What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 369 Burning Heaven And Forbidden Land

They have a large number of people, why should you fight them?

"it's over!"

Chief Qianye looked relaxed, but at the next moment, his neck was pinched by Song Shi.



This demon Sovereign Level only had time to uh-huh for a split second, because he was carrying Song Shi on his back, so he had no time to use his pupils, and his neck was broken by Song Shi.

"Clan leader!"

The other elders roared, completely unaware that Song Shi was not dead and would sneak attack the clan leader when they were careless.

"court death!"

The Qianye vortex pounced on Song Shi like a vulture, holding a magic sword and piercing Song Shi's eyes.

Although he was in a furious state, he still knew that Song Shi was physically powerful, so he chose to attack with his fragile eyes.

Other demons Sovereign Level also took action, attacking Song Shi at the same time with various attacks.

Some pierce the ears, some attack the mouth, some hit the back of the head, some look at the neck, some go down three directions, and some even attack the anus.


Song Shi was speechless for a moment, and made a backhand secret: "Unmoving Bright King!"

A circle of brilliant brilliance gathered around him, forming a bright giant.

Dang Dang Dang!

All attacks were blocked, and the Unmoving Bright King's dharma body appeared with twisting circles of light.

At this time, a demonic soul flew out of the Qianye clan leader, trying to escape.

Song Shi's face turned cold, and the sun's spiritual fire was released, like a volcano erupting.


Realizing that the destructive aura was coming from behind the soul, the leader of the great clan, who was inferior to one person but superior to ten thousand people, lost his composure on the spot and shouted in panic: "Ancestor, save me!"


Not to mention the ancestor Chiba Uta, all the demons were knocked out by Song Shi's explosion. The vines and wooden arrows released by the surrounding formations turned into fly ash, and some Law Treasures were broken, which shows how amazing the explosive power is.

Under this level of destructive power, the demon soul without the protection of the physical body was extremely fragile and was evaporated on the spot, leaving nothing behind.

Qianye Utao watched this scene helplessly but could do nothing. He was so angry that his eyes bleed. He roared angrily and slapped the big tree behind him.

"Tangled with thorns, Qi!"

The spiderweb-like pattern lit up with his palm as the center and spread rapidly. The broken vegetation around it shook. Then the soil rolled, the vegetation shattered, and thorns with sharp barbs broke out of the ground one after another, like crazy. Come to Song Shi.

The main trunks of these thorns were extremely thick, and the barbs on them were like steel knives. The branches were as thin as saw teeth moving rapidly. The nearby incomplete vegetation and city walls were easily smashed into slag.

Song Shi was quickly entangled in thorns, and he was blocked by three layers inside and three outside. The barbs cut a string of sparks on his body.

"Kill my clan leader, and you will be buried here, your bones crushed and ashes scattered, and you will be a sinner forever!"

Qianye Wu's voice was cold, with bone-chilling coldness, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Song Shi's body made a cracking sound, and he was unable to bear the strangulation power contained in the thorns.

He remained calm and calm: "Tickling me, you also want to bury me?"

"The power of my clan gathered here can't destroy your body?"

Qianye Utao raised his hand and shook it hard, and the entire formation burst into brilliant light. The thorns entangled in Song Shi expanded as if they were inflated, and the light from each barb surged, like a sharp sword unsheathed, piercing Song Shi crazily.

No matter how powerful an individual is, he lacks resource advantages before gathering the power of the entire formation to kill. Song Shi's Divine Body does not have an absolute advantage. After being attacked so crazily, his physical body cannot withstand it.

The barbs penetrated the body, and then the thorns moved quickly, like sharp saw teeth, forcibly cutting Song Shi open, causing him to be torn into pieces, and his death was a bit miserable.

Qianye Uta felt a little more comfortable and snorted coldly: "Death without a complete body, this is what happens if you offend my Qianye clan!"

"I died so miserably, you have to pay with my life."

A strange sound appeared in his ears. Chiba Uzumaki stood on his head with all the hair on his body. His Divine Ability was instantly activated. Countless vines wrapped around the source of the sound. A layer of wood was formed on his back, which was actually stronger than many metals. Strong armor.

However, Song Shi's attack was a fire attack, and the scorching solar spiritual fire instantly engulfed it. Whether it was vines or wooden shields, they burned, collapsed, and disappeared under the flames.

Qianye Utao was startled, the magic power surged in his body, and the wood attribute defense was continuously released, and he used a claw in response.


Song Shi was stronger than him and broke his claws in a head-on collision. He stepped on him and one of his legs was broken, causing his body to become abnormally skewed.

Song Shi made a Dragon Subduing Palm, and the Mudun on Qianye Wu's back was completely shattered, and he was slapped to the ground.

Chiba Uta had to explode his pupil power, and a circle of invisible energy crashed into Song Shi, trying to stop his pursuit.

Song Shi's eyebrows glowed, and the sharp sword of the Tao struck out, instantly breaking the power of his eyes, and making people fall like meteors.


Qianye Wudu rolled around in the pit to avoid it, and was so shocked by the shock wave that he vomited blood.

This was just the beginning. Song Shi was unforgiving and threw all kinds of swift and fierce attacks at him.

The other elders tried to stop them, but were shot away as soon as they got close, and they were unable to intervene for a while.

After several loud noises, Chiba Uta was deformed, half of his body was charred, and there was too much air coming in and too little air coming out.

Song Shi held Qianye Guo, who looked like a dead dog, with a violent aura all over his body, and glanced around coldly: "Whoever is not afraid of death can take action!"

The entire Qianba City suddenly became quiet, and all the demons were shocked and found it difficult to accept this result.

Their Dinghai Shenzhen, the most powerful ancestor, was defeated. Right in front of them, in their own lair, he was deformed by an unknown guy. He was already in danger.

This is a devastating blow to their self-confidence.

"Don't go too far. Our Qianye family is also a side branch of Tianmu and Qianmu Emperor Clan, and we will not allow you to wreak havoc!"

There is a demon elder who is fierce in appearance but weak in heart.

"Haha, go and beg them to come and kill me. I'll wait."

Song Shi laughed, holding Qianye Wuji who was seriously injured by him in one hand, turned around and left, preparing to visit the forbidden area Qianye Wuji said.

"Put down the ancestor!"

A group of demons couldn't stand it anymore and rushed to Song Shi together, hoping to save their ancestor with their numerical advantage.

"You couldn't stop me just now, can you do it now?"

Song Shi dismissed it and punched out, the world roared, and all the demons were knocked back with one punch.

He took one step, spanning dozens of miles, and easily distanced himself from a group of demons. With another step, he got rid of the people he wanted to track.

The people of the Qianye clan could only roar helplessly and did not dare to continue chasing.

With no pursuers, Song Shi left the half-dead Qianye Uta aside and tied him up with a rope using his magic power.

He took out a map that should have forbidden areas marked, and found some bloody areas on it, and the corresponding explanation was forbidden areas.

"What kind of forbidden area is the passage that Qian Yan originally opened now?"

Song Shi kicked Chiba Uta, who was a Soul Formation level monk and was not easily killed.


Qianye Wo vomited out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes: "It's the Burning Heaven Forbidden Land. It was formed by the Emperor Fire cultivated by the Great Emperor. If you want to die, don't take me with you."

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