What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 445 God In Golden Armor

However, the power of his law was too weak to stop the violent void storm around him, and he was swept away for a long distance before he could barely stop.

Song Shi stabilized in a broken space, looking around, his thoughts scattered to find his direction.

After a moment, he said depressedly: "I'm lost. The storm here is too fierce, so my thoughts can't go too far."

Wuyou just looked on with a smile and did not disturb Song Shi's adventurous game.

"Just choose any direction to go. The space here is relatively stable. You should be able to get out."

Song Shi didn't ask Wuyou for help. The worst he could do was go out and run again, which wouldn't waste much time.

The broken spaces along the way are like various kinds of broken glass, and the fractures can easily cut Law Treasure. Song Shi did not deliberately hit it, but used space means to pass through the narrow cracks.

He turned into a ray of silver light and shuttled through the space cracks quite slowly. Because he deliberately moved closer to a stable space, the difficulty of traveling gradually became less and faster, and his speed became faster and faster.


Song Shi nimbly approached the safe space. Suddenly, he noticed something, changed some directions, passed through a space, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

This is not a kind place. There are corpses floating in it, exuding a cold air, making people feel like they have fallen into an ice cave. It looks like an ominous place.

"Why are there so many bodies here?"

Song Shi was surprised. He flew closer to observe and found that most of the corpses were mutilated and many had things remaining, so he took a look around.

The entire space is a bit like a harbor in a chaotic storm, and most of these corpses floated over from nearby.


Two green flames suddenly appeared somewhere behind him, and a dark wind approached quickly. Song Shi moved his body sideways to avoid it, and the two ghost claws just passed by and stopped on the opposite side.

This was a zombie with a green face and fangs, with will-o'-the-wisps dancing in the dry and sunken eye sockets. The nails were extremely long, dark and sharp, and it stared at him with a greedy expression.

At the same time, many corpses that were originally floating had will-o'-the-wisps coming out of their eyes. They stood up from lying down and looked at Song Shi quietly. The scene was a bit creepy.

"There are so many zombies. It doesn't seem like a place where zombies can form, right?"

Song Shi was a little strange subconsciously. This is a space ruin. Where did these guys come from?

The zombies surrounding him seemed to have no sense. They screamed strangely, their eyes glowed green, they bared their sharp fangs and swung their blade-like nails to kill them.

They were very fast and arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Why come here to die?"

Song Shi curled his lips and released the power of space. The fast-moving zombies were enveloped in the true fire of the sun and burned fiercely. They screamed and turned into ashes.

When the zombies who were still alive nearby saw the true fire of the sun, their eyes showed fear, and they stopped and did not dare to move forward.

Song Shi was too lazy to kill these monsters. He glanced at the end of the space ruins, flew over slowly, and saw a huge broken jade stone.

The light of this jade was dim, but the inscription on it still gave him a familiar feeling, and then an idea flashed in his mind: "It is a building in the Immortal Ruins. So, this space leads to the Immortal Ruins?"

Song Shi's eyes brightened, and he strode forward. When he came to the end, he saw a corner of the fairy ruins.

"It looks a lot safer if you enter this location."

Song Shi looked back at the many zombies: "But how did these guys die? It seems that this fairy ruin is not simple."

He had nothing to fear, and resolutely walked towards the dark void, passing through the broken space, and found another vast space.

There is spiritual energy permeating here, which is stronger than the outside world. Most of the rows of magnificent buildings have collapsed, and they are still ruins. There is no end in sight. It can be seen that the scope of the Immortal Ruins is very wide.

What surprised him was that there was no thunder power here. Instead, there was a strong fairy light in the center of the building, and a complete fairy palace stood, attracting explorers to get closer.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster."

Song Shi frowned. He had experienced the dangers on the other side. Even with Mahayana's strength, he had suffered a lot. How could there be peace here and immortal treasures at his fingertips?


The melodious bells echoed, and it seemed like someone was ringing a bell in front of them. The sound came from the intact fairy palace in the distance.

Under the sound of the bell, the palace in the ruins is shining brightly, with an ethereal fairy spirit, carrying a special fairy charm, with faint runes fluttering, transforming into flying cranes, jumping deer, dragons and phoenixes singing in harmony, evolving into the Great Dao of Immortality .

Song Shi knew that the bell rang because of him.

"I want to see what's going on!"

Song Shi had no fear and continued to stride forward. The vegetation along the way was green, the ruins carried the atmosphere of ancient times, and a faint fairy light circulated.

The Immortal Palace appeared in front of you. It was not very tall, but it was very delicate with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. Two gods in golden armor stood guard on the left and right, holding halberds. When they saw Song Shi, they all showed majestic looks.

"Who is coming?"

The buzzing sound was like thunder, blasting in Song Shi's ears, which would make even Mahayana dizzy.

Song Shi's physical body was strong and he was not affected much. He continued to move forward: "Why are you pretending? I don't believe there are any immortals here."

"Be bold!"

The eyes of the two golden-armored gods shot out golden light, and there were arcs of electricity on the halberds. One of them slammed the halberd into the ground, and the golden thunder shone in the void, turning into a raptor and rushing towards Song Shi.

Song Shi's pupils shrank. He actually saw the evolution of the power of law in this attack. The entire Thunder Raptor was composed of the power of law, and it was lifelike. What a sophisticated method this was!

He shook hands into a fist and used the power of the law of space to evolve the Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist. This boxing technique immediately became superb, as if it had touched the Six Paths of Reincarnation, giving it a mysterious aura.


The vision of six reincarnations was shattered in front of the Thunder Bird. Song Shi was hit by the shrunken Thunder Bird. His powerful body flashed with the brilliance of the law of life, and he took several steps back.

The nearby ruins were affected by the power of thunder, and many ruins were immediately shattered.

In the end, his physical body was intact, but a little more charred. His powerful body caused the expressions of the two golden-armored gods to change.

"Something capable!"

Another god in golden armor waved his weapon and released a piece of lightning, which turned into a large net composed of thunder. The mesh composed of thunder looked extremely tough, like a sky net, falling towards Song Shi.

The attack just now was a head-on attack, but this time it was a method of trapping the enemy. Song Shi felt it was not easy to break free from this thing, so he took out the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword, grabbed it, and slashed towards the thunder net.

The terrifying sword energy was extremely huge, but when it landed on the thunder net, it was difficult to cut off. Instead, it was cut into several parts by the thunder net.

Ding dong!

The body of the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword also fell on it, and the released law power was destroyed by the Thunder Law, making a clanking sound. Then the Dragon-Slaying Sword cracked and almost split into half.

Song Shi was dumbfounded. The knife was destroyed like this. This was probably an immortal trick.

However, the two golden-armored gods looked lifeless, not like living people. At this moment, their faces were still dull, their eyes were shining with golden light, and they were surrounding Song Shi with weapons in hand. Song Shi simply used the Bone Demon Sutra, and a white light came out of his hand, and the bones were released and turned into a bone sword. It contained the laws of life, densely packed, and was itself a part of the bone.

This makes his bones look like immortal weapons, burning with the fire of law, which can be called a special Innate Spiritual Treasure.

The bone sword shone with divine light, and with its sharp edge, it sneered and cut through the lightning net that fell first. From this, it can be seen that his bone sword is far more powerful than the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword.

call out!

Another thunder thought fell, grabbing Song Shi with its huge claws, and the power of thunder surged in, drowning him.

At this time, Song Shi's whole body had green flames beating, resisting the erosion of the power of the Thunder Law. At the same time, he raised his bone sword and cut the thunderbird in half with one sword.


The power of thunder rushed around, Song Shi activated the Immortal Physique of life, bathed in the thunder light, and was not injured.

But the halberds of the two golden-armored gods came down. Song Shi's hands were covered with bone armor and he raised his hands to resist.

Dang Dang!

The overwhelming force came, and Song Shi was knocked backwards. He was surprised. These two guys were so strong. Could they be gods?

He resisted with difficulty and observed closely, and found that the two golden-armored gods still had indifferent faces. They looked very stiff, not like living people, but they had the strength to put him under great pressure.

"Don't be surprised. This is a golden armor talisman transformed from an immortal talisman. Its strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Celestial Immortal demigod. It is normal to suppress you."

Wuyou saw the surprise in Song Shi's eyes and opened his mouth to comfort him. At the same time, he looked at the palace door jokingly: "There will be a good show later."

Song Shi felt a little uneasy when he heard this: "The good show you mentioned will not have me as the protagonist, right?"


The gate of the fairy palace behind the two golden-armored gods opened slowly with a roar, and a powerful aura emerged from it. At the same time, the fairy light of the palace was brilliant and dazzling.

"This is a guest, please step aside."

A reference voice came from the palace, and there was a figure sitting in the center of the palace, with a starry sky hanging behind him, surrounded by thunder dragons, with no face visible, mysterious and powerful.

When the two golden-armored gods heard the order, they immediately retracted their halberds, quickly retreated, and stood back at the door, making way for Song Shi.

"I think your guest is here to find some Immortal Pill and Divine Ability Immortal Law. These are all here. If you want them, please come in."

The figure smiled and extended the invitation.

Song Shi stared for a moment, but still couldn't see through what was inside, but judging from the fact that the other party didn't notice Wuyou, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't surpass Wuyou.

He had nothing to be afraid of, so he walked in generously and said politely: "I think your two golden-armored gods are good. Can you give them to me?"

"As long as the distinguished guest can meet some of my requirements, why not give him up?"

The figure surrounded by thunder dragons said generously.

The space fluctuated. Song Shi walked into the palace and instantly came to a world composed of thunderclouds. All kinds of thunder were flashing nearby, like a sea of ​​thunder.

This self-contained method made Song Shi take another look, and continued to look at the owner here. He was shocked to find that the distance between the two parties had suddenly increased to tens of thousands of feet.

The opponent is really sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​thunder, and the nearby destructive thunder will be particularly gentle when approaching the opponent, and there is even a long thunder dragon surrounding the opponent obediently.

He turned around to look again, and saw that a huge heavenly gate slowly closed, and he had been sealed in the palace here.

Still showing no fear, Song Shi said, "What do you want in exchange for the two golden-armored gods outside the door?"

"A drop of your blood."

The figure spoke.

"It's that simple?"

Song Shi was surprised.

"It's that simple."

The surrounding thunder dragon suddenly became smaller. Its owner raised his hand, and two golden lights flew in from the door. In front of Song Shi, they turned into two special talismans with golden armored warriors on them.

His master said: "You can exchange it for a drop of blood."

Song Shi swiped his palm and took out a drop of blood: "Enough?"


The immortal talisman immediately fell in front of Song Shi, and a drop of his blood flew into the distance and disappeared in a flash.

Song Shi frowned. This guy was too weird. He even exchanged this talisman for a drop of his own blood. What on earth did he want to do?

He couldn't guess what the other party was thinking, so he took the talisman and found that every stroke on it contained the power of law.

"Use the power of law to draw a talisman!"

Song Shi's eyes glowed, and he suddenly saw what Fu Luzhidao should do next.

He knows the magic of heavenly talismans and can draw talisman with his hands in the air, but since the power of magic to draw talismans has become increasingly insufficient, he has basically stopped using this method.

Seeing this Golden Armor Immortal Talisman now is like seeing the next step in the path of talisman. How can you not be happy?

If he could figure out the secret, he would be able to use the power of law to draw talismans in the future, adding another special method.

The most important thing is that if he successfully draws the talisman with the power of law, he may be able to reuse the talisman that has lost its effectiveness and develop a powerful talisman that can target immortals and gods.

At this time, the owner of the palace also got Song Shi's blood, and he swallowed it in front of Song Shi, and then circles of special brilliance erupted from his body.

When Song Shi saw this, he couldn't help but think of something, and looked at Wuyou with a strange expression: "How come this fluctuation of life and death is so similar to yours before?"

Wuyou didn't say anything, just mocked the guy looking at the center of the palace.

The latter had great power to roll, but did not do anything. Song Shi was not in a hurry to go out, and rolled his eyes: "Your Excellency, you have managed this place very well. I don't know how long you have stayed here?"

He felt that this person should be a monk from Xuanling Continent who came here by chance. He made use of the resources of the ruins and restored a fairy palace here. He simply regarded it as a territory and did not go out again.

"It has been tens of thousands of years. You are the first person to find this place in the last thousand years."

Hearing this, Song Shi said thoughtfully: "Then have you seen a person in this Fairy Ruins area? I want to make sure he is still alive."

The latter is doing something with Song Shi's blood that contains the law of life, but he still has the energy to talk to Song Shi: "Who do you want to find?"

"A monk named Lord Langya."

Song Shi says the name.

"Sage Langya..."

The latter fell silent upon hearing the name.

"It seems that you have seen it before." Song Shi knew the answer from his reaction.

"Of course I've seen him before, what are you doing with him?"

"To fulfill an agreement, he should be trapped here. I will take him out."

Song Shi is not secretive. As long as the other party can give him clues, it is worth dying even once.


The latter looked over with sharp eyes: "You are quite trustworthy, but it's a pity that even if you are trustworthy, people will die."

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