The next moment, the void shook, the special power dissipated, and Song Shi was able to return to his physical body immediately.

He placed more than a dozen Supreme Grade soul beads in front of him to form an attraction, while absorbing and refining the soul essence in them.

The quality of these soul beads is much higher. After refining most of the soul origin, Song Shi Primordial Spirit begins to transform.

In the spiritual world, Song Shi Primordial Spirit began to burn. After being reborn from the ashes, the Primordial Spirit underwent a qualitative change and became full of vitality. It looked no different from a living person.

Song Shi found that her Primordial Spirit's perception of the laws of heaven and earth became more and more clear, and her control was greatly improved.

Especially the Immortal Physique, the life created by the system's added attributes, is completely controlled by the power of the Primordial Spirit at this moment.

In the outside world, Song Shi opened his eyes, raised his fingers, green brilliance bloomed, and the law of life emerged from it. It continued to condense and turned into a fire of law with a pop.

This is not an ordinary flame, but the power of law condensed to a certain extent, and its power has naturally increased a lot.

After the breakthrough of Primordial Spirit, he can not only control the fire of the law of life, but also continue to improve the law of space and the law of thunder.

"Except for the fact that you have absorbed the power of the immortal energy fusion law to form immortal power, you can basically be regarded as an immortal."

Wuyou spoke on the side.

"He is comparable to an immortal in the lower realm, not bad."

Song Shi was in a good mood and took back the fire of law: "There is still one last step."

As he broke through, the powerful aura touched the rules here, and immediately a circle of chaotic light appeared in the darkness, leading to another place.

Song Shi strode over, feeling a heavy and domineering force coming over him. After the Primordial Spirit breakthrough just now, he felt depressed as his strength had improved.

This is a land that exudes the light of chaos. It is desolate and carries the breath of time. Many cracks can be seen on the ground in front of you.

Looking up, it was as if we were on a withered continent, devoid of any life, so quiet and eerie, as if time had stood still here.

When Song Shi was wondering if this was the last level, the chaotic light in front became thicker, forming an attractive area.

He walked over thoughtfully, and under the gathering chaotic light, a completely chaotic lake appeared, as if pregnant with something.

Wuyou looked at the chaotic lake, then looked above his head and around him: "This should be the source of his power, similar to the location of his Dantian."

This should be the Yuanshi Lake in the last level. Yuanshi means the beginning of power. I should have thought of it as a place like Dantian. "

Song Shi sighed with emotion, came to the edge of the Chaos Lake, and looked at the rich chaos energy inside: "Sure enough, he has succeeded in practicing and already has the power of chaos."

"Looking at this level, it's stronger than I expected, but not as good as the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal King should be comparable in strength to the Immortal Emperor."

Wuyou looked back and thought for a moment: "I haven't heard of it before. Could it be that he is similar to the Xuanling Ancestor, a guy who hides in the lower world and is content with the status quo?"

"Maybe it's been too long and you can't remember."

Song Shi said this: "But the guys from Demon Race are called the ancestors, and they may have really stayed in this world."

He stretched out his hand to touch the Chaos Qi, and felt that any trace of it was extremely heavy. It was far beyond the magic power he had cultivated, and the gap was more than ten thousand times greater.

At this time, the Chaos mark on his arm glowed, and the light fell on the Chaos Lake, and at the same time a message was transmitted.

"Enter Yuanshi Lake, obtain the Chaos Seed, and cultivate the Chaos Body."

When Song Shi heard this, he couldn't help but think of the general outline of the skills that had been revealed, and thought thoughtfully: "It is equivalent to laying the foundation for practicing the Tao of Chaos here."

"Yes, there is the source of chaotic divine power left by this ancient god inside. After you enter, you can absorb the source and change your physique."

Wuyou smiled and said: "This is the superior method I just mentioned. Directly using the power here to lay the foundation. It will be much easier to start cultivating from the source."

"Okay, but I still haven't seen the most basic and complete technique. I wonder if it will be available after I lay the foundation?"

He looked puzzled.

"Whatever, you're not at a loss anyway. Now you have this advantage. You can absorb as much as you can. Chaos Dao is the strongest path. The more solid your foundation is, the easier it will be to start practicing in the future."

Wuyou is not in a hurry.

"It makes sense, I'm going down."

Song Shi was not afraid of death, so he picked it up and fell into it.

The chaotic lake had almost no fluctuations and directly submerged him. A domineering, heavy but extremely pure power surged in.

Under such a powerful source, Song Shi felt like he was stuck in the mud, with mountains pressing down on him, unable to move.

Sensing Song Shi's embarrassment, Wuyou looked very happy: "It is rumored that a trace of chaos energy can crush a mountain. The source of divine power here is higher quality, but you now have a Celestial Immortal level body and a Primordial Spirit. For you, Say. It’s not too difficult.”

"I haven't mastered the technique yet."

Song Shi could only learn the general outline of operating the Chaos Heavenly Skill while trying to absorb the source of the Chaos Divine Power.

He found that several times if he did not take the initiative to absorb it, the nearby chaotic divine power would surge in. The heavy power seemed to contain all the energy in the world. It was extremely heavy, and his physical body was actually torn apart.

For a moment of surprise, Song Shi activated the Immortal Physique of Life while using the power of Body Refining, and actively accepted the transformation of the divine power of Chaos.

The Law of Life belongs to the Apex Level Law and is incomparable to the Law of Chaos. But the gap is limited.

This reduced his stress, and the physical pain was offset by the benefits of healing the physical body. He no longer passively accepted transformation, but actively refined and absorbed it.


With the powerful Immortal Physique as the foundation, Song Shi consumes a lot of the source of chaotic divine power. Countless wisps of chaotic power are absorbed by Song Shi, causing the entire chaotic lake to boil.

As the nearby source was consumed, Song Shi's physical body continued to improve on its original basis, which also caused the power in the lake to continue to decrease.

Originally, the power of this lake consumed every ten thousand years was not as much as what Song Shi took the initiative to absorb for half a day at this moment. The difference was more than a hundred times.

Originally, those Demon Race geniuses who came through various levels only needed a few balls of origin to condense an ordinary Chaos Body. Song Shi was so powerful that the origins of chaotic divine power converged on his Dantian.

This is the foundation, and it is also the focus of the change of the power left here. Refining the source of the chaotic divine power for a long time means gradually transforming the Dantian into a chaotic state.

His Dantian was like experiencing the Opening Heaven, constantly expanding under the source of chaotic divine power, and there was also an extra ball of chaotic divine power.

The physical body is also improving. It is no longer a simple Immortal Physique of life, but has more talents than the ordinary Chaos Body.

In this process, the origin in the Yuanshi Lake disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. His consumption alone was greater than the consumption of a hundred Demon Race geniuses coming here.

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