What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 405 Black Wind Tempering Sacred Body

"The Emperor's Scripture of our clan cannot be passed on to others!" Wei Ming refused.

"Okay, then go die."

Song Shi's palms were filled with thousands of swords, and the brilliant sword light surrounded Wei Ming, frantically attacking the opponent's crumbling shield.

The shield, which had been twisted by fire, was hit by this violent attack, and cracks began to appear. The sword energy entered along the cracks, leaving blood marks on his body.

Seeing that he was about to meet Jin Night's end, Wei Ming didn't want to die, so he could only violate the rules of his ancestors and said anxiously: "Stop, I can teach you the Heavenly Demon Sutra, but you must swear not to kill me!"


Song Shi swore skillfully, and at the same time dispersed the fire attack and sword attack, and loosened part of the immortal rope: "Come on, learn the piano first."

Ding ding ding…

The somewhat chaotic sound of the piano echoes, as if it were soundtracked by monks hunting Demon Race, which is quite suitable for a somewhat chaotic scene.

As the sound of the piano gradually became smoother, the situation became one-sided. Liu Husheng and other monks completely suppressed Demon Race and killed them. The last Demon Race team that could resist the monks was quickly eliminated.

Half an hour later, Song Shi figured out Heavenly Demon Qin, and Liu Husheng and the others also destroyed Demon Race.

Wei Ming looked at this scene with grief and anger, unable to do anything. Instead, he had to sell his secrets in order to survive.

"You're pretty good at playing the piano. I've almost mastered it. Now I'm going to teach you the Heavenly Demon technique."

Song Shi stood up and put the piano on his back, preparing to use it as his second Law Treasure.

The power of this harp is strange. It can directly attack the Primordial Spirit and confuse people's hearts. When Wei Ming borrowed the power of his ancestors to activate it, even he was hooked. When used against the enemy, it has no effect on group attacks or trapping enemies. Difference.

But this piano is the treasure of the Heavenly Demon clan after all. He must practice the Heavenly Demon Sutra in order to exert its maximum power.

Wei Ming gritted his teeth and took out a purple scroll and opened it. It looked like a wordless heavenly book.

He dropped a drop of blood, made a hand and recited a mantra, and as the purple light filled the air, a scripture was revealed.

"See for yourself."

Wei Ming is still reluctant to leak the clan's core skills to outsiders.

Song Shi doesn't care. With his understanding, there is no pressure to study by himself.

At first glance, he found that the Heavenly Demon sutra was a little more obscure and difficult to understand than the Great Demon sutras he had seen before, and was at a higher level.

After reading it, he thought thoughtfully: "It is a technique that focuses on the spiritual level. No wonder you, the Heavenly Demon clan, can control your emotions and cause trouble in the world."

"Of course. After practicing the Heavenly Demon Sutra, you can absorb other people's demonic thoughts and grow them, making your own thoughts immortal, having thousands of clones, and avoiding the retreat of immortals and Buddhas!"

Wei Ming boasted with arrogance and looked at Song Shi: "You have also taken the piano and read the Heavenly Demon scripture. Should you let me go?"

He was quite dissatisfied that Song Shi was still tying him up.

"Explain it to me, it will help my understanding."

Song Shi grabbed it from the air, and the fairy rope loosened, and flexibly returned to his waist to become a belt.

In fact, even if he wanted to keep it tied up, his mana was almost exhausted and it wouldn't last long.

"Just ask, I will answer you if I know."

Wei Ming was reluctant.

Song Shi began to express his opinions. The more Wei Ming listened, the more surprised he became. Is this person really practicing the Heavenly Demon Sutra for the first time? Why are you asking about something that seems to have come about only after practicing for a long time?

He was originally going to give random answers to mislead the other party, but he was too frightened to do so for fear of being noticed by the other party. He could only be as vague as possible, hoping that the other party would misunderstand and go crazy.

While they were discussing, Liu Husheng and his group of monks sorted out all the loot one after another, and then waited respectfully aside, watching Song Shi and a demon discussing the magic way with a strange look on their faces.

This is the first time they have encountered someone who went to practice magic. Is it possible that the Gold Core Great Dao is not bright enough?

As the Heavenly Demon Sutra circulates, Song Shi has a strange aura that merges with the original immortal energy, making it even more unfathomable.

Two days later, Song Shi easily admitted Heavenly Demon and learned two skills.

One is a demonic species that can devour the Primordial Spirit of others. Especially during Transcending Tribulation and breakthroughs, it can take advantage of the monk's inner demons to attack and even seize the body, similar to the spy Zhang Yili he met before.

The second is to control people's hearts, by beguiling the desires in others' hearts, amplifying them and becoming their slaves.

Whether it's a demon seizing a body or controlling desires, they are all very strange methods that are hard to guard against.

"Brother Song, have you really mastered the Heavenly Demon clan's skills?"

Seeing Song Shi's strange state, Liu Husheng asked curiously.

"Of course, this technique is not that difficult. As for whether you can learn it?"

Song Shi shrugged.

Wei Ming's face twitched on the side. After living so long, this was the first time that he encountered an outsider saying that the Heavenly Demon of his clan was eager to learn.

"Then Brother Song shouldn't be afraid of being targeted by the extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon when he breaks through."

Liu Husheng said with envy, Song Shi practiced this technique and was basically destined not to be afraid of the Heavenly Demon outside the territory.

"Heart Demon Tribulation?"

Song Shi has never heard of this thing.

"Brother Song is from the lower realm. He didn't know that our Mysterious Spirit World has been affected by the rules of the Heavenly Demon Realm. When the monks break through, there will be a calamity of inner demons. Once the state of mind is unstable, they will be invaded by demonic thoughts from outside the realm."

Liu Husheng smiled bitterly.

Seeing that not only Liu Husheng had a similar expression, but also other people, Song Shi was stunned: "I didn't expect that in the Xuan Spirit World, monks would be targeted by demonic thoughts when they break through, and then take the opportunity to seize their bodies."

He roughly understood how Zhang Yili came.

"Yes, it's all to blame in the battle between the spirit and demon realms. The Spirit World has always been at a disadvantage, allowing the Heavenly Demon realm to secretly control some rules, making everyone's inner demon tribulation even more terrifying."

Liu Husheng sighed: "The rules of the First Realm have been affected. All monks have to face being robbed by inner demons when they break through. Many monks have either fallen here or had their bodies taken away."

Song Shi's face turned bright when she heard this, and she looked at Wei Ming: "Do you know what's going on?"

Wei Ming sneered: "It's very simple. The rules of your world have been contaminated. You can't escape the inner demons during Transcending Tribulation."

Song Shi frowned: "Is it possible that the existence of the Heart Demon Tribulation is the influence of your Heavenly Demon clan?"

"I don't know, but it has something to do with us."

Wei Ming wasn't too sure. This matter was too long ago.

Song Shi was speechless: "I didn't expect that in the battle between the two worlds, the losing side would have such a negative impact. It's really enlightening."

Wei Ming said bewilderedly: "How about it, feel the power of my Heavenly Demon world, and in the Heavenly Demon world, our clan is the strongest. Since you practice the Heavenly Demon Sutra, you might as well join our clan, and your achievements will be limitless. "

"I'm not very interested in you."

Song Shi pouted: "You seem to be of no use now."

Wei Ming felt cold all over and asked in surprise, "What are you going to do?"

"I think it's better to kill you. Staying here will be a destabilizing factor."

Song Shi showed murderous intent.

"You swore..."

Before Wei Ming could say that Song Shi had violated his oath, he was killed by Song Shi with one blow without giving him a chance to speak. "I swear, so what? If God is unhappy, he can come and hack me."

Song Shi didn't care, he wished it would be thundered.

The monks around him looked strange.

Why is this person more cunning than the Heavenly Demon clan?

"There's no need to worry about credibility when dealing with Demon Race."

Song Shi spoke righteously without any embarrassment, "I only want Jin Yan's things."

After getting the other party's relics, Song Shi found a bone slip as white as jade, and then took out the black original demon bone and touched it.


A circle of brilliant chaotic brilliance rushed out and condensed into magic words, forming a mysterious scripture.

"Primordial Origin Sutra!"

Song Shi laughed when he saw the name. He immediately killed Jin Xiang as soon as he arrived because he was sure that the original demon bone could unlock the restrictions on the opponent's inheritance.

He browsed with a smile, and the situation was similar to what he had seen of Jin Xiang's abilities. This technique mainly cultivates the physical body, and can cultivate the Primordial Origin demonic body, which is quite powerful in combat.

At a rough glance, this sutra is on top of the Bone Demon Sutra and the Power Demon Sutra. It is like the technique practiced by the primitive gods and demons during the Opening Heaven. It can condense the power of Primordial Origin and be invulnerable to everything.

"It takes a different approach from the Immortal Golden Body. The Primordial Origin demonic body destroys everything. The Immortal Golden Body is pure defense."

Song Shi compared it and was shocked to find that the level of the immortal golden body obtained from the lower realm was no worse than that of the Primordial Origin Sutra. Even though he was almost finished practicing, he didn't know if there would be any follow-up.

Of course, this Primordial Origin Sutra is only part of it, and it will no longer be there after cultivating to the Body Integration realm, which is one more realm than the Immortal Golden Body.

He memorized the Primordial Origin Sutra and put away the two bones, "I left and I probably won't come back."

"Congratulations, Alliance Leader!"

Liu Husheng said with some reluctance that without this person, they would have to rely entirely on themselves in the future.

Song Shi waved his hand and disappeared after a few steps.

He arrived at the Black Wind Valley with ease and entered it smoothly.

"Hey, there is no surprise. It seems that there is no secret spirit in this trial place?"

Song Shi thought in his mind that if there were intelligent beings controlling him, he should be punished for breaking the rules.

"Nothing is better."

He grinned, feeling the black wind as sharp as a knife, and instead of trying his best to steady his body and hold on to the ground, he jumped deep.

"Oh woo..."

Song Shi laughed and let the black wind take him high into the sky. The higher he went, the more terrifying the black wind became, like a pervasive knife that kept falling on Song Shi.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Click, click, click!

His body didn't last long before it was blown to pieces by the black wind.

Song Shi was resurrected at the starting point and looked at Black Wind calmly: "It's actually the power of wind erosion. Passing here is equivalent to enduring Black Wind Body Tempering. You can easily face similar attacks in the future."

He saw the role of this level. If the Jueling Land in the first level was to strengthen the origin of the physical body and turn an ordinary piece of iron into High Level iron, this place was to temper the strengthened physical body, just like tempering. weapon.

This level may not make the physical body stronger, but it can improve the quality of the physical body, which is equivalent to opening up the physical body. In the future, it should be easier to survive the wind tribulation in the heavenly tribulation.

Glancing at Hei Feng, he faintly saw a figure struggling to move forward, and smiled: "How can it be as good to use Hei Feng Body Tempering on the ground as to be up there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped into the black wind again, like a fallen leaf in the wind, being carried towards the depths.

Song Shi's whole body ached, and he resisted instinctively. Under the pressure, every inch of flesh and blood was forced to activate its potential, transforming and growing in the black wind, and its defense became stronger.

The dazzling golden light on his flesh began to shrink, and it seemed that he no longer had any power, but actually became more terrifying.

The Jue Ling Land strengthens the origin, and has the feedback when the realm breaks through. Now the Black Wind Valley enhances the toughness of the physical body. With the combination of the three, Song Shi's physical body can easily go one step further and reach the Middle Grade Sacred Body level.

The power of the black wind was forced to decrease, and Song Shi needed to spend a longer time in it to die.

The most terrifying thing is that Song Shi not only broke through on his own, but also received system rewards. His Desolate Ancient Saint Body continued to improve its level.

The next step, from Middle Grade to High Grade, only took two months. After the promotion, in the end, even if he was in the dark wind at the top, he would be difficult to kill.

Song Shi had to move forward. The further forward, the more powerful the black wind became.

He was at a high altitude, and he could see many Demon Races struggling to advance in the valley. Each of them had scars left by the wind on their bodies. Most of the Demon Races had to stop and recover after walking for a while.

Song Shi saw the witch Anyu at the end. Instead of going down to meet her, she set the resurrection point high in the sky so that she could continue Body Tempering after she died.


After advancing for dozens of miles, when he reached the end of Black Wind Valley, Song Shi saw a screen of light with blazing flames burning.

"Black Wind Valley is also called Ghost Wind Valley. The next level is Flame Mountain, with Fire Body Tempering..."

Song Shi murmured, without rushing over, floating in the wind. The power of the black wind here reached its maximum. Not long after, his body was slowly cut open again.

Once, twice, three times...

Every day, Song Shi can get a reward from the system, and the improvement is greater than his own improvement.

"Sacred Body continues to improve, and the next step is Supreme Grade!"

Song Shi is looking forward to it.

Without the use of magic power, his current physique is sure to crush the Void Refining True Saint, comparable to a Great Saint-level physical body. If he goes further, he may be able to compete with a Great Emperor-level physical body.

If his mana is also increased, he only needs the mana of the Void Refining realm, and he is sure to fight against the Body Integration realm.

With anticipation, Song Shi carefully felt the changes in his body and the various exercises were operating.

Among them, the Immortal Golden Body is the most suitable for his body, but the Primordial Origin Sutra he recently practiced gave him some different insights.

The origin in his body seemed to have returned to the time when he was first born. There were no complicated changes, it was just the purest vitality, close to the Primordial Origin state mentioned in the scriptures.

In this state, Song Shi's originally golden flesh, blood, muscles and bones began to fade, and the golden light slowly disappeared, gradually returning to its original color.

This time the holy light is not converging, but disappearing. It seems that the vision is getting weaker, but in fact the physical body is getting stronger, and soon the black wind will no longer be able to kill Song Shi.

"Ding, your Desolate Ancient Saint Body has been upgraded to Supreme Grade!"

Following the system prompts, Song Shi's physical strength increased to a higher level again, his instincts shook, and an ancient power was released.


With the deafening sound, the entire Black Wind Valley was shaken. The black wind in the sky was directly shaken away by a tyrannical force, and the void suddenly became quiet and empty.

On the ground, Demon Race looked up in shock and found that the black wind had stopped, revealing a figure emitting a faint golden light. He seemed to have come from the ancient times, exuding the aura of being the only one in the world.

"Who is this?"

"He can actually hover in the sky!"

"It even dispersed the black wind in Ghost Wind Valley! How is that possible?"

A group of Demon Race looked a little suspicious of demon students.

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