What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 456 Xuanling Mountain

"Why do you have to follow his rules? Can't you just force your way in?"

Wuyou held his head high: "The person who left this inheritance is just a small character who has just entered the path of chaos. He can't stop me yet."

"That's it. It's okay then. When we go home, we will go to the Demon Refining Land."

Song Shi smiled, it was convenient to have a powerful wife.

"I'll help you, but you'll have to find something to kill me when the time comes."

Wuyou looked at Song Shi meaningfully.

"After going to Immortal Domain?"

"Well, when I enter the Immortal Domain, I have to be very careful. I don't dare to make a big show of absorbing power to recover. I have to use foreign objects to reduce the possibility of being discovered."

"Okay, let's talk about it then."

The two talked while walking, leaving Beixuan Continent and arriving at their destination.

Xuanling Continent is the most central continent in the entire Xuan Spirit World. Even though the war between the two worlds has become intense, it is still the safest and peaceful place.

Song Shi didn't see any Demon Race aura along the way, and he wondered if Demon Race didn't enter this interface.

"The Xuanling Clan is indeed the number one Emperor Clan. The Beixuan Continent is almost occupied by the Demon Race, and yet it is still so peaceful here."

Song Shi praises.

Wuyou shook his head: "No, there is a powerful power of plane rules in the center of this continent, which is the core of the entire interface. If you want to invade here, the cost is much higher than that of the surrounding continents."

"Oh, it depends on the right time and place. In other words, whoever is in charge of this continent will be the safest."

Song Shi touched his chin, took another step, and appeared in front of a tall mountain.

This mountain stretches thousands of miles across, is higher than the sky, exudes a wild atmosphere, and carries a dark yellow light, making the entire mountain range look extremely heavy, as if there is no power to shake it.

"Xuanling Mountain has arrived!"

Song Shi muttered, looking at the mountains in front of him. This mountain is not as slender as ordinary mountain peaks. It is relatively thick overall, more than 100,000 feet from bottom to top. Even at the top, it is nearly 10,000 miles in length and width. There are only a few on it. Looks like a dwarf mountain.

He stepped on the void, as if he were climbing stairs. When he was close to the mountain, he was illuminated by the black and yellow light. His body suddenly sank, as if he was stuck in the mud, and there was a heavy pressure on his body, which was almost like being pressed by a huge mountain.

"Hey, if you want to find Ancestor Xuanling, you must have enough strength?"

Song Shi chuckled, radiating light from his body, using the power of the law of space, and continued walking towards the top of the mountain.

"The plane rules here are strong, and there is a more powerful guy. I don't want to show up, so you can act alone."

The coffin between Wuyou's ears flickered with light and suddenly disappeared. A golden string was strung on the coffin, which was actively worn on Song Shi's chest and hidden in his clothes.

The coffin is the special Divine Weapon from Wuyou Resurrection, and the golden string is refined from the dragon tendons of the Golden Dragon Demon Emperor.

Song Shi was surprised: "Aren't you quite powerful? Are you afraid of him?"

"The plane rules are the power of heaven. This plane rule is equivalent to the medium power of heaven. Although it is only effective in this world, it is not something I can bear at the moment. It is better to be cautious. You don't want to use it on the little guy who is not yet born. Die?"

Wuyou said seriously.

Song Shi looked sternly and touched the small coffin on his chest: "I definitely don't want to. You can just leave it like this. At most, you can show up as an avatar."

"Well, I will do the same thing when I go to the Immortal Domain. Don't tell anyone my name. It will be easily detected by those who control the way of heaven."

Wuyou said obediently.

"Are you so awesome?"

Song Shi was stunned and didn't say anything more about it. After all, he hadn't arrived at the Immortal Domain yet.

He returned to the front: "Speaking of which, what is the strength of this Xuanling ancestor?"

"If you don't use the power of plane rules, it will be at the level of True Immortal. If you use it, it will be comparable to half of Heavenly Venerable in this interface, but with his strength, he will die in a moment."

Wuyou said the rather cruel consequences: "If you don't have enough strength, the power of heaven is not so easy to bear."

"So powerful, Demon Race still invades? Even if you don't use it, it's not that easy to occupy, right?"

Song Shi was puzzled.

"It should be that the will of the Heavenly Demon Realm wants to annex the Xuan Spirit World and grow. If it succeeds, it will break through some interfaces. There will be a chance to be promoted to the upper plane."

Wuyou made some guesses.

"What? Are the planes going to eat each other?"

Song Shi stumbled, quite surprised.

"Why not? I heard that if a plane has a spirit, it may want to take shortcuts and annex other planes. If nothing is done, it will wither away due to time sooner or later."

When Wuyou said this, he added: "There is another legend. Nowadays, all the major planes were once part of a huge plane, so they would merge instinctively. However, because time has passed so long, the rules of different planes have been different. If there is resistance, a war will break out. As for which one it is, I don’t know. We may have to create the existence of the universe to know.”

Song Shi was stunned for a while, but he saw that whether it was the theory of growth or the theory of instinctive healing, it would lead to a plane war.

He said: "Is this the case with Immortal Domain and Divine Domain?"

"It has happened before, but it has reached a balance long ago. The thirty-six days of the Immortal Domain and the seventy-two realms of the Divine Domain are all ruled by Apex Level beings. War will not easily break out. Of course, I want to cause a rebellion caused by Heavenly Venerable except."

Wuyou said.

Song Shi wrote down this information and did not communicate with Wuyou again, because he saw another huge thing on Xuanling Mountain.

It was a black palace that was located almost outside the sky. It was completely green and black, emitting brilliant brilliance, echoing the power of Xuanling Mountain, and clearly forming a powerful flow of power.

The mountains under his feet were yellow, echoing the black color of the palace, forming a black and yellow atmosphere similar to the Yin and Yang diagram. It seemed that this was the world, making people feel insignificant.

"Xuanling Mountain... the one above is the headquarters of Xuan Spirit Palace. It is somewhat similar to the other four Great Saint Palaces, but the aura is more powerful."

Song Shi looked at the mountain and the palace and felt that the two of them, one guarding the earth and the other defending against enemies from outside, worked perfectly together.

At this time, a group of people flew over from Xuanling Mountain.

They were wearing yellow robes, with thick auras, and surrounded by black and yellow aura. Under the influence of local rules, everyone felt more than ten times stronger than normal.

"It's the right time and the right place. Here, the rules are decided by others."

Song Shi was speechless.

"Senior Song, please come this way."

The man in the lead actually saluted Song Shi respectfully. He looked dignified, neither humble nor arrogant, and he obviously knew Song Shi.

"You knew I was coming?"

Song Shi couldn't help but glance at the Xuan Spirit Palace and thought of the sky-gazing mirror.

"Yes, my ancestor is already waiting for me at Xuanhuang Palace."

The man nodded.

"Then lead the way."

Song Shi nodded, since Xuan Spirit Palace can observe the entire Xuan Spirit World, it is normal to know who he is and to know that he is here.

However, he probably didn't know what he was going to do. If he knew, he would not only be monitoring, but also monitoring.

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