What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 417 Valley Of Meteor Gods

"Enter the devil!"

Song Shi couldn't stand the self-righteous look on this guy's face. His originally wide-open and wide-open moves suddenly became floating and weird, and he struck at Sun Hong at an incredible angle.

With a scream, Sun Hong had a bloody wound on his left arm, and in anger, he turned into a huge black turtle.

This is his true form, the Black Tortoise, a branch of the Black Tortoise clan.

"You've gone too far!"

Sun Hong angrily urged the pagoda to suppress Song Shi again.

"You little ingredient, who is going too far?"

Song Shi clenched his fist and punched out the Six Paths of Demon Suppression. Law Manifestation's fist burst into holy light and hit the pagoda with the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, knocking it away again.

The golden sword fell from the sky and forced Song Shi back.

These two guys cooperate very well, and they also have a powerful Law Treasure in their hands. Song Shi jumped up one level to fight two, and it was really hard to win for a while.

Xiong He looked confident: "Song Shi, you are Void Refining after all. Are you running out of mana now?"

He was a little weak at the moment and felt that Song Shi was lower than him. He should have consumed a lot of mana and was basically strong on the outside but weak on the inside.


Song Shi replied with an incomprehensible expression: "Have you seen any fireworks?"

Before the two guys understood what these words meant, Song Shi suddenly put away the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword, and the fire on his body did not weaken, but became stronger.


Sensing that terror was coming, Sun Hong hurriedly retracted his injured leg into the turtle shell and hid in the pagoda.

Xiong He only had time to block the sword in front of him.


With a loud noise, all of Song Shi's energy and spirit sublimated at this moment, all turned into destructive power and released, instantly forming a huge mushroom cloud exceeding ten thousand feet and spreading rapidly.

The monks from the two temples who had already retreated far away turned pale and retreated frantically in panic.

The sword array arranged by Fu Yuhua persisted for a moment and then shattered, waves of high-temperature energy poured over it.


Fu Yuhua had to use more strength to resist the aftermath. While the elders around him were defending, Earth Shaker looked into the distance.

"It seems he blew himself up?"

Du Leng was a little confused.

"You read that right." Fu Yuhua frowned. He did not expect Song Shi to blow himself up. The situation was not that serious.

He couldn't understand it.

Looking towards the center of the explosion, his pupils shrank.

The light of the huge Thunder Pagoda dimmed, and there were cracks. The golden sword was broken into two pieces. The Law Manifestation of the sword holder was in a state of ruins, and half of his body was simply gone.

A self-destruction in the Void Refining realm actually broke two Spiritual Treasures into pieces. The owner of the Spiritual Treasure was also seriously injured.

"Crazy, this person is really crazy!"

Sun Hong appeared. He was hiding in the tower. He was not seriously injured, but he was shaken and panicked.

Xiong He's legal body was broken, revealing the same broken body. He vomited blood and said: "As for that, we are just arresting people, not killing them!"

They were all a little crazy and couldn't understand that even if Song Shi was taken back, if there were no problems, he would only be interrogated for a while.

If there is really a problem, please blow yourself up at that time. As for blowing up the two errand boys?

Just when they were about to cry, Song Shi appeared alive, seemingly intact, and their eyes were round with fright.

"You...you're not dead?"

Xiong He couldn't help but be frightened and drove them almost to death, but nothing happened in the end?

Song Shi is full of magical power and full of energy, with no signs of weakness.

"Are you still going to arrest me?"

He asked indifferently: "If you want, I will beat you to death."

The two Body Integration Great Saints were crying. What kind of people are they? They can't die. They have nothing to do, and they have to be beaten to death.

"No more arrests, no more arrests!"

Sun Hong trembled. He had been beaten to the point of despair by Song Shi and had no courage to continue.

"Then go away and tell the Black Tortoise Palace that although I am a patrol guard, I am not your slave. I didn't kill you for the sake of the patrol palace. It won't be possible if I do this next time."

Song Shi didn't kill him. These two guys were not his enemies after all, so there was no need to do anything.

This was what Xiong He and Sun Hong were waiting for. Without any hesitation, they turned around and flew away in panic. The other men followed in panic and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding area soon became quiet, leaving only a huge pit, which would later be filled with water and become a lake.

Fu Yuhua fell to the side and twitched his face: "Thank you, Brother Song, for digging an artificial lake for us."

Song Shi said awkwardly: "I also scare them, so as not to catch me for interrogation."

"You're so scary, you're really going to scare people to death."

Fu Yuhua was helpless: "Actually, you don't have to be like this. Even if they are afraid of you and stop pestering you, how will you get the Dust-Cleaning Pill in the future? Is it possible to wash away the dust by relying on Thunder Tribulation again and again?"

"Yes, Thunder Tribulation Body Tempering is so good."

Song Shi nodded: "I'm not interested in working for them anymore."

He will definitely have to go to the Demonic Refining Land several times. He can't be censored every time he goes, right?

"Are you too aggressive?"

Fu Yuhua was dumbfounded: "The Cleansing Tribulation becomes more and more fierce every time, until the aura of external rules is washed away from your body. Aren't you afraid of being hacked to death?"

"Not afraid."

Song Shi shook his head: "I told you, Thunder Tribulation is Body Tempering to me."

He looked at the scene at the door where he had beaten him to pieces, and said embarrassedly: "The sect made it like this when I first came. I don't want some spiritual stones. You can turn this place into a landscape lake, and build me a separate courtyard next to it." , I will live here from now on.”

Transcending Tribulation will be indispensable in the future, and he is too lazy to live in it, so he will live outside here according to local conditions.

Fu Yuhua was silent for a moment. He felt that this person was a danger, and with his strength, he would have no problem even starting a sect. He did not refuse and said, "Okay, I will have someone build a mansion here specifically for Brother Song."

Song Shi landed on the edge of the big pit farthest from the Dian Cang Sword Sect with one step, and stepped on the ground: "This is it."

"Lao Liu, you go make arrangements."

Fu Yuhua turned around and told Du Leng, then landed next to Song Shi. The green light in his hand released and fell around the pit.

The next moment, a magical scene appeared. In the soil, green buds slowly emerged and grew rapidly, so that the originally mud-yellow battlefield was quickly covered with green, except for the center of the big pit.

Because grass roots and seeds are burned under high temperatures.

Song Shi thoughtfully said: "It's a good way to stimulate the growth of vegetation."

"Little Doyle."

Fu Yuhua shook his head: "Anyone who has cultivated wood attribute magic can achieve this effect."

"It's a pity that I don't have wood-attribute spiritual roots."

Song Shi regrets that he has metal, fire, and water spiritual roots, but he does not have wood and earth. He does not have the spiritual roots to awaken the sound due to death for the time being.

"It won't affect your practice of my swordsmanship, because you can directly comprehend the laws. At most, it's just slower because you don't have a wood-type physique." Fu Yuhua retracted his hand without further stimulation. He did this because he didn't want the door to look too bad.

"You really want to teach me some Cangjian skills?" Song Shi heard the implication.

"Yes, I think you might be able to help me send it."

Fu Yuhua nodded: "Didn't you come here just to accept the call? Our faction is now facing the threat of Demon Race, and I am somewhat powerless."

Song Shi suddenly asked: "What was the result of the last recruitment?"

"They are trapped in the Valley of the Meteor God."

Fu Yuhua sighed: "That place made the seniors I sent to break swords back then, but now it is still a serious problem."

"What do you mean?"

Song Shi became interested.

"There is a plane rift connected to the Heavenly Demon world. Every time there is a big move in the Demon Race, a demon will inevitably emerge from there."

Fu Yuhua said melancholy, raising his hand and pointing to the rear of the sect: "The Meteor God Valley is over there, less than ten thousand miles away from our sect. Basically, if a demon comes out, our sect will be the first to be affected."

Song Shi's eyes moved: "No wonder you are so willing. There is no value in guarding a pile of spiritual stones in the face of a powerful enemy."

"Yes, we have to increase our strength as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it's difficult. We can only bring in powerful foreign aid like you."

Fu Yuhua nodded. After seeing Song Shi's ability, he changed some of his thoughts and was willing to teach Song Shi the swordsmanship of Dian Cang without any price.

He had a feeling that if there was no help this time, the Dian Cang Sword Sect would probably be wiped out and its inheritance would be cut off.

"I'm not very powerful, but I can take care of this."

Song Shi looked in the direction of Meteor God Valley: "Take me to see?"


Fu Yuhua deliberately told Song Shi the specific situation so that he could have a chance to react when faced with changes.

He took three and a half steps to reach a huge valley with Song Shi.

Surrounded by snow-capped peaks, this valley is covered with green vegetation and can be called a Grotto-Heaven. However, Song Shi felt a breath of death whispering inside him.

He looked at Fu Yuhua: "The aura is really weird, and there is a special power permeating it. It's not as simple as it seems."

"Yes, it's all an illusion. The space inside is unstable and full of dangers. Even if you and I go in, we will easily fall. It is said that monk Mahayana died after entering to investigate."

Fu Yuhua's eyes were full of fear.

"Mahayana is dead inside!"

Song Shi was surprised. Monk Mahayana is the pinnacle of this world. He has the title of Great Emperor. Each of them can protect a clan and establish a Great Emperor country.

Immediately he became excited, this is a good place, Mahayana will fall, wouldn't it be easy to kill him?

"Well, you heard that its name is the Valley of the Fallen Gods. It is a place where even the gods have fallen. How can we, the monks who have not become immortal gods, guarantee our survival?"

Fu Yuhua's eyes were complicated: "However, there are dangers here, but there are also a lot of opportunities. As long as you can come out alive, you will have the opportunity to obtain various treasures and even immortal skills, magic and great Divine Ability."

"So, Demon Race should also fall easily, right?"

Song Shi was a little confused.

"Demon Race doesn't fall easily."

Fu Yuhua shook his head: "They seem to be very experienced, or they may have a secret passage that allows them to come out more safely. This forbidden area has become their shelter and a fortress for attack."

"Awesome, this is definitely the work of some Demon Race strongman!"

Song Shi even suspected that the person who died here was a certain Demon Race strongman.

"I don't know, this forbidden area has been there since ancient times."

Fu Yuhua turned around and said, "Let's go back and I'll give you the news about this forbidden area then."

When they turned around, a plume of black smoke floated from the edge of the calm valley, approaching their backs silently.

A sharp sword light flashed out, pierced the black shadow directly, and then penetrated through.


It was like a rubber ball being punctured. The black smoke twisted and collapsed. A real object fell to the ground, and a weird monkey appeared.

"Unexpectedly, Demon Race's spies have been deployed outside. It seems that the situation inside is very dangerous."

Fu Yuhua's tone was heavy and he hesitated to explain for a moment, then continued to leave without stopping.

"Two Fellow Daoists save me!"

A faint cry for help floated out from the weeds nearby. Song Shi was looking at the monkey and saw a monk with only his upper body left struggling to crawl out in the weeds.

Neither the opponent's magic power nor the Law Treasure was seen, only the broken body and the frightened face were left.

Fu Yuhua frowned: "Are you Li Sunxiu Fellow Daoist?"

Song Shi's body trembled, and she vaguely recognized that the other party was teleported from the Vermilion Bird Palace at the same time as herself. He was fine at the time, but now he looks like this.

He walked over and said, "Save me, it's so pitiful."

"Don't be impulsive, he is not a living person."

Fu Yuhua stopped Song Shi and said with hostility: "You don't have to pretend, the corpse aura on your body is so strong, you would have died long ago."

"I am dead?"

Li Sunxiu was stunned for a moment, then he laughed ferociously: "I'm dead, I'm dead! You have to stay with me!"

He was grinning ferociously, and the flesh and blood on his body was obviously rotting. As he spoke, pieces fell off, revealing dull white bones.

But the palms that were originally supporting the ground released sharp nails, like squirming beasts, rushing towards Song Shi.

Song Shi released the True Fire of the Sun, and with a hissing sound, the monster corpse burned and turned into ashes.

He looked at Fu Yuhua: "What's going on?"

"It's Demon Race's method. They can easily turn corpses into zombies."

Fu Yuhua sighed: "The guy recruited last time was so miserable. He should have been killed when he was about to escape. Two Demon Race things appeared in a row. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time..."

"Hey, it's a little late."

Two spheres flew out of the valley. One was in flames, seemingly releasing infinite power, while the other was completely black.

The combination of the two directly blocked Song Shi and Fu Yuhua and drilled into their heads.

"Cut!" Song Shi's eyebrows glowed, and the Profound Transcendence Divine Sword split the fireball in half with the power to break everything. As a result, the fireball continued to break and turned directly into a sea of ​​fire.

When he noticed something was wrong, darkness came over again, and Song Shi's consciousness was instantly distorted, as if he was falling into darkness.

"Brother Song!"

Fu Yuhua's shout was like thunder exploding, the darkness shattered, revealing the other party's fearful eyes: "Quickly go, it's an extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon evil thought. There are at least three Demon Races here. Once we cooperate, it will be difficult for us to escape."

Song Shi couldn't ignore Fu Yuhua's life and death, so he got a little closer to the ground and easily distanced himself.

Fu Yuhua followed and came out, also getting rid of the pursuit, and said to Song Shi: "Let's wait for the next recruitment team. The strength of the two of us cannot survive here at all."

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