What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 393 The Trial Effect Will Be Better This Way

The guy who was being hunted cried for his father and mother, and had to flee in all directions, just to stay away from this murderous god.

"Do you know you regret it now?"

An You smiled and stopped in front of Li Mo, who was leading the team.

"Bitch, get out of here!"


An You's strength is not low. Not to mention defeating this guy in a fight, there is absolutely no problem in being evenly matched for the time being.

After one round, Song Shi came over and solved it by three times, five times and two times.

"Okay, I stopped the fattest one."

Song Shi nodded and continued to kill the other one.

With the obstruction of Liu Husheng and others, the escape speed of these Demon Races was greatly affected. In the end, even if some Demon Races escaped by burning blood essence, they were all killed by Song Shi.

"It's over. No news has been leaked. We should still be able to wait for some prey."

Song Shi was satisfied with the work and gave two blood spirit beads to Liu Husheng and others who helped, and gave An You a special reward.

Inside the tower, An You's face was flushed, and she hurriedly pushed Song Shi away: "I can't, I'm about to burst."

It was the first time that she had absorbed the support of a man, and she felt like she was going to explode.

"You can't do this. I burned a lot of my essence when I killed those prey. You can't even absorb it?"

Song Shi frowned. His skin was now shriveled and emaciated, and he was still close to being sucked to death.

"I really can't do it anymore..."

An You smiled bitterly, "I also have a limit, but it's not like this Jueling who can swallow a lot."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Song Shi glanced outside.

The guy who created this unparalleled spirit land must also have controlled a more powerful devouring power and devouring law?

The strength represented at the back makes me feel powerful just thinking about it.

"I'm going out."

Song Shi got up, except for turning around. When he came back, he was full of energy and his condition was completely restored.

Anyou thought Song Shi was using the blood spirit clan to recover. In fact, Song Shi ran and was killed by Demon Race once, and refreshed the state by passing through it.

Song Shi continued to use the Blood Spirit clan to practice various Great Demon skills. As he deepened his research on demon skills, he gained a lot of insights into the skills of trolls and succubi.

The troll's technique can enlarge the body, and the succubus' technique also has the method of transformation and illusion. It's quite good to practice together.

As his research deepened, Song Shi discovered an interesting phenomenon.

These Demon Race skills are systematic and can complement each other. In theory, practicing multiple demon skills at the same time can achieve perfection in all aspects.

However, the magic skills he obtained all focus on the physical body, which is the essence of the three elements of essence, energy and spirit, and are not too focused on the other two.

"Perhaps the Demon Race is generally physically stronger, but in terms of energy and spirit, it is not as good as the monks from the Xuan Spirit World?"

Song Shi made some more guesses, gradually integrated all the Great Demon skills, combined with the immortal golden body and his own ideas, and gradually became the most suitable way for him.

If anyone knows that Song Shi is actually creating his own Tao now, he will definitely be shocked, because Song Shi has not reached the level of the founders of these magic scriptures at all.

But Song Shi's strong understanding allowed him to temporarily overcome some obstacles to understand, integrate the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought, and create a technique that is most suitable for him.

Even if he only achieved it initially, Song Shi's background continued to grow, and the Blood Spirit Beads were consumed rapidly. He completed the refining of the first batch of a hundred Blood Spirit Beads, and then continued to refine the second batch without finishing.

While he was practicing, new prey kept coming. .

The Demon Race who can come here are basically geniuses, and they are not stupid.

The inexplicable disappearance of an entire Demon Race team in this area meant something was wrong.

Therefore, the Demon Race team, who knew something about the situation, became vigilant and conducted a secret investigation. They also found out that only the bare commander was left in the Heavenly Demon team and the Hunshi team.

These things are all related to the region where Song Shi is located, especially Song Shi who took the initiative to refresh his status.

The surrounding Demon Race more or less knows that this place is not simple, and will not approach easily until they are not sure.

As time goes by, the area where Song Shi is located has unknowingly become a special place, and it is also the only place in the land that is not controlled by Demon Race.

No Demon Race dares to approach easily, making this place a safe harbor.

One after another, Xuan Spirit World monks got the news and came from all directions to seek refuge.

The team of Liu Husheng and others continued to grow, and their number soon exceeded that of the ordinary Demon Race team.

This kind of situation has not happened before, but in the past, it only took a few Demon Race teams to cooperate to break up such a team.

Nowadays, the existence of Song Shi has made it much more difficult to do it, and no one dares to do it easily.

Under the shock of Song Shi, the number of Liu Husheng's team soon exceeded twenty, then thirty, forty, and fifty.

As their numbers continued to increase, the surrounding Demon Race team began to feel a little uneasy.

They know very well that when the number of prey is large enough, the advantage in quantity can completely make up for the gap in quality.

These prey animals are likely to attack them in turn.

In fact, the situation is indeed changing, and Liu Husheng and others are gradually losing their fear of Demon Race.

When there are enough people, everyone's courage grows invisibly. When there are more than sixty monks, the ambitions of Liu Husheng and other non-Demon Race monks begin to expand.

The original fear gradually turned into desire, and there was an internal struggle for power, and different factions were formed. Many factions wanted to turn against Demon Race and avenge their previous shame.

In particular, killing Demon Race can obtain resources such as blood spirit beads, which becomes a reason for them to take action.

Song Shi didn't care about this at all. He just wanted to take the Jueling Path when he was almost ready to improve, pass the first trial, and then see what was special about the second level.

Under his day and night practice, each Blood Spirit Bead was consumed rapidly, and three months passed in the blink of an eye.

And the team that relies on his existence has grown enough to easily threaten the Demon Race team.

But the bigger the team, the more problems there are.

Liu Hutou was originally considered the leader, but after a few guys who were stronger than him came to the team, his voice declined.

However, he is not the strongest in the team, not even the first echelon. The team's voice is gradually dispersed, and each member has his own ideas.

Of course, most of the ideas are pretty much the same, which is to attack Demon Race in turn.

After this idea reached a critical point, someone finally couldn't help but raise it.

Liu Husheng could not decide on such a major matter, so he could only call several leaders together to discuss the matter.

Whether or not to take action against Demon Race depends on the outcome of the discussion before more manpower can be mobilized. .

More than sixty people have formed four major factions. Liu Hutou looked at the other three people: "Once we get out of the vicinity of the ancient tower, aren't you afraid that Demon Race will also form a team to surround and kill us?"

"What are you afraid of? There are more than sixty of us. If they want to surround us, they will need at least a hundred Demon Races. I don't think they can gather that many in a short time. We can catch them off guard, so we have to take action as soon as possible. "The most powerful and thoughtful leader among the three said with confidence.

"I agree with this plan. We cannot wait for them to take action. We must take the initiative."

"We can definitely defeat them one by one. Kill one or two teams first. Once we kill a few more teams, we won't be able to tell who is the prey and who is the hunter here."

The other two chimed in and even had the idea of ​​changing the entire situation.

Liu Husheng was also very excited. If the Demon Race could be killed to the point where they could suppress them, the situation could really be reversed.

At that time, the monks who keep coming in can strengthen them, and the Demon Race who comes in is their prey.

"I'll go talk to Brother Song. If he is willing to support us, it will definitely be a sure thing."

Liu Husheng got what he is today because of the benefits he received from Song Shi, so he followed Song Shi's lead in everything.

"Brother Liu, there is no need to disturb his practice."

"That's right, we have to rely on ourselves now. Song True Monarch should be almost refined and will leave soon."

"Song True Monarch takes action, how do we divide the blood spirit beads we get?"

All three of them objected politely.

In their minds, Song Shi's strength has been proven, but it is still powerful, but it cannot bring them much benefit.

If you follow him this time, you will still get more than half of the benefits, which is not enough for them.

"Okay, let me talk briefly."

Liu Husheng still felt it was necessary to say, "In case of any accident, there is still a trump card."

Seeing Liu Husheng running towards the ancient pagoda in the distance, the remaining three looked at each other, all a little dissatisfied.

"Brother Liu is really that senior bitch. He wants to talk about everything, but others don't pay much attention to him."

"Don't say that. He's not strong enough. If he doesn't rely on that person, how can he be qualified to be on an equal footing with us?"

"Yes, but if he leaves, doesn't he have to rely on himself?"

The three people talked about Liu Husheng behind his back and looked down upon him.

In the early stage of Liu Husheng's realm incarnation, they were both Soul Formation Late Stage, even Consummation, and the gap was not small.

At the ancient pagoda, Song Shi listened to Liu Husheng's plan and nodded: "You can try it. If you can turn over, it will be quite interesting."

He supports these people to take action against the Demon Race. Even those Demon Races are not simple and may not be solved in a short time.

"One hundred and fifty pills, and I feel the effect is getting lower and lower. You can consider leaving."

Song Shi then thought that the effect of the blood spirit beads was fading, and was ready to take the road of death.

Before that, let's see if the guys here who share the same problem can change their status and become the leader of this hellish place.

At that time, every Demon Race who comes in will be hunted down. It is interesting to think about this scene.

An You pouted on the side: "You don't care what they do, the rules here determine that they can only become prey."

"Is this rule reasonable?"

Song Shi mocked: "Since this is your Demon Race's trial place, how can you hunt non-Demon Race monks? It should be more difficult and become the target of being hunted. I think this trial will have a better effect."

"You are bad."

An You was speechless: "I estimate that all the Demon Races would greet you in their hearts if they knew the situation."

"That's good. I like to be greeted by others, but they can't help me."

Song Shi chuckled, "You should pay attention to their actions, and don't be tricked in turn."

"All right."

An You straightened her clothes and licked her red lips: "Master, please remember to pay for your hard work."

"Last time you swallowed at least twenty Blood Spirit Pearls worth of essence, wasn't that enough?"

Song Shi is not angry. Is this woman really treating him as a good person?

"I am also growing. This time I can swallow the origin of thirty blood spirit beads."

An You smiled teasingly: "I'm going to do some work now, waiting for the young master's reward."

Song Shi watched An You leave, and his face turned cold: "Demon Race is the most indulgent of the seven emotions and six desires, and there are people who practice specifically around these. It is precisely one of the seven emotions and six desires that you pose the greatest threat to me..."

After his in-depth understanding of the Demon Race technique during this period, especially his contact with the succubus clan, he discovered that the most powerful thing about these guys is not the charm, but the ability to make people fall into desire.

No matter when, your biggest enemy is actually yourself, especially your own instinct.

Reminding herself to be careful of this female devil, Song Shi sat cross-legged and continued practicing.

An You came back soon and said, "They must have fallen into a trap. I noticed a familiar aura on someone's body."

Song Shi is not surprised. This is Demon Race’s home court after all. Perhaps every move of Liu Husheng and the others is being monitored by Demon Race.

He was very concerned about the breath An You was talking about and asked: "What breath?"

"The scent of desire."

An You took a deep look at Song Shi: "Young Master must have practiced some kind of spiritual method. His mind is like a sword, and he is as immovable as a mountain. His various charms have not made him lose control of his desires, but others are far inferior to him. "

Song Shi thought thoughtfully: "You mean some of them are controlled?"

At this point, Song Shi was shocked that he didn't notice it.


An You said flatteringly: "Originally I shouldn't say this, but whoever wants the young master to make the slave family addicted to themselves, let them suffer less and realize the young master's idea."

"make it clear."

Song Shi is impatient.

"It's because Demon Race aroused some people's emotions and made them more arrogant."

An You explained: "Just like I can arouse your lust and greed, Master, Demon Race can also arouse your thoughts of anger and delusion."

When she said this, she sighed: "The person who does it should be one of the top geniuses in my Meizu."

Song Shi glanced sideways: "The number seems to be different from yours?"

"The seven emotions and six desires are like different Tao. We will focus on one or two."

An You twisted her body: "Sir, look at my unique conditions, lust is definitely the most suitable choice, and it will get twice the result with half the effort."

Song Shi thoughtfully said: "No wonder I always feel that you are seducing me into corruption."

"Hee hee, Young Master is too determined. So far, the slave family has not succeeded?"

An You chuckled softly and reached out to touch the Buddhist inscriptions on the wall: "The seven emotions and six desires, or the greed, anger, and ignorance mentioned by the Buddha Gate, are all present in every living being. Basically no one can completely restrain them. Once they are taken advantage of, Once you enter, that’s the beginning of your fall.”

Song Shi's hair stood on end when he heard this. These guys are really demons, so demonic.

After all, who can control all their thoughts?

Take the most common lust as an example. How many people can resist it?

Let's change it to something else, such as anger. Song Shi has experienced it before, and it was really about to explode with anger.

Thinking of this, Song Shi's eyes changed slightly: "Great Emperor of Yuanhuo, can you control your anger?"

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