What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 48 Treasure Body, Dharma Body And Spirit Body

Liu Ruxue stared blankly at the people disappearing around her, her eyebrows raised: "Your Excellency, you have gone too far!"

She knew that Song Shi had neither background nor strength. Even if Bronze Tiger didn't use much spiritual power, he definitely couldn't withstand the punch of Bronze Tiger who was at the ninth level of Qi Refining and specialized in Body Refining.

His own cauldron was destroyed like this, not to mention that he still had some feelings for this man over time.

For the first time in front of outsiders, Liu Ruxue was so angry that her delicate body trembled, as if someone had destroyed something she loved.

Tonghu smiled awkwardly: "Well, how could I have imagined that this kid didn't react at all and didn't have any Law Weapon to protect him?"

It was really an accident. He just wanted to teach him a lesson. Who would have thought it would go so well?

It was even too smooth, and he felt like he had punched the other person, which was a bit embarrassing now.

Mei Niang's face was slightly cold, her fat hips swayed, and she walked over and said meaningfully: "Master Tonghu, although this is just an office outside the Yueyue Tower and there are no experts in charge, you are openly trying to kill my disciples of the Yueyue Palace. Honey, isn’t this a bit much?”

Tonghu frowned: "He shouldn't be the disciple you invite to the Moon Palace, right? As for saying it so seriously?"

"The Taoist monks who invite disciples of the Moon Palace are also protected by the palace. Don't you know, Sir?"

Mei Niang was also angry. Seeing that Liu Ruxue was about to take off on the spot relying on this Taoist companion, she was beaten!

Song Shi will be disabled even if she doesn't die. Liu Ruxue's next improvement will definitely slow down. She wants to turn over, but she doesn't know how long she will have to wait.

"Ahem, unexpected. How about I become Xue'er's Taoist companion and sacrifice a little bit of my cultivation to compensate you?"

Tonghu said as he looked greedily at Liu Ruxue's body.

For someone like him who has higher cultivation than Liu Ruxue, the other party cannot absorb his power. His willingness to give part of his cultivation is very rare for Liu Ruxue.

If absorbed, it can be quickly promoted to Qi Refining Late Stage.

As a result, he found that Liu Ruxue ignored him at all, but looked at the door in surprise.

Not only Liu Ruxue, but also most of the others looked at the same place with surprised expressions.

Turning around, I saw the intact Song Shi standing at the door.

His face darkened: "I still have some ability. Although my punch is purely physical, it is not something I can withstand."

Many people were amazed.

"It's okay, maybe it's some kind of special Law Weapon that didn't notice it."

"Even if he is not dead, he is still a living target for Tonghu."

Feng Yu looked at Song Shi with a smile, he was really interesting.

The wise man outside the door also understood that it was Song Shi who had been beaten, but fortunately he seemed to be fine.

Liu Ruxue moved lightly with a concerned look on her face: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, just give me a massage, and I can still fight you for three hundred rounds."

Song Shi chuckled, causing Tong Hu's face to darken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tonghu wanted to say something else, but a man in yellow appeared like a ghost.

He was an old man with gray hair, a ruddy face, a masculine aura, and a strong aura. He looked at Tonghu coldly: "I invite Ao Bai, the deacon of the outer gate of the Moon Palace, do you want to continue to cause trouble?"

"Hey, the deacons from the outer sect are here. It seems that Yaoyue Palace is also very interested in this place."

A look of fear flashed in Bronze Tiger's eyes. This old man's cultivation was much deeper than his. He had reached the tenth level of Qi Refining, which was enough to frighten him.

The most important thing is to invite the Moon Palace to send deacons to this peripheral and lowest-level force, which represents a certain attitude.

"I've met Deacon Ao!"

Liu Ruxue and Mei Niang saluted politely.

"Well, you guys did a great job, especially you."

Ao Bai nodded to Liu Ruxue: "You have only been here for a month to practice, and you have already reached the fifth level of Qi Refining. Several elders are quite satisfied with you."

Liu Ruxue was secretly happy, being favored by the elders meant she had a better future.

"Deacon Ao, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your spiritual power is much stronger. I hope you can come to the Foundation Building."

Feng Yuxiao on the side came over and clasped his fists.

"Brother Feng's Cold Jade Skill seems to be very successful. If he can Foundation Building, there is a chance that he can condense the Ice Spirit Body, which is really rare."

Ao Bai returned the gift.

If cultivating immortals requires spiritual roots to start, then Foundation Building is to lay the physical foundation, transform it with spiritual energy or other means, and condense different physiques, so as to transcend mortals and enjoy a long life.

Physiques are divided into different levels. The Spirit Body belongs to the superior existence among various physiques. It is much more powerful than the most ordinary treasure body and the further legal body.

"It's difficult. If I can condense the ice body, I'll be satisfied!"

Feng Yuxiao said bitterly, How can the Spirit Body condense so easily?

Song Shi was confused when he heard this, Dharma body? Spirit Body?

For a newbie like me, it is a completely unfamiliar existence.

"Xue'er, I think we should go to bed so as not to disturb their reminiscing about old times."

Song Shi whispered, pulling Liu Ruxue and ran into the room.

For a time, there were many envious and jealous looks in the lobby.

Thinking that such a charming and charming woman, who was like a Celestial Immortal, was about to be fucked by this guy, they felt very unbalanced.


Ao Bai looked at Song Shi's background. He knew the identity and background of this furnace. He could be calm and calm in front of so many people, and his character was not bad.

"Deacon Ao, you still don't know the origin of this Taoist monk who is a disciple of your sect?"

Tonghu asked a little unconvinced.

Deacon Ao smiled lightly: "No matter what his origins are, he is now considered someone I invite to the Moon Palace. You better not mess around."

"Hmph, I will check it myself!"

Tonghu turned back to the table and ordered his followers to find out the details of Song Shi.

However, Feng Yuxiao heard something and didn't say much. He and Ao Bai walked to the window to continue talking.

Song Shi pulled Liu Ruxue through the door, hugged her soft and delicate body, and said against her crystal earlobe: "Xue'er, what do they mean by the spiritual body and spirit body they just talked about?"

"I knew you would ask me, I saw the curiosity in your eyes just now."

Liu Ruxue's beautiful eyes moved as she took out a thick ancient yellow book with several large characters written on it.

A complete collection of the basics of spiritual practice.

"This is something Xue'er read when she was five years old. It contains the basic knowledge of various spiritual practices. If you don't need it now, just give it to the young master."

Liu Ruxue smiled: "Dharma Body and Spirit Body are in the physical category. They are also covered in the chapter Foundation Building. This is the name of the physique that needs to be cultivated in Foundation Building and beyond. It is generally divided into Treasure Body, Dharma Body and Spirit Body. The better your physique, the more solid your foundation, and the greater your potential.”

"I see."

Song Shi was suddenly stunned, and his eyes fell on the classics: "I didn't expect that this world would understand spiritual practice so thoroughly and have such a comprehensive collection of basic knowledge."

Song Shi hurriedly opened the catalog and searched according to the constitution, and was immediately speechless.

"Spiritual Root, Treasure Body, Dharma Body, Spirit Body, Divine Body, Sacred Body... there are so many levels of division, and the physical constitution has both Innate and acquired nature, but the Spiritual Root is only the basic Innate talent..."

Song Shi was amazed and eye-opening.

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