song Shi was not interested in paying attention.

"Master Demon King, you are not afraid of them, but we are."

Akaba said bitterly: "That person just now must have seen us, and he will definitely crush us to death at will."

At this point, he and the rest of his teammates couldn't help but tremble.

"It seems that this Qianye family has a reputation for evil."

Song Shi glanced at Rab: "Don't worry, since I'm the one who caused it, I'll naturally be the one to deal with it."

"Pack your things. Since they will kill you whether you take them or not, what's the difference?"

Song Shi clasped his hands behind his back: "If you don't want it, then it's all mine, hurry up and clean it up."

The four rabbis felt that Song Shi was right, so they started to pack up the things belonging to the young master of Qianye family, but were then burned by Song Shi.

After Song Shi received the storage ring, Akaba and the others took the opportunity to cut a lot of beef and followed Song Shi out of the Warcraft Mountains with large and small bags.

On the way, Song Shi took an animal skin map and looked at it with gusto.

"Qingshan, Qianye...the six major lords near the Warcraft Mountains."

Song Shi muttered, based on more information about the Chiba family, Song Shi discovered that this Demon World is not divided into countries, but territories.

These territories are actually controlled by a powerful family. In essence, the power of Demon World is distributed with blood as the core.

The reason for this phenomenon is not that the civilization of Demon World is more backward, but the power of blood.

You must know that in the Wuji Continent, only a small number of humans and Monster Races can do this, and the vast majority of people do not. And here, the power of blood is fundamental.

This power is too powerful, because bloodline will directly affect talent, similar to the spiritual roots of Wuji Continent.

However, the proportion of spiritual roots in the Wuji Continent is rare, while in the Heavenly Demon world, almost everyone has the power of blood, but only to a certain extent.

No matter how weak your bloodline is, you can still become a warrior when you reach adulthood. This inheritance model is actually terrifying, as it ensures that all creatures in the Demon World are very powerful.

He estimated that the cultivation civilization of the Heavenly Demon world was so powerful that the inheritance of power could be carried out through blood. That was why this phenomenon occurred. It was unable to form a large country and was still a lord similar to a tribe.

"Lord Demon King, it seems that you killed a young master of King Level blood."

Rabu saw some signs and kindly reminded: "The Chiba family will definitely take revenge."

The three Akabas looked frightened. With King Level bloodline, this kind of being can become a king in adulthood. There is also a high probability of breaking through and becoming an emperor. It is definitely a key training target in the Chiba family.

"That's good. It should attract a Demon Emperor."

Song Shi smiled, the levels of blood power in this world are very simple, that is, the three levels of low, middle and high correspond to warrior, combat master and war master.

The following are King Level, Sovereign Level, Divine Level, Saint Level, Saint Level and Emperor Level, which are roughly Gold Core, Nascent Soul, Soul Formation, Void Refining, etc.

A King Level bloodline is considered a genius in this place, so there is no reason not to settle the score with him, as it is exactly what he wants.

Akaba and others can't understand. This person is not afraid at all. Is it possible that the Chiba family is not looked down upon?

Song Shi didn't say the reason, and they didn't dare to ask any more questions. They said nothing.

After passing a hundred miles, at the edge of the forest, a town entirely built of stone appeared on the mountainside. It looked very solid.

It is said to be a town, but it is actually a small city. On the other side of the city, there is a river flowing at the foot of the mountain. On their side, they are backed by the Warcraft Mountains. Many caravans go in and out in the middle, and various oxen and horses pull carriages to transport goods.

Song Shi's appearance attracted a lot of wary looks. It was probably because he was an unfamiliar face. These demons who licked blood from their knives all day long were very sharp.

"You can leave now."

Song Shi suddenly spoke.

He had secretly investigated the situation in Stone Town, and with some of Rab's memories, it was no problem to leave alone.

"Sir, someone has seen us together..."

Rabu smiled bitterly: "If the Chiba family wants to take revenge, it will be easy for them to find us."

Song Shi noticed that many eyes were focused on him secretly, but said nothing.

Many people here are mercenaries and have a strong sense of investigation. If he doesn't care, the Chiba family will definitely find these guys who are well-established in the local area first.

He walked around the city by himself, as if he had been there many times, and arrived at a shop where he bought various sundries.

There were various maps and classics inside. Song Shi walked in and walked around, picked up a map, and shook his head after looking at it.

"Dear guest, this map is already very detailed, isn't it enough?"

The boss was a bald devil, and he frowned when he saw that Song Shi was not satisfied with his map.

"Is there a map of the entire continent?"

Song Shi asked directly: "If not, I will go to the next one."

"Haha, then you don't need to change it. I actually have a map of the mainland."

The boss chuckled, looked at the few ordinary mercenaries following Song Shi, and expressed contempt: "If you don't talk about the price, even if you look at it, it will only increase your troubles."

"take it out."

Song Shi didn't bother to pay attention to the other party because Akaba and others looked down upon him.

"This kind of map is very precious. Whether you buy it or not, you have to give a gold coin first."

As soon as the boss finished speaking, Song Shi threw a bag of gold coins at him.

The scene of great wealth made the boss's face change. He was a little more polite and took out a map made of silk from the wall.

Finally finding a big map, Song Shi took it and glanced at it.

The Warcraft Mountain Range is just a small dot on top, and the surrounding territories such as Qingshan and Qianye are no more than the size of a palm. In a larger area, there are lords of a higher level.

The entire map includes oceans and land, and the land contains the four magic words "Heavenly Demon Continent" written on it. He looked thoughtful when he saw it.

There is absolutely no way that Holy Heavenly Demon is the strongest person on this continent. He probably just gave himself a temporary nickname after the name of the continent. His real name is definitely not that, so it would be hard to find.

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