"It's my first time, so I must be very impressed."

Song Shi sighed, why does it always feel weird to talk about this here.

Du Ming'e misunderstood, felt a little embarrassed, and changed the subject: "You still don't know which lower realm Brother Song comes from?"

Song Shi was curious about the relationship between Mysterious Yellow World and Xuan Spirit World, and said: "I come from Xuan Spirit World."

"Mysterious Spirit World? I heard it was very close to our Mysterious Yellow World."

Du Ming'e murmured: "I don't know if it is the mysterious Spirit World. It is said that the names of the lower world are easy to repeat."

"It should be so. I have also heard some rumors in Xuan Spirit World. It should be said that the two worlds have a deep connection."

Song means deliberate guidance.

"If that's the case, it's probably related to the Mysterious Spirit World that was once prepared to merge with our Mysterious Yellow World to be promoted to the new Immortal World."

Du Ming'e was thoughtful.

Is this the case? "

Song Shi was stunned. It turned out that this was the thing that made Ancestor Xuanling sigh when he talked about it.

"Well, our Mysterious Yellow World is quite powerful and ranks at the forefront among many lower worlds. I heard that it is very similar to the origin of Xuan Spirit World. The two worlds once wanted to merge and promote to an interface comparable to the Immortal World. Unfortunately, it failed. We parted ways and stopped contacting each other for many years.”

Du Ming'e calmly told this past incident. If she didn't have an extraordinary family background, she might not be able to understand what happened so many years ago.

"Interesting, the interface can be improved. Is this how the Immortal World came to be?"

Song is curious.

"Some are, some aren't."

Di Ling actually joined the discussion and said with disdain: "You two worlds want to merge and advance to the Immortal World. It is too simple to think. After ancient times, no lower plane can be promoted. Basically, you can only join an Immortal. World or God Realm.”

When Song Shi heard this, he thought of something and looked thoughtful.

Di Ling saw that he had become cold when he arrived, so he continued: "It has been so long, there is no need to talk about it again, you should prepare for the Feixian Club. It is rare that two people have some connections. I hope you can become a superior Immortal by then. Gate, that would be good for me too.”

Song Shi felt that this guy really talked a lot, so he gave him a chance: "Envoy Di, I wonder what kind of forces Feixian will have this time?"

"That's not clear. Every Feixian meeting is arranged according to the situation of the major Immortal Gates. Except for those who like to choose disciples, most of them will come if they have needs. We have three thousand Immortal World Immortal Gates, but there is not much demand. So sure."

Di Ling shook his head.

After saying it, he didn't say it. Song Shi regretted asking, and was about to continue studying the talisman in a depressed manner.

Seemingly feeling a little embarrassed, Di Ling added: "But what is certain is that we will go to at least three of the top Immortal Gates every time. You should seize the opportunity."

Song Shi nodded and quietly studied the talisman.

Du Ming'e smiled at Di Ling: "Immortal envoy, I will seize the time to practice for a certain distance to prepare for the Flying Immortal Association."

Di Ling couldn't help but talk to people, so he signaled Du Ming'e to practice in the square, but then disappeared.

The Ascension stage was quiet again, as usual.

Except for the Ascensioners, this place usually receives messengers and some Immortal Court Asgardians, so it seems particularly lonely.

Di Ling watched boredly as one of Song Shi and Du Ming'e studied the way of talismans, while the other absorbed the immortal energy and converted it into mana, and sighed.

It’s so monotonous to carry around here, and sometimes there’s not even a single person to talk to.

As time passed, Song Shi would not only study the talismans, but also discuss cultivation with Du Ming'e. Occasionally, they would understand each other's situation in the two worlds, and they gradually became familiar with each other.

Soon, three months passed and there was no more Ascension.

When the time came, Di Ling appeared between the two and said: "It's time to hit the road, you two, we will meet again in the future."

Song Shi thought this was strange and turned around to look over: "How to get on the road?"

"Hehe, this place can bring you two from the lower realm, so it naturally has strong teleportation power. I will send you away next, and someone will receive you after you get there."

He took out a token, and after activating it, two beams of light fell from the sky, covering Song Shi and Du Ming'e. The power of space surged in, and the powerful teleportation power took them away from the Immortal Platform.

Song Shi glanced at Du Ming'e.

The latter put on a long dress embroidered with floral flowers and tied a silver belt. She was graceful and charming, with fair skin and long flowing hair. She happened to look over with a pair of phoenix eyes and slightly raised red lips.

The next moment, the two of them were blocked by light, twisted in the void, and immediately entered the teleportation.

This time the speed was not as scary as in Ascension, and the surrounding space changed within the normal range. Song Shi looked ahead, and soon, some blurred light appeared.

When he saw this light, he always felt that something was wrong, and then shook his head. Someone would not deal with the Immortal Court, and even if they did, it would not be against those who had just Ascension.

When he was thinking this, a colorful vortex appeared at the end of the passage, and Song Shi allowed the power of teleportation to send him there.


It was like passing through a layer of water, and Song Shi landed on a wild land. The vegetation here was extremely tall, but he felt something was abnormal at the first moment.

Isn't Immortal World full of immortal birds and mythical beasts, filled with auspicious clouds? Why does it feel like arriving in a wild land?

Swish, brush, brush!

Du Ming'e and other strangers appeared next to him, including old and young, male and female. There were more than 300 in number. They suddenly seemed densely packed. They were all monks of the Transcending Tribulation Ascension. When they saw the environment , all looked surprised.

According to what most people think, since they want to participate in the Flying Immortal Association, they should gather in a fairy palace or square. Let’s talk about the specific situation. How come they were thrown into this wasteland all of a sudden?

"What's going on? No one comes out to explain?"

"Where's the Immortal Envoy? Didn't he say that someone would take us to the Feixian Club?"

"Where is this place and why does it feel so bad?"

"I heard from the envoy that Feixian will have some tests. Shouldn't we just start right away?"

After more than three hundred monks opened their mouths, this wild place suddenly became lively.

"Brother Song, what do you think is going on?"

Du Ming'e got close to Song Shi. The two parties were most familiar with each other and there was a natural basis for cooperation.

"It should be a test. I don't think anyone can bring more than three hundred Ascensioners here under the eyes of the Immortal Court."

Song Shi said calmly, without any panic. He subconsciously touched his chest and found that the coffin of life and death had disappeared. A smile appeared on his face: "We just adapt to the situation."

At this moment, he was sure why he felt something was wrong when he first saw the misty light and whirlpool. It turned out that at that time, he had already been affected by illusions or other means.

The scene in front of me should be an illusion.

However, it is definitely not a simple method to pull so many monks into the same illusion.

"Brother Song is brave and careful. Please take care of the little girl next time."

Du Ming'e smiled and praised, it was bright and moving.

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