What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 375 Breaking The Law Manifestation

"If you don't speak, then don't ever speak again!"

Song Shi was affected by Fentian's anger, and was very angry at the moment. When he saw Demon Slayer, who was stunned for a while, he attacked him and beat him violently.

Bang bang bang!

It was like a large firework exploded in the sky. Song Shi's fire-attributed mana exploded upon collision. While making a muffled sound, there were also circles of fire waves spreading, like a savior falling, blasting large pits on the ground.

Chiba Utaji, who had escaped early, was still not spared. He was hiding in it like a mouse running for his life.

He stared up at the gray and gold figures fighting fiercely in the void with wide eyes. The two mana lights formed a huge ball of light, and terrifying energy poured out continuously.

"Hasn't this person just arrived at the Demon Venerable Level? How could he fight like this with a senior Demon Saint... It's really outrageous."

Suddenly, a ball of escaping flames suddenly hit him, scaring him so much that he ran away with his head in his hands.


After the fierce collision, Song Shi and Demon Saint Miechen were temporarily separated. Both of them were panting a little, and their bodies were full of energy and blood.

This is the characteristic of close combat. The fists touch the flesh, the blood is boiling, and the explosive power reaches a terrifying level.

"Sacred Body, how did you cultivate it!"

The Dust-Destroying Demon Saint spoke. He subconsciously put his hands behind his back to hide the redness, swelling and cracks, pretending to be calm: "Without strong enough blood and external assistance, it is impossible to cultivate the Sacred Body in advance at the incarnation level."

“My journey along the way has been all by myself.”

Song Shi looked confident and added in his mind: "It's all on my own to keep dying."

"It should be some chance, I got some powerful inheritance, and I was lucky enough to cultivate the Sacred Body."

The Dust-Destroying Demon Saint speculated.

"No matter what you say, I have to fix you today."

Song Shi rubbed his fists, and the bones all over his body crackled. Qi and blood flowed faster. There was a thunderous sound when the heart beat. The golden brilliance was tinged with flames, and the muscles and bones were golden, containing massive explosive power.

He had just obtained the Sacred Body, and now that he was fighting this Demon Saint, he felt comfortable all over, and the surge in physical power was being quickly digested by him.

"Come on, let's see who beats whom today!"

Song Shi hooked his fingers with a strong fighting spirit.


The Dust-Destroying Demon Saint said in a lecturing tone: "Don't be too arrogant when you are young. This Sacred Body of yours does not have any Divine Ability. It is just a rough-skinned, thick-bodied and powerful Sacred Body. It is just the most ordinary Sacred Body."

"You can defeat all laws with one force, don't you know?"

Song Shi clenched his fists, and the sun's spiritual fire merged into his movements. The golden light was like holding two suns, and the flames were rolling under his feet, as if he were holding a sun.

Not only his hands and feet, but also his whole body was filled with fire. There were two behind him and two in front of him. Each sun was an energy core.

As the fire broke out, the sun behind Song Shi released energy, forming a huge recoil force, making Song Shi suddenly accelerate. With just a brush, he rushed in front of the Demon Slayer and punched him in the face.

The punch was as powerful as the falling sun, fiery and domineering. The Demon Saint of Dust Extinguisher followed up with all his strength, but was still knocked back a hundred feet with one punch, his face a little uneasy.

He is more powerful and his physical body is not bad, but he can't take a direct punch from a Soul Formation. It's embarrassing to say it.

"Let you see the great Divine Ability of our clan!"

The Demon Saint of Dust Extinguisher stepped back, and the gray-white light in his eyes was released.

"Destroy the sky!"

The powerful force of destruction was released, forming a circle of ripples of light, covering a huge area, like a sky dome pressing on top, colliding with Song Shi head-on.

If the close collision is real, this pupil power is more towards Divine Ability, which is composed of pure destructive energy, contains special thoughts, activates the power of heaven and earth, and the space along the way seems to be collapsing and destroying.

The gray-white light didn't look very powerful, but it formed a sky screen, like a giant taking action to block Song Shi.

This time, the Holy Light of Destruction was even more powerful. The solar spiritual fire on his fist was shattered by the power of destruction, and he wanted to continue destroying his physical body in turn.

Song Shi had already seen it, how could he not have a way to deal with it, he opened his fist directly and released a sun in the palm of his hand.

All the power of a Gold Core is released, and this Gold Core is not the Gold Core of the Gold Core monk, but the ninety-nine and eighty-one additional Gold Cores condensed in Song Shi's body. Each one contains a huge amount of energy, just to Use it to scare people at critical moments.


Like a sun explosion, a hole was forcibly blown out of the gray-white sky formed in the Dust-Destroying Demon's Holy Eyes, and fire gushed out from it. Song Shi also stayed in it and continued to attack.

The pupils of the Dust-Destroying Demon Saint trembled violently. This boy's explosive power actually broke through his sky of destruction. This meant that even without a physical body, his explosive power should not be underestimated.

He gritted his teeth and punched Song Shi.


The already broken hand was even more severe and was beaten out even in elementary school.

"How come this guy's physical body is similar to that of the Tianli clan!"

The Dust-Destroying Demon Saint frowned. The most powerful method of his clan was the power of his eyes, not his physical body.

Although his physical body is considered powerful, it is not top-notch. He will not be able to withstand such a thick-skinned person.

Taking a deep breath, the Demon Saint of Dust Extinguisher suddenly retreated, and at the same time, his hands turned into phantoms and quickly formed seals.

"Boy, your physical body is strong, don't you believe that your demonic form can be equally strong?"

The monstrous gray-white light erupted from his body like a tide, forming a huge impact that made Song Shi feel as if he had been hit by a tsunami and had to fall back a little.

Song Shi glanced down at his fist, which was stained with a grayish white color. He hurriedly held it and released a circle of holy light to drive it away.

In front of him, gray-white light filled the sky, the space in the central area was distorted, and a terrifying pressure was brewing, as if some peerless monster was born.


In the gray-white light group, a huge eye opened.

There is only one eye, but it is very large, with a diameter of more than ten thousand feet. It is like God opening his eyes.

The entire pupils were gray-white, with no life at all. The runes in the eyes were flowing, and the power emitted caused the void nearby to collapse, stones to crack, vegetation to wither, and all races to be destroyed.

"Hiss, the Demon Saint of Destruction has been forced out!"

Qianba Wu, who was hiding in the distance, caught a glimpse of the giant Great Demon pupil suspended in the void, and his expression was a little shocked.

Puff puff!

Looking at Song Shi, the surrounding earth was collapsing, and the destructive force seemed to make him disappear on the spot.

Song Shi felt her whole body aching, the holy light protecting her body was disappearing, the sun's spiritual fire was collapsing, and her flesh and blood were being decomposed and destroyed.

"Did you activate your ultimate move?"

Song Shi muttered, not retreating, but even rushed towards the giant eyes without hesitation.

The closer he got, the more terrifying the destructive power became, and Song Shi's body began to evaporate.

"court death!"

Qianye Utao looked at Song Shi coldly, "I will exert the power of the Holy Eyes beyond normal. Even if your body is rough and thick, you still have to disappear!"

When he sneered, Song Shi's body suddenly swelled, and flames appeared all over his body. In the astonishment of his huge eyes, he exploded when he got close.


A familiar scene appeared. A mushroom cloud bloomed, instantly engulfing the Law Manifestation's magic pupil and forcefully exploding it.

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