What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 435 Consecration Of Divine Maiden Wuyou

The other party is also a god, and he is dead. It should be possible to plan the resurrection with a trace of his remaining spiritual thoughts.

The Conferred Divinity List seals the Primordial Spirit of the Death Immortal, so it should have an effect.

"Will it affect the child? We'll find out after the refining!"

Song Shi accelerated the killing speed and turned into a humanoid killing machine, just like the strong wind blowing and the blockbuster Demon Race turned into a rain of blood.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were pale. Demon Race was killed and cried for his father and mother. No one could stop Song Shi's Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Knife.

Many Demon Races collapsed before they died.

What is this.

They have been wreaking havoc in the mysterious Spirit World for decades, and have never encountered such an existence.

It’s not like I’ve never seen someone more powerful than this person, but there’s no such thing as one with such terrifying lethality.

This man is full of murderous intent, his body, sword energy, flames... Every attack is beyond the ordinary Great Saint, and even Demon Race generals can't block a single blow.

Demon Race suffered countless casualties along the way, and Song Shi became a living god of death. Blood rained in the sky non-stop. Strangely, it turned into fly ash before it hit the ground, and withered into gray-black along with the vegetation on the ground.

"Haha, a bunch of trash, can't there be someone more powerful?"

Song Shi laughed wildly, and the Seven Emotions Curse allowed him to act arbitrarily, and any thoughts he had would be revealed.

The Wuyou Divine Maiden who swallowed the life force glanced at Song Shi. Has this man figured it out?

Although the other party was also killing demons before, he was obviously reluctant, clearly because he was ordered to do so by her.

Now, Song Shi seems to be enjoying this feast of killing without any resistance.

"It's better if you figure it out, otherwise you will be the one who is depressed."

Divine Maiden showed a successful smile. She once held a high position and liked this sense of control, which made her feel safe.

When she misunderstood, another wave of Demon Race was killed by Song Shi and was almost wiped out.

Song Shi twisted his neck, exhaled hot air, and thought to himself: "If someone more powerful doesn't come and kill me, I will find a place to recover my mana and study the Conferred Divinity List."

He stood in the void for a moment, waiting until all the nearby life forms were swallowed up by the Wuyou Divine Maiden, without waiting for the enemy to come again.

"take a break."

Song Shi glanced at a high mountain, appeared on it in an instant, and landed on a huge rock on the cliff.

Wuyou Divine Maiden is still following behind silently, her skin is so rosy that it seems to be dripping with water, and it can be broken by blowing, making it more and more beautiful.

Song Shi didn't look much this time. He took out a scroll-like object, surged with mana, mixed with spiritual thoughts, and began to refine the secret treasure.

Wuyou Divine Maiden was originally digesting the massive amount of vitality it had just broken through, and happened to see the scroll in Song Shi's hand. He didn't take it seriously and didn't think Song Shi, a mortal, could come up with anything good.

In her eyes, everyone who is not a fairy or god is a mortal, who can only sink in the world of mortals, and eventually turn into withered bones and return to the loess.

But at the next moment, the fluctuations from the scroll in Song Shi's hand made her look back again.

On the dark golden scroll, sacred light flowed, and the divine patterns engraved on it were so mysterious that even to her eyes, they felt mysterious and unpredictable.

Wuyou Divine Maiden's pair of eyes like nine heavenly stars showed a look of surprise. When he looked closely, he could only see what the scroll seemed to record. It had powerful power of rules, but he couldn't tell what it was specifically.

"The power of heaven!"

I feel that the power on it is beyond ordinary, involving the operation of the Great Dao of heaven and earth, and involving more than one way of heaven. It is very complicated, like a sky net, which seems to cover the entire universe and runs through the six paths of reincarnation.

"How could he have such a treasure? I can't even see through it!"

Divine Maiden couldn't keep calm anymore.

When she slept with this man, she checked him inside and out, but she didn't find this thing.

If you want to hide it from her eyes, it only means that the place where this thing is hidden is beyond her ability to detect, and it also means that there are places on Song Shi that she cannot touch.

"Is it related to his immortality?"

Wuyou Divine Maiden frowned. She couldn't see through this person's immortality before, but now that this thing suddenly appeared, it was probably related.

If the immortal body is just the power of heaven to protect the body, and now she takes out a physical Law Treasure, the other party's secret is more terrifying than she thought.

Worry-free Divine Maiden saw something beyond her control, and a look of worry appeared on her beautiful face.

She appeared in front of Song Shi and grabbed the Conferred Divinity List.

"This thing has a big cause and effect. If you can't bear it, I'll help you suppress it."

Wuyou Divine Maiden simply snatched it away. If there was any threat to this thing, it was under her control.

The moment her hand touched the Conferred Divinity List, the latter glowed brightly, and an attraction force was released from it. As the space squirmed, she was sucked in directly and disappeared.

Song Shi opened her eyes and said in shock: "I haven't done anything yet, and you just walked to the door yourself?"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then the angle widened: "Haha, damn woman, do you really think you can control me for ten thousand years?"

After laughing a few times, he was still a little scared. If the Conferred Divinity List hadn't been drawn out, it would have already defaulted to him as the master, so when his thoughts entered, he recognized him as the master.

If it takes some time to refine like an ordinary Law Treasure, it would be really tragic if it was snatched away by this alert woman.

"This woman is still too strong. I hope the Conferred Divinity List can control her."

Song Shi muttered.

The Conferred Divinity List in his hand suddenly vibrated, and the light shone brightly, with some black added to the original gold color.

Without looking, Song Shi knew that it was this woman who was resisting.


The power of the Conferred Divinity List was stimulated, and he easily suppressed the power of Wuyou Divine Maiden, and then flew out automatically, unfolding to both sides, revealing the inside of the scroll, with wisps of Dao lines flowing. Song Shi glanced at the number, and there were exactly three hundred and six. Count fifteen.

The Dao lines are long and short, and they are all in a natural state, as if they are waiting for him to write and appoint the right god.

At this time, Conferred Divinity List actually turned into a pen and fell into his hand, and a wave of fluctuation came.

"The first righteous god can be canonized."

The heaven and earth changed, and the sacred golden light flowed in front of Song Shi's eyes. He instantly arrived on a high platform. Below, the Wuyou Divine Maiden was looking ugly. She was suppressed by the huge Conferred Divinity List and was unable to move.

"so smart!"

Song Shi was surprised. When he faced this woman, he was no match at all. But at this moment, the woman was suppressed by the Conferred Divinity List. This shows how powerful this baby is. It is worthy of being jointly refined by the Heavenly Saints of another world.

Below, seeing Song Shi appearing with a magic pen in hand, Wuyou Divine Maiden showed an annoyed look for the first time: "What are you doing?"

"Resist you."

Song Shi smiled and said: "My wife, you can only use your child to threaten me, but I can't use a treasure to suppress you?"

Wuyou Divine Maiden's beautiful face turned gloomy: "I didn't expect that a mortal like you would have such a divine weapon of heaven. I, the number one Divine Maiden in the Divine Domain, have been struggling for millions of years, and yet I fell into your hands."

"Oh, don't even think about it. If I can't die, what's the point of taking out a divine weapon of heaven?"

Song Shi learned about the levels of the Conferred Divinity List from the other party, and said with a smile: "Let me introduce it to you. This thing is called the Conferred Divinity List, which can contain dead gods and canonize them as their appointed righteous gods. From now on, the Conferred Divinity List will not If you destroy it, you won’t die, isn’t that great?” “But I will lose my freedom!”

Wuyou Divine Maiden's face was ugly: "You don't care about the child? If I am controlled by it, the child will die!"

"No, it only targets your Primordial Spirit, and I'm not sure yet whether the child is dead or alive."

Song Shi raised the magic pen in his hand, and a wisp of heavenly divine patterns flew over and fell on the pen, waiting for him to canonize Wuyou Divine Maiden with the name of god.

He touched his chin: "What title should I give you? Divine Maiden? Divine Emperor Wuyou? Divine Emperor Coffin? None of them sound good. How about calling the child his mother?"

This is not a world of conferred gods, and Song Shi is not interested in copying the names of gods canonized by the Conferred Divinity List. He can only think of his own.

Wuyou Divine Maiden felt like eating a fly when she heard Song Shi's muttering.

"Grandma, I find it so difficult to come up with a name."

Song Shi has a headache.

Wuyou Divine Maiden realized that after Song Shi raised her pen, her Primordial Spirit had lost control. She looked desperate: "I think I Wuyou roamed the Divine Domain, dared to attack Heavenly Venerable, and avoided the three major Heavenly Venerables. When I was about to be resurrected, I was trapped by a weakling like you!"

The more she thought about it, the more miserable and angry she became, and she screamed: "If I were in my heyday, why would I be afraid of your bullshit Conferred Divinity List!"

She is very unwilling. She is just a ray of Primordial Spirit at the moment, which is also the basis of her resurrection. She is stronger than Song Shi, but it is not enough to resist this Conferred Divinity List.

If she was completely resurrected, regained some strength, and found her own weapons, why should she be afraid of being controlled by this thing?

"What's your name? Be quiet and don't bother me thinking of a name!"

Song Shi scolded, "If you scream again, I will make you an ugly goddess."

Wuyou Divine Maiden felt like vomiting blood when he heard it, but he still calmed down and said faintly: "I was called Wuyou Divine Maiden from the beginning. Just continue to canonize me Wuyou Divine Maiden."

She has seen this kind of treasure, which controls living beings to be slaves and will be used against enemies. If she is really named Ugly Girl... she will never be able to see anyone in the future.

"How can this be done? You have enemies. If I give you this name, wouldn't it be easy for Heavenly Venerable to target me and destroy my whole family?"

Song Shi did not stupidly continue to use this name. It would be okay if he died, but it would be meaningless if his relatives and friends were affected because of Wuyou.

"In this case, let's name you Mrs. Youyou of Song Shi."

Song Shi smiled evilly and started to move the magic pen.


Wuyou screamed and wanted to stop it, but could only watch Song Shi being written out.

The next moment, the Conferred Divinity List shines brightly, and the words "Mrs. Youyou" from Song Shi condense and fall on Wuyou's body, releasing powerful divine power and beginning to restore Primordial Spirit to Wuyou, reversing life and death.

This process is equivalent to resurrecting it, but it is only at the Primordial Spirit level. Moreover, the resurrection is also controlled by the Conferred Divinity List. It will not enter reincarnation, but it cannot be free.

Worry-free Divine Maiden's Primordial Spirit power has obviously continued to grow with the help of the Conferred Divinity List, and has been completely resurrected, but she is depressed and has no smile at all.

"Are you dissatisfied with this name? How about changing it to Mrs. Song Youyou?"

Song Shi smiles.

"Is there any difference?" Wuyou Divine Maiden gritted his teeth. This man really showed no mercy to her, and she was so angry that she wanted to bite him.

"There is a difference, one word is missing."

Song Shi said righteously: "You also know that the longer the name of the god, the more powerful it sounds."

"Humph, even if you add up the two, you still make fun of them!"

The light on Wuyou Saintess's head disappeared, and the Conferred Divinity List has completed all the processes to completely resurrect her, but her cultivation has not completely returned to its peak and needs to be restored on its own.

"As long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed."

Song Shi said righteously: "And you, a majestic God Emperor, do you care about these nicknames?"

"I just care!" Wuyou Divine Maiden stared at Song Shi angrily. If it weren't for the Conferred Divinity List being controlled by Song Shi, she would have pounced on this guy and killed him.

"Your eyes are very fiery. Do you want to spend the night with me?"

Song Shi not only didn't care, but started to take advantage: "Since you are so hungry and thirsty, I will reluctantly let you serve me."

He threw away the magic pen and controlled the worry-free Divine Maiden with the Conferred Divinity List.

The latter's body was shaken and he couldn't resist at all. He threw away his clothes in embarrassment and walked towards Song Shi.

"Don't let me break through the control of this broken list!"

Wuyou Divine Maiden reluctantly hugged Song Shi.

"Then work hard. Hehe, I have to say, your appearance really makes me feel different. Keep going, I will enjoy it very much."

Song Shi hooked Wuyou Divine Maiden's flawless chin, feeling extremely refreshed.

This woman had been so pretentious in front of him before, but now it felt so good to lower her head in front of her.

After personally training Wuyou Divine Maiden, the latter became much more honest and gradually recognized the reality.

In the outside world, golden light flashed, and Song Shi appeared with a complicated expression on his face. He grabbed his hand and the Conferred Divinity List fell into his hand.

After taking a look, the first one of the 365 righteous gods has been filled, and it will be up to see which one will die without opening his eyes.

"Not only can you control the enemy, but you can also leave space for your relatives and friends, and take shortcuts to become a god."

Song Shi murmured to himself.

After hearing what Song Shi said, Wuyou Divine Maiden's face became a little better.

Although this man deserves a beating and is very hateful, he is not a heartless person.

The quota of such a very precious treasure is still given to those mortals, so it won't be too bad for her.

Although she agreed in her heart, she still sarcastically said: "I'm afraid your relatives are all Low Level practitioners. It would be a complete waste to use the canonization quota on them."

"My pleasure."

Song Shi curled her lips and glanced at Wuyou Divine Maiden: "Do you still want to be trained?"

Wuyou Divine Maiden's face turned red, lowered her head and stopped talking.

Song Shi calmed the latter down, feeling complacent in her heart, and said calmly: "You are also a woman of my Song family now. You have to consider it from the perspective of a family. It is not enough for me to become an immortal and a god. It is best for chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven, otherwise it will be too boring to be alone."

Divine Maiden didn't say anything. She and Song Shi had different identities and different experiences, so naturally they didn't accept each other's point of view for the time being.

She couldn't continue arguing with Song Shi and changed the subject: "This object is more powerful than I thought. It can absorb and mobilize my power. It is a secret treasure similar to the Wangui Banner."

"It's indeed quite powerful. I found that you became stronger after I canonized you. Typically, the more gods you canonize, the stronger they become. It should be a mutually reinforcing effect."

Song Shi nodded.

"Perhaps you can use it to compete for the position of Heavenly Venerable in the future. At that time, there will be 365 righteous gods assisting you. If you are strong enough, no one can stop you from becoming Heavenly Venerable."

Wuyou Divine Maiden reminded that they have begun to consider Song Shi. After all, she is now controlled by the Conferred Divinity List. The stronger Song Shi is, the greater her benefits will be.

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