What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 373 Desolate Ancient Saint Body

Chiba Uzumaki also wants revenge.

He was beaten out of shape by Song Shi and was still holding back his anger.

"Be prepared with both hands. You send people to ask for help. You arrange people to investigate the nearby situation. If you find a spatial passage to the lower realm where he is, you may be able to threaten him in turn."

Chiba Uta is prepared to find an opportunity to make a comeback while at a disadvantage. The space channel the opponent is looking for may be an opportunity.

"Yes, ancestor."

The two elders acted separately, and one came to the Sacred Clan, which had some connections with the Chiba family and had some connections, and asked the demon saint they had always worshiped to take action.

In the Heavenly Demon world, basically each major clan is affiliated with a more powerful race, and the related races are more or less related by blood.

Of course, the marriage between a large clan and a small clan is basically not equal. The elders of the Qianye clan naturally waited humbly at the door, waiting to be received.

Fortunately, they usually showed great respect to the Saint of Destruction, and they were soon received by the Demon Saint of Destruction, who was usually the closest to them.

In the majestic palace, the Dust-Destroying Demon Saint was tall and tall, with an old appearance. He was dressed in black robes. He leaned on the main seat and looked indifferently at Qianye Jin who was kneeling to pay homage: "I heard that something happened over there. You Did you come here this time just to ask me to do this?"

"Lord Demon Saint, I just came here to ask for help..."

Qianye Jin told the situation with frustration and anger, and deliberately added some extravagance.

Demon Saint Miechen didn't care about this. He only heard that the Qianye clan was being beaten to his hometown, and his eyes were disdainful: "A person from the lower world beats you like this, and even killed the clan leader. How useless!"

Qianye Jin felt aggrieved and smiled bitterly: "Master Demon Saint, we really have no choice. Now he still wants to enslave our clan and make us worship him."

"He still wants to steal my offering from this saint?"

The eyes of the Dust-Destroying Demon Saint were cold, and a destructive aura was released in his eyes.

He didn't care who died in the Qianye clan, but his tribute must not be missing. After all, this was a considerable resource.

If this guy wants to steal his offering, he is the enemy!

"Where is he? I'm going to teach him what the rules are!"

The Dust-Destroying Demon Saint stood up and said with an oppressive aura.

Qianye Jin felt a little more sarcastic in his heart. Sure enough, he took action because it was related to your interests.

He replied calmly: "In the Burning Heaven Forbidden Land."

"Where is it? What is a person from the lower realm doing there? The Fentian Forbidden Land does not have any treasures. Instead, it involves some troubles."

The Demon Saint of Dust Extinguisher was a little surprised.

"There is the entrance to the space passage in the lower realm where he is. Maybe he wants to pick up other people." Qianye Jin guessed.

"Just go and ask him and you will know. I have nothing to do recently, so just go there."

The Dust-Destroying Demon Saint waved his hand and flew out of the palace with Qianye Jin.

Another elder of the Qianye clan who secretly investigated the situation was not so fast. After arranging manpower, he didn't pay much attention to it.

For him, once the Demon Saint is invited to kill that person, it won't be that important whether he does it or not.

He believed that the guy who caused great losses to his family would definitely be dealt with by the Demon Saint of Extinguishing Dust.

Song Shi didn't know yet that Qianye Utao had gone to call for help. Even if he knew, he would only be happier.

After dying in rage many times, Song Shi is good at controlling his anger. Now he can endure the wrath of Burning Sky for more than a quarter of an hour at any time.

But he couldn't find the entrance to the space passage. Song Shi was a little doubtful that the entrance was not in the sea of ​​fire.

"The original Qianyan Demon Saint's territory is here, and it is also a space channel expanded by the clan's formation. Perhaps it has been too long and it has been covered by magma."

Song Shi looked at the magma. If he still couldn't find it after searching the outside, he would go down and have a look.

"Ding, the delayed reward has arrived, and your golden Sacred Body has awakened into the Desolate Ancient Saint Body!"

A reminder rang in his ears, Song Shi's body was covered with golden light, his physical body was transformed, his energy and blood were billowing, and he looked like a real dragon in human form.

The spiritual light blooming from his body formed a series of strange phenomena, including golden lotus flying across the sky, thunder and lightning, and sea of ​​fire rolling. The surrounding void was affected by Song Shi's physical body and became distorted. He knew that even the burning sky seemed to surrender.

"Sacred Body? This is it?"

Song Shi was stunned. The recent delay in the distribution of rewards has made his promotion more peaceful. It has been a long time since he directly crossed a big realm like this.

A physical body at the Sacred Body level can only be possessed by a Body Refining monk at the Shattering Void level. He now has the ability to Shatter the Void with every move he makes.

With a squeeze of his big hand, the air exploded and the void twisted violently, threatening to be crushed with his bare hands.

"The space in this world is more stable, but we can't break the void at will."

Song Shi murmured, still looking very satisfied.

After coming to the Heavenly Demon Realm, his ability to crush Soul Formation at will in the lower realm was greatly weakened here, and he no longer had the advantage of being able to suppress even the higher levels.

This made him feel that he had become a lot mediocre. Now that his physical body had improved to a large level, his advantages would probably return.

"Desolate Ancient Saint Body is a purely powerful body. I really want to find a fight with the Demon Saint to see how powerful it is."

Feeling the surging power in his body, Song Shi had the illusion that he wanted to punch everything he saw.

This shows that this improvement is indeed very large, which will cause perceptual dissonance.

"Now I am the Sacred Body, which is much more powerful than those with so-called holy veins. As expected, there is no need to care about the Qianye family's divine veins."

Song Shi curled his lips. In his opinion, the so-called demonic veins are equivalent to spiritual roots. They just give people a special talent. Where can he be a towering tree like him?

If he could give birth to an offspring, the child would definitely have the holy bloodline from birth, which would be much more powerful than the bloodline of the Chiba family.

Even now that they are getting stronger and stronger, it may be more difficult to give birth to offspring.

At this time, Song Shi had a headache.

"There are holy veins and imperial veins in this world, which means that beings more powerful than me can also leave heirs. We should be able to find a solution."

Song Shi thought about it again and felt that there was something dark and bright.

With the Sacred Body, Song Shi found that her ability to withstand the wrath of the burning sky increased more than ten times. If she wanted to explode again, she would have to save up for a while.

While he was looking for a passage and waiting for the next time he would self-destruct, outside the forbidden area, the Demon Slayer came down with Qianye Jin.

Qianye Wuji was waiting here and greeted him respectfully: "I have met Senior Miechen."

"He's in there?"

Demon Saint Miechen asked, not daring to use his thoughts to investigate.

"Yes, he seems to be studying the Divine Ability spell inside, and there are explosion sounds from time to time."

Chiba Uzumaki explained.

"Come here to study the spell Divine Ability?"

The Demon Saint of Destroying Dust frowned: "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Oh, he may also want to find the space passage left by Senior Qianyan when he attacked Wuji Continent."

Chiba Uzumaki talked about another thing.

"It's ridiculous. Even the Great Saint doesn't dare to stay here for long. He still wants to find a passage inside?"

Demonic Saint Miechen laughed when he heard this: "I guess he would have fallen here without me taking action."

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