What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 474 Flying Immortal

Amidst the gazes of many people, there was still movement in the pit.

A hand poked out from the sand, and Song Shi crawled out in embarrassment.

"It's still fierce enough,"

He grinned, highlighting the exceptionally white teeth under the charred lips.

He shook his head to help his head, which was a little buzzing and dazed from the chop, recover.

He walked out of the mud, green brilliance appeared on his body, and his flesh and blood began to squirm. With a clicking sound, new flesh and blood grew out, and the blood scabs and scorched skin fell off and were buried in the soil.

The monks had complicated expressions.

This is not dead, presumably the Transcending Tribulation was successful and qualified for Ascension Immortal World.

Thinking of this, they became excited and looked up at the sky expectantly.

In the pit, Song Shi took a long breath and looked at the sky.

After the dark clouds dispersed, a ray of glow suddenly fell from it.

The sky and the earth suddenly brightened, the remaining clouds were dyed into auspicious clouds, and the colorful light fell on Song Shi, bringing with it extremely warm power, which shocked Song Shi's spirit and made her exhausted.

In the twilight, drops of cyan fairy rain fell on Song Shi, and the mana consumed in his body suddenly recovered quickly.

He didn't do anything, his body just floated in the glow, and a force of attraction led him to start Ascension.

In the rays of light and the rumbling sound, the void rippled and slowly cracked open, revealing a huge Immortal Gate.

The entire door is made of white jade, carved with dragons and phoenixes, and engraved with auspicious clouds and fairy talismans, full of sacred and vast meaning.

A corner of the Immortal World can be faintly seen inside the door. There is an immortal palace suspended above the white clouds, and a god Beast Immortal bird soaring in the void.

Immortal sounds echoed, and countless laws danced on the door, transforming into everything in the world, which was indescribably mysterious.

A coercion that overcame the rules of the Xuan Spirit World emerged, and the whole world seemed to surrender to it, the mountains trembled, and all souls fell silent.

The onlookers Daxiu were shocked. Seeing the changes in the laws between heaven and earth, they all focused their attention, hoping to gain their own insights.

Song Shi observed the Immortal Gate calmly and muttered: "Is this the gate of the Immortal Court?"

Wuyou didn't answer. Song Shi probably didn't want to show up at this moment for fear of being discovered.

Sure enough, a special wave fell on him, seeming to detect his situation. It was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him, so he speeded up the reception.

As he approached, the glow became brighter and brighter. Song Shi felt the various laws of heaven and earth revealed at close range, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

The level of these evolutionary laws is much higher than my own, and they are changing as if they are alive, just like the origin of the universe.

He watched carefully and was led into the door unknowingly. A powerful space fluctuation enveloped him, and then the world changed and disappeared in an instant.

Outside, the glow began to converge, and the Immortal Gate slowly closed and faded.

The Wanxing Sword Emperor looked at Song Shi's disappearing figure and thought to himself: "One day, I will also step into this door, the Ascension Immortal World."

Not only him, but all the Mahayana monks present looked yearning.

Isn't it their ultimate dream to become an immortal? Now, who can remain calm while watching others Ascension?

And the object of their envy was shrouded in a layer of rays of light, and was moving through the void at an incredible speed like light.

"This is also similar to a teleportation, a teleportation across the Mysterious Spirit World and the Immortal World!"

Song Shi admired that if the teleportation experienced in Xuan Spirit World could span half the world, it would be more than ten thousand times faster at this level.

He could vaguely see worlds being crossed one after another, while he kept getting closer to the giant thing in front of him.

"I don't know if this Ascension rule exists naturally or was created by someone powerful."

Song Shi suddenly had a question in his mind. After thinking about it, he felt that it was more likely to be artificially created.

As he moved forward, he felt the pressure on his body increasing, and frowned slightly. Is this a natural occurrence, or is there something unexpected?

"Don't let anything happen. I don't want to get lost again."

He prayed in his heart, but the pressure did not stop increasing. In the end, it was difficult for him to even move.

The front was getting brighter and brighter, and Song Shi squinted his eyes subconsciously.

This lasted for a long time, and a violent space vibration came. Song Shi felt that his soul was about to be shaken out of his body. Even with his strong body, he felt dizzy and couldn't help but want to faint.

Fortunately, the power of his physical body prevented him from fainting. Before he could hold on for long, his whole body suddenly felt light, and he appeared in the sky and the earth from the glow.


Song Shi was thrown into a body of water, spinning around for a while and finally stabilized.

He swam instinctively, emerged from the water, took a big breath, and saw a strange world in front of him. He was in a huge pool, surrounded by a huge square with runes engraved on it.

Before he could look any further, an unexpected voice came: "Hey, this is the first time I'm still awake after meeting Ascension. It's not easy."

Outside the pool, a middle-aged man wearing a white moiré shirt looked at Song Shi with surprise.

"What is your name?"

Song Shi found that the water was not deep and had already touched the bottom. He stood up and looked at the latter. He could feel a sense of pressure, indicating that the other party's cultivation level was higher than his.

"Fellow Daoist is Di Ling from the Immortal Court Ascension stage. As an Ascensioner, it is quite rare for a Fellow Daoist to have such strength. I have never encountered anyone in the hundreds of thousands of years I have been here. I think I can join the Apex Level Immortal." Gate.”

Di Ling said with great interest.

"Apex Level Immortal Gate..."

Some memories of the Immortal Monarch that turned thunder appeared in Song Shi's mind, and he understood what he meant.

The latter thought that he was not familiar with the situation in the Immortal World, so he explained: "That's right, our Immortal World will provide Ascensioners with the opportunity to enter the major Immortal Gates, and you Ascensioners are all top figures in the lower world, and all major Immortal Gates have Tend to absorb you as new blood."

"When does it begin?"

Song Shi knew that he couldn't leave directly at this time, so he followed the other party's arrangements.

"Fellow Daoist will first soak in the Mortal Pool for seven days and seven nights to get rid of the mortal aura from your body. At that time, we will arrange a group of Ascensioners to go to the Feixian Club, where you will be valued by the major Immortal Gates. "

Di Ling explained.

After listening to Song Shi, he sat calmly in the water and really felt a purifying power washing away his spirit and spirit, washing away some things.

"Ascensioners are much more mature and stable than those who become immortals in this world. Fellow Daoist should also be one of the strongest in his plane."

Di Ling was quite talkative: "But when you come here, most of them become existences without background. Does your inheritance have a high status in the Immortal World?"


Song Shi shook his head.

"Then you must cherish this Feixian meeting. At this meeting, many Immortal Gates will send people to select Ascensioners. Once you enter the Immortal Gate, you will be able to get rich resources and save a lot of trouble."

Di Ling smiled: "I'm quite optimistic about you. With your background, you should have the opportunity to enter the High Grade Immortal Gate. From now on, the path to immortality will be smooth, and you will be able to rise above all the immortals."

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