What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 45: When You Meet A Shrew, Just Give Her A Slap In The Face

Song Wan smiled bitterly: "Whether the third child can survive or not is a question. After all, the enemy wants to kill him the most."

“It’s just a matter of self-inflicted pain, but it also brings harm to the family.”

Song Shi sarcastically walked over and opened the door.

"Mr. Qin is resting, what are you doing?" Song Jia asked hurriedly.

"Don't meddle in my affairs."

Song Shi was not interested in paying attention to this kind of woman who was arrogant to him and would be discouraged when she met an enemy. She opened the door and walked in.

Song Jia was very unconvinced and acted coquettishly towards her father: "Dad, look at him, isn't he the only male left in the family now? What an air!"

"Stop talking, Lao Qi has gained the attention of the Demon Slayer Division now, and he has been asked to participate in the mission. He may have a good future in the future."

Song Wan shook his head.

"Tsk, how can he get any attention from a playboy? I, a mid-term acquired master, have not been given a second glance by the Demon Slayer Division. It's probably because he is bragging."

Influenced by her mother, Song Jia has a mean personality and looks down on Song Shi from the bottom of her heart.

"I saw with my own eyes that the people from the Demon Slayer Division were very polite to him."

Song Wan's words made Song Jia frown, "Are you confused? They just brought him in. Why should you be polite to him because he looks handsome?"

"You have such a temper. You went to Spirit Communication Mountain to learn martial arts for ten years, why are you still so unruly!"

Song Wan shook his head helplessly. He had lived for sixty years and was very experienced. He was too lazy to reason with his daughter and walked away.

"Is there something wrong with what I said? How could he be valued by the people of the Demon Slayer Division? He is not as capable as me. When something happened, he hid in the brothel and I never saw him come back to help."

Song Jia murmured, followed him unconvinced, and said sharply: "It's not mature at all to come here to disturb Mr. Qin's recovery, and you still expect him to take charge of the family?"

The wise man looked strange when he heard these words.

Miss Jia is still stuck in her previous impression, thinking that the young master is just a dandy who just eats and waits for death. In fact, how can it be as simple as it seems?

He touched his chest, and now there was still a piece of clothing missing and an extra palm print, which he pulled off a piece of cloth to cover.

In the room, the strong smell of medicine filled the air. An old man with a white cloth on his chest was lying on the bed. His face was pale and bloodless, his brows were furrowed, he was in a coma, and his breath was weak.

Song Shi walked over and injected a ray of Jiuyang's real power. After checking it, he found that the old man's body was seriously depleted of energy and had more than ten injuries on his body.

The most important thing is that there is a cold and evil aura left in his body, which makes the whole room feel a little chilly.

If it weren't for the Innate Qi in the opponent's body that kept him alive, an ordinary old man would have died long ago.

As soon as his nine-yang true power entered his meridians, there was a faint scream, just like darkness meeting the sun, and wisps of black energy were forced out, making a hissing sound.

Mr. Qin's face turned red and he instinctively spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Stop, what are you doing!"

Song Jia saw Mr. Qin coming out of black smoke and vomiting blood after being touched by Song Shi, and said angrily: "You killed Mr. Qin, who will protect my Song family?"

"Can't you see that I'm healing him? Didn't you go to the mountains to learn martial arts without using your brain?"

Song Shi frowned.

"How dare you scold me!"

Song Jia became angry from embarrassment and directly focused on the curse, without caring about the result that Mr. Qin's face turned rosy.

Too lazy to pay attention to this stupid woman, Song Shi turned around and said, "You are so smart, give Mr. Qin some medicine."


Da Congming took out the medicine bottle and reached out to open it carefully, for fear of damaging the effect of the medicine.

A hand suddenly grabbed the bottle and snatched it away: "You still want to give Mr. Qin random medicine? The medicine prescribed by the doctor of the Demon Slaying Department is not as good as your rubbish?"

"Miss Jia, you!"

Da Chongming was also a little angry. He was afraid that the elixir would be damaged, so why did this woman just grab it?


A slap hit the woman directly on the face, causing her to become dizzy, her hair disheveled, and she fell to the ground.

With a flash of his hand, Song Shi took the medicine bottle over in an instant and stared coldly at the woman who looked in disbelief and was a little confused: "Have you lost your brain by practicing martial arts? You still think that I am so self-righteous. I am really worthy of being an old witch." .”

With a look of disgust on his face, he turned around, took out the elixir, stuffed it directly into Mr. Qin's mouth, and used True Qi to dissolve the elixir. Under the power of the medicine, Mr. Qin's complexion continued to improve.

Behind him, Song Jia saw that she was not only scolded and beaten, but also ignored. Her talent as a shrew suddenly burst out, and she rushed at Song Shi with all her teeth and claws: "Ah! You little bastard, how dare you hit me!"

For such an unreasonable shrew, Song Shi gave her a backhand slap.


Song Jia, who had good kung fu, received another slap in the face and was sent flying out, leaving her with a disgraced face.

There was a slap mark on a pretty face, and it swelled up quickly.

Song Wan's eyelids jumped as he saw a different side of this playboy son. Song Jia, a man with a background in martial arts, was slapped twice in a row!

He roughly understood why the Demon Slayer Division valued this son.

This son, who was able to become a young master in the Song family because of his protection, turned out to be a hidden master!

"Da Chongming, please be careful next time. If you are robbed by such a shrew again, what use will you have?" Song Shi looked at Da Chongming with a blank expression, and an evil aura enveloped him.

Da Congming's face changed drastically, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he hurriedly saluted in a low voice: "Next time, I'll do it for sure."

Song Bei saw that this brother was a bit fierce, so he shrank back in fear and went to boil the medicine.

"Ah! Song, you are a bitch, you dare to hit me. If I don't teach you a lesson today, do you really think you are in heaven?"

Song Jia took a breath, became angrier as she thought about it, and rushed over again.

"That's enough, how long will you continue to make trouble?"

Song Wan couldn't stand it anymore. How could this woman be just like her mother? She would get into trouble when something happened. Did she really think it was still the same as before?

"Dad, you actually talked about me!"

Song Jia's eyes widened and she pointed at Song Wan with trembling hands: "My mother just died, are you going to turn on this bastard?"

Hearing this, Song Wan was so angry that his chest heaved violently and his face turned black.

The wise man grabbed her and said coldly: "Miss Jia, you really don't have enough experience in the world. If you are still messing around, you will only suffer the loss."

After saying that, he dragged the woman out directly.

"It's really unreasonable."

Song Shi was also convinced. Why didn't Gu Chong and Hei Poison kill this woman?

Too lazy to pay attention to the other party, he said to Song Wan: "Who attacked the government office that night and knocked Mr. Qin into a coma?"

The anger on Song Wan's face suddenly turned into fear, and he trembled on his lips and said, "It's... a strange black baby. It was so vicious that it bit several people to death."

"I understand, you continue to live here."

Song Shi nodded and left directly.

"Shi'er, be careful."

At Song Wan's reminder, Song Shi came outside, where Chen Ming was still waiting.

"It seems your family is a bit complicated. It's still noisy at this time."

Chen Ming muttered and asked, "Is the matter settled?"

"That's it. Where to go next?"

"Yao Yue Lou!"

"Yao Yue Lou?"

Song Shi's face changed slightly. How could this be the place for this operation?

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