What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 450 Who Is This?

He knows this dragon!

Isn't he the clan leader of the Golden Dragon Race? Even though he is usually very low-key because he is a sinner, his combat prowess is enough to rank among the top twenty in the Xuanling Continent. His true combat prowess is probably among the top ten.

If he encountered such a being, he wouldn't dare say he could compare with it, and now he is actually dead!

There was also this god-like existence, and his aura made him even more stressed. He felt that this was a god, and he was definitely no match for him.


At this time, a golden-armored god appeared on the other side, shining with light, and pulled out another long dragon from a branch.

"Another strong man from Dragon Race died here. What happened?"

The Wanxing Sword Emperor's heart felt like the water was in turbulent waves, and he really couldn't calm down.

He continued to observe, only to find that there were golden dragons nearby, all of which were in a dead state.

The powerful men of the Golden Dragon clan who had just rebelled were completely wiped out here!

He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and felt extremely nervous.

The scene in front of me now is beyond ordinary experience, it feels like a fairy has come to this world.

He looked solemnly at the person who reported the news: "Yongtian, are you sure it is a Mahayana being besieged by the Golden Dragon Race here?"

"Well, that should be the case. He easily killed a Body Integration level monster dragon before and gave me some materials. When I was not far away, I happened to notice that other strong men from Dragon Race were coming to kill me, and then there was a huge battle. .”

Yongtian touched his head and said awkwardly: "I thought that my strength was too weak and I couldn't help my seniors at all, so I quickly found you, the sect masters, who came to support me."

"That's not what I meant, I mean, is that person really just Mahayana?"

The Ten Thousand Stars Sword Emperor frowned. If this was the place where Mahayana and Dragon Race fought, how could it become this mysterious and terrifying place now?

At this time, the void fluctuated, and silver brilliance fell next to it, revealing several figures.

One of them turned out to be Ji Xiyang, the ancestor of the Ji family. He came to support his clan members. He happened to receive a message from the Ten Thousand Stars Sword Emperor and learned about the movements of the Golden Dragon Race, so he diverted his route to join them.

Seeing that no one from the Ten Thousand Stars Sword Sect moved, Ji Xiyang was surprised and puzzled:

"Brother Wanxing, what's going on? Didn't you say you want to support a certain Fellow Daoist against the Golden Dragon Race? Why are you standing here so still?"

The Wanxing Sword Emperor came back to his senses, took a deep breath, suppressed the shock and confusion in his heart, and said, "You will know after you look inside this white cloud."

"This white cloud does look a bit abnormal."

Ji Xiyang is also an experienced person. Although he has just come here, he has already noticed that the white clouds nearby do not appear to be naturally formed.

Silver light flashed in his eyes, and he soon saw the scene inside.

Two tall, golden-armored gods were each carrying a long dragon towards a fairy palace. Although the dragon in their hands was dead, its aura was still terrifying. Obviously, they are on the same level.

Even the biggest guy is obviously stronger than him, these existences are actually dead, and this golden-armored god is even more unfathomable, which shows that the existences in the fairy palace are even more terrifying.

He took a breath of cold air: "What kind of place is this? I have never heard of such existence in this barren land."

"I don't know either. It seems like he suddenly appeared here."

Wan Xing said helplessly: "But fortunately, the guy from Dragon Race died in this weird place, so we have lost a big enemy."

Ji Xiyang was stunned for a moment, and saw the two guys being carried by the gods in golden armor. He couldn't laugh or cry: "It's really like this. Who would have thought that they would die here. I was prepared for a fierce fight before I came."

"Hey, it's true. If these guys are here, we have to face both the Demon Race and them. The odds of winning are slim."

The Wanxing Sword Emperor looked complicated: "I really don't know who this is."

Yongtian on the side also saw some things and said blankly: "This is the area where the senior and Dragon Race fought. Could it be that all this was done by the senior."


Ji Xiyang didn't know the situation yet, so he looked at the Wanxing Sword Emperor and wanted an explanation.

"Yongtian, tell it yourself."

The Wanxing Sword Emperor said helplessly that at this moment he was doubting whether the person Yongtian was talking about was a member of this mysterious fairy palace.

"Senior Ji, the matter begins with Jin Dragon Race's sudden betrayal of the coalition forces."

Yongtian sorted out his thoughts and talked: "At that time, our coalition forces attacked Demon Race's army in two groups. Unexpectedly, Jin Dragon Race secretly colluded with Demon Race and killed the deputy palace owner of Black Tortoise Palace. We could only rush I ran away in panic and was chased by a golden dragon. When I came to the West Sea, I met a senior..."

Hearing Yongtian's description, Ji Xiyang was quite surprised: "The senior you mentioned controls two laws? The law of space and the law of thunder?"

"Well, he was very powerful. He easily killed the guy who was chasing me. He also defeated the dragon in front of me and started eating the dragon meat on the spot. Later, he met the strong Golden Dragon Race who came after him after learning about the situation."

Yongtian nodded.

"He did it on purpose."

The Wanxing Sword Emperor was certain: "He must know the situation of the Golden Dragon Race, and he still dares to wait, which shows that he is confident to solve it. In this way, he should be related to some mysterious place."

Ji Xiyang said with a look of awe: "Is it possible that this is the immortal from the Nine Heavens who came to our Xuan Spirit World to help us escape from the demonic path?"

"I don't know, but judging from the fact that he ate dragon meat on the spot, he was quite cruel."

The Ten Thousand Stars Sword Emperor said.

Ji Xiyang showed fear and looked at the white clouds in the sky hesitantly: "Then we are already here. The immortals inside must know about it. Do you want to pay us a visit?"

These words made many people express fear. The Immortal Palace in front of them was too mysterious, and they were afraid that they would never return.

"If they leave soon, it doesn't matter whether we visit them or not. They are afraid that they will always be here. Then it would be too disrespectful for us not to visit them."

"Don't think nonsense outside, and come in here. There's a lot of dragon meat here. Please try it."

Song Shi's voice suddenly sounded in their ears at the same time.

The Wanxing Sword Emperor looked nervous, and his sword energy flashed away.

But Ji Xiyang next to him widened his eyes. The voice was too familiar. He was unsure and said, "Is it Brother Song?"

"Who else is it if it's not me? Do you think anyone is willing to slay the dragon in the face of injustice?"

Song Shi said calmly: "Come here, after eating dragon meat, I have to ask you something."

Ji Xiyang was extremely surprised when he heard this: "It's really you, Brother Song. I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years...you...you are so powerful?"

"If you haven't seen me for three days, you should look at me with admiration. How many three days has it been in more than a hundred years?"

Song Shi didn't take it seriously.

"Brother Song is really a banished immortal who came to the world. He just came to this human world for a visit."

Ji Xiyang sighed.

The Wanxing Sword Emperor frowned: "Do you know each other?"

"Yes, he is Song Shi who helped our Ji family repel Demon Race and kill Wanshan Demon Emperor at the same time!"

"It's him!"

The Wanxing Sword Emperor was surprised.

"That's him. This brother Song is really amazing. Last time he killed the Wanshan Demon Emperor, this time he directly killed the top brass of Jin Dragon Race!"

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