What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 453 The God In Golden Armor Shows His Power

"We still have to go investigate."

Yuan Huo thought: "I always feel that their sudden death this time will cause trouble."

"What are you afraid of? Even the deputy of Xuan Spirit Palace was killed by us. In a short period of time, with you and me sitting here, who dares to come?"

Yuanmeng Great Emperor doesn't care.


A loud bang hit him on the face. The ground shook and the mountains shook. Countless Demon Race troops were melted by the huge sun falling from the sky, and those nearby were blown into ashes.

The two of them walked out of the base camp with gloomy faces, looking at the brilliant fire in the void. The huge suns set one after another and quickly expanded into giant fireballs. The power of the explosion caused the space to rupture.

The strong men in Demon Race's army flew out, their demonic energy rising up and down, and began to block these attacks.


Many Demon Race elites rushed out. The sound of drums echoed, and magic lanterns led the way. Many Demon Race warriors were either holding long swords or sharp knives, charging at the enemies.

Not only the humanoid Demon Race, but also other monsters, including a demon bird that is as black as ink and moves like the wind, a demon dragon that soars in the clouds, and a large group of demon wolves.

Compared with the initial war, now as the Demon Race has occupied some territory, more and more types of monsters are invading.

Humanoid Demon Race and birds and beasts fill the world, easily triggering a counterattack war.

Suddenly, the sound of killing shook the sky and the earth, and many Demon Races gathered together to form pieces of demonic clouds, charging toward the fire clouds in the sky.

There were ninety-nine and eighty-one suns floating in the void, and a powerful pressure filled the sky and earth, making Demon Race mistakenly think that there was an army counterattack.

In fact, there were only three people in the fire cloud, Song Shi, Ji Xiyang and Wanxing Sword Emperor, and Song Shi didn't bring anyone else with him.

The Yuan Nightmare Demon Emperor and the Yuan Fire Demon Emperor could detect only three people, but they knew that beings of this level could carry a large army with them, so they did not prevent the army from counterattacking.

"My Demon Race army hasn't swept across this continent yet, how dare you come here to provoke me?"

The Yuan Nightmare Demon Emperor looked at the source of the fireball and sneered, and Yuan Huo appeared opposite Song Shi and the others in a blink of an eye.

He recognized Ji Xiyang and Wanxing Great Emperor, and glanced at Song Shi: "It turns out that I came to see a powerful reinforcement. No wonder he dared to take action so quickly."

"Yuan Yan, you are so self-righteous even when you are about to die."

Ji Xiyang's eyes were cold.

The Yuanhuo Demon Emperor looked at Song Shi in surprise: "How could it be you? How could it be Mahayana after not seeing each other for three hundred years!"

"After such a long time, you don't have any strength, so you will have to be killed by me."

Song Shi had an indifferent look on his face, looking at the millions of troops coming towards him from below, and casually threw out two talismans.

The talisman's immortal light shone brightly, and in a blink of an eye, it transformed into two golden-armored gods, taller than ten thousand feet, with a body shape like a mountain. Just falling down would smash many Demon Races.


For a moment, thunder rolled, as if a divine punishment came to the world, and a demon came out to defend the way.

Heavenly Venerable Golden Armored Gods are all refined by the Immortal Monarch, possessing the Law of Thunder, and the methods they use are also the same. It just so happens that most of the Heavenly Venerables are Demon Race.

With a cry, a big bird covered in golden light and filled with golden thunder jumped into the Demon Race army. Amidst the many screams, hundreds of Demon Races were destroyed by the thunder, and then the formation was directly broken up by the Thunder Golden Bird. The magic cloud breaks.

Then the lightning net covering the sky fell, and Demon Race, who wanted to avoid the thunderbirds, had no chance to escape. He was killed like a mosquito in the net.

After Divine Ability, the halberds in the hands of the two golden-armored gods fell. Those leading Body Integration-level Demon Race Great Saints were bound to die if they touched them. No one could stop them.

For a moment, the mighty Demon Race army was blocked by two golden-armored gods who turned thunder into two immortal talismans. They were like wolves among sheep, and they were completely crushed when they killed them.

The golden thunder of Zhi Yang Zhi Gang spread across the void, constantly destroying Demon Race's surging Heavenly Demon Qi. The weapon containing huge power was unstoppable, killing many Demon Race on the spot.

The power of the golden-armored god is too terrifying. If Demon Race's army wasn't too numerous, he would have been almost wiped out in just one encounter.

Even though they couldn't kill them all in a short while, Yuan Yan and Yuan Huo, the two top Great Emperors of the Demon Race, still had ugly faces and shocked eyes.

"Yes, when this golden-armored god shows off his power, he can really block ten thousand with one."

The two powerful men commanding the Demon Race army were stunned by this scene. For a moment, no one dared to stop them due to the momentum and power of the golden-armored god.

"How could you have such an immortal talisman!"

Yuan Xiang couldn't accept that Song Shi, who was once killed by him and fled, could come up with such a thing.

As they stood here, even without taking action, they could still see how terrifying the giants transformed from these two talismans were. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were comparable to gods.

"Why can't I have that?"

Song Shi's eyes were playful, enjoying the Yuanhuo Great Emperor's fear, and joked: "At this time, shouldn't you be thinking about how to escape to survive?"

"Hey, they are definitely not as fast as you, Brother Song. They have probably given up on escaping."

Ji Xiyang gloated. With Song Shi's ability to kill the strongest Dragon Race, it shouldn't be difficult to kill these two guys.

You can also see with your own eyes just how powerful this brother is.

Yuan Xiang frowned: "I don't believe you can always use this level of power."

"Yes, their power is indeed limited, but they still have no problem dealing with armies like yours, and I don't have to wait too long. They just want to avoid those minions from interfering with me killing you."

Song Shi's body bloomed with brilliant silver light. He was not in a hurry to use the fire of the law of life. After the last battle, he already knew that there was no need to use the fire of life to deal with this kind of enemy.

With the Thunder Law, it is completely sufficient.

"The condition of this person is unknown. Let's kill him first. Without his control, the things transformed by these two immortal talismans will stop and be easier to solve."

The Yuanhuo Great Emperor was quite afraid of Song Shi, so he justly found a reason to let his companions attack together.

The latter did not hesitate, a faint light danced in his eyes, and a powerful spiritual wave was released, while the Yuanhuo Great Emperor roared angrily, releasing the flames of seven emotions and six desires, turning into a sea of ​​fire.

"Brother Song, be careful. Of these two guys, one arouses people's emotions and the other directly attacks the heart. They are very difficult to deal with."

Ji Xiyang reminded solemnly, and at the same time he also tried his best to defend himself to avoid being affected.

Song Shi had already felt the power of the other party's methods. The moment he was enveloped in the sea of ​​fire, his emotions and desires began to go out of control.

At the same time, he was in a trance, and an abyss seemed to appear in front of him, and a strange voice called him to join.

Theoretically speaking, Song Shi should still be more afraid of this strange attack at this moment, but the strange thing is that Song Shi withstood it.

His eyes were calm and his thoughts were consistent. He raised his hand and swiped with his fingers. The green sword energy merged with the law of space and thunder, instantly broke through the sea of ​​fire, and struck Yuan Yan's body, almost killing him.

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