What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 465 Chaos Heavenly Skill

It was just a clone, so he pushed it all the way forward and kept harvesting soul beads.

Originally, the target of this level test was basically the Body Integration level, which at most was the first time to enter Mahayana. At this moment, Song Shi's clone completely met the standard, and its strength was still beyond it.

Each demon soul could not be stopped at all and was killed to pieces.

Song Shi used the harvested soul beads to practice, and the strength of the Primordial Spirit continued to increase, gradually catching up with the level of the physical body.

His physical body is comparable to that of an immortal, but his Primordial Spirit is still inferior, even after swallowing the Primordial Spirit of the Immortal Monarch who transformed into thunder.

After all, the Immortal Monarch is only a remnant soul. It is no longer a complete immortal soul. There is a certain loss in the devouring process, and the improvement is limited. It has not reached the immortal level.

However, having experienced being assimilated by the Boundary Stone, his Primordial Spirit is not bad, he can be regarded as a semi-immortal, far beyond the ordinary Mahayana monks.

Because the level was too high, the absorption speed was very fast, and all the soul beads shot out by the clone were refined and absorbed by him.

As time goes by, Song Shi Primordial Spirit continues to improve, getting closer and closer to the level of the physical body.

Half a year passed, and Song Shi absorbed the power of countless soul beads. The Primordial Spirit became more and more powerful, but the last bottleneck was difficult to break through.

If he breaks through, his Primordial Spirit will be comparable to that of an immortal;

"The quality of the soul beads increases as you go deeper. Collect more."

He stood up and hurried towards the depths, Wuyou followed beside him, saying: "No inheritance has been found yet, this seems to be a tomb of souls."

"There's no rush, let's break through first. When the time comes, we only need to increase our mana after going to the Immortal Domain, and we can easily reach the Celestial Immortal level."

Song Shi shook his head and took back his clone.

The tombs in the distance are getting taller and taller, and the souls dormant inside are getting stronger, and any one of them has reached the Body Integration level.

Song Shi even sensed a Mahayana-level demon soul, which crawled out after the tomb cracked, but still couldn't stop Song Shi.

Using the power of his law, he easily killed the demonic souls along the way.

Just when Song Shi thought he could sweep across the place, a circle of dim light suddenly erupted from the center.

The light spread like a tide. Song Shi's face changed and he resisted subconsciously. As a result, the Primordial Spirit was directly forced out.

He wanted to return, but it was like falling into the netherworld, unable to return to his body.

"Well, the trial has been upgraded. This is for you to fight soul against soul."

Wuyou was not affected at all and joked about the changes.

Song Shi glanced down at himself. The loss of his powerful physical body and the Primordial Spirit state made him feel much weaker.


The mound-like tomb in front of him opened, and the demonic soul crawling out became more ferocious. Song Shi could feel the threat more clearly.

Without the protection of his physical body, his Primordial Spirit is easily damaged!

Song Shi was not frightened either. Due to the state of his soul, the worst he could do was die.

Besides, his Primordial Spirit is not weak, so these guys can't threaten him.

These demon souls are all kinds of strange, most of them are Demon Race, there are also humans and demons, all of them have no consciousness, and they attack after crawling out.

Song Shi has evolved various offensive techniques, and can also use the power of law, and still has the advantage.

Puff puff!

The power of law combined with the power of Primordial Spirit turned into sharp arrows, which penetrated the demon soul and obtained high-quality soul beads.

Song Shi's whole body was glowing, and he looked almost the same as when he had a physical body. He was very powerful in fighting and was able to push forward unstoppably.

Roar! "

Suddenly, the void shook, like a mountain tomb cracking open, and a huge demonic ape crawled out from inside, with a faint chaotic light emitting from its whole body.

For the first time, Song Shi felt threatened, and he also felt some emotions from the demon ape,

Song Shi was surprised: "The devil ape?"

He once killed a demon ape incarnate, and he could tell at a glance that this guy was definitely a demon Emperor Level before his death, and he seemed to have practiced the Tao of Chaos.

"If you want to practice the Chaos Heavenly Art, you must first kill this emperor!"

The Demon Ape sneered and stared at Song Shi. He was really smart, but he still didn't notice Wuyou who was right next to Song Shi.

"Were you imprisoned here after your death?" Song Shi was curious.

"Too much nonsense, if you don't kill me, you will die here!"

Although the Demonic Ape was intelligent, it didn't look like much. He struck out in anger and slapped Song Shi with one palm.

Even at the mental level, Song Shi still felt like the world was shattering. He snorted and slapped him back.


The palm of the hybrid demon ape was smashed, and his body staggered back, showing a look of surprise.

For many years here, this was the first time he encountered such a powerful trialer.

The pain of losing his arm made him regain some consciousness. He looked at Song Shi and noticed something. He frowned: "You are not a demon, how did you get in!"

"If you are caught, you can break through and get the inheritance."

Song Shi smiled and said: "Don't tell me, the inheritance here can only be obtained by Demon Race."

"Hmph, this is something from my Heavenly Demon realm, why should I give it to you as an outsider?"

The Chaotic Demon Ape opened his mouth and inhaled, and the chaotic light emitted, forming a huge vortex. The weaker demon souls nearby were forcefully swallowed by him, and his broken arm healed quickly.

Not only that, his pressure was actually growing, temporarily increasing his strength.

"Is this the method of Chaos Heavenly Art?"

Song Shi glanced at it, pointed it out, and forcibly interrupted its recovery by swallowing the demon soul, leaving a hole in its chest.


The Demonic Ape angrily hammered his chest and hit Song Shi angrily.

As the thunder flashed, Song Shi appeared behind him instantly. The silver brilliance condensed into lines and landed on the neck of the demon ape, and he pulled hard.

The huge head was cut off by the law of space. The latter's mountain-like body trembled and fell to the ground, completely killed.

The separated body of the corpse collapsed, and a scroll emitting chaotic light appeared in the fluctuation of light.

"Huh? Give back the skills?"

After Song Shi was surprised, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "This guy who left a legacy is quite interesting."

He raised his hand and a scroll flew over. The material was neither gold nor wood. After he touched it, it turned into a burst of light and poured into his eyebrows.

Song Shi knew that this was inherited information and did not resist. As the chaotic light poured in, chaos appeared in his mind.


In the chaos, a chaotic demon ape appeared, evolved various Divine Abilities, and finally transformed into chaos again.

"Chaos Heavenly Art Body Refining Chapter!"

After Song Shi received the message, he thought thoughtfully: "It's just a part, it seems there is more..."

He looked into the distance and saw another dozen or so huge tombs, seventeen in total.

Taking a step forward, he appeared in front of the nearest one. The latter immediately split open, two devil horns emerged, and a burly body climbed up.

Unlike the Demon Ape that gives people the feeling of being physically powerful, this time the Horned Demon gives people a perfect state.

"Qing Mie!"

Song Shi didn't wait for the opponent to get up, he launched a thunder attack in advance, the thunder law was integrated into the Sword Intent, and he pointed on the horned devil's head.


The latter was angry and did not expect that Song Shi would attack him when he just recovered.


His head was pierced directly by Song Shi's finger, and he died very quickly.

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