
The Ancient Sirius roared angrily, shaking the void, but it was a bluff. He couldn't get close to Song Shi, and he looked like a shadow.

Du Ming'e was surprised: "It's not an entity. We are frightened."

"Are you supposed to be the weapon spirit of this altar? Why aren't you dead yet?"

Song Shi stood calmly only a few feet away from the Ancient Sirius.

The latter did not eat Song Shi, and his huge body dispersed in depression, turning into the size of an ordinary wolf. He hummed: "I am a weapon spirit. As long as this altar does not completely collapse, I will naturally not die!"

"Oh, then I'll send you on your way."

Song Shi tried to gather a flame fist seal and hit it on the broken altar in an instant.


The flame fist seal was shattered, but the altar that looked dilapidated was actually unscathed.

Song Shi squinted her eyes. The altar was not completely broken, but it had some skills. No wonder the guy who just wanted to dig out jade failed.

The Ancient Sirius sneered: "Boy, do you still want to destroy the altar with all your strength?"

Song Shi looked at the damage caused by his casual blow and thought thoughtfully: "The environment is different, the destructive power is much lower, there is nearly a hundred times difference..."

His eyes were slightly bright, and he didn't care at all about the ridicule of the Ancient Sirius. In his opinion, taking action now was purely to adapt to the rules of the upper world, so as not to be surprised by the environmental differences outside.

The fire of the law in the palm of the hand condenses out, the fire is rich, and more powerful power is condensed.

The fire of the law of fire beats. If this power is used in the Xuan Spirit World, it can easily crush the void, but here it just makes the void twist, which is equivalent to regressing two or three major realms in the Xuan Spirit World.

"Fire of Law, Brother Song, you have become Celestial Immortal!"

Du Ming'e was envious that he had only mastered a few strands of law. He originally thought that he was good enough, but after seeing Song Shi's ability, he realized that they were both Ascensioners, and the gap was huge.

"Tch, just this little flame is not enough."

The ancient Sirius raised his head with disdain in his eyes.


At this time, the fire of the Thunder Law, fused with the Flame Law, reached a new level of power, surprising Du Ming'e and others next to them.

The fire of two laws is extremely difficult. What is the origin of this person? His background is so profound.

This time, the Taikoo Sirius' gaze changed slightly. Of course, it was not because he was afraid of Song Shi's power, but because of the other party's potential.

Song Shi didn't hesitate. The law of thunder and fire tentatively hit the altar. There was a bang and the altar shook violently for an instant.

"Boy, this thing is the Divine Weapon. If you want to destroy it, it's still a little short of it."

The ancient Sirius sneered: "Don't waste your efforts."

Song Shi heard this and asked curiously: "By the way, what are the benefits of breaking your altar?"

The Ancient Sirius continued to sneer: "Why should I tell you?"

"Oh, are you afraid that I will gain something by breaking the altar?"

Song Shi was immediately convinced that breaking the altar would be beneficial, because otherwise, the other party would not have said that.

"You will know once you break it. There is an ancient secret here."

The Ancient Sirius didn't think Song Shi could break the altar, even though the altar was on the verge of collapse due to the war that year.

Song Shi became interested. The ancient secret method sounded quite powerful.

He clenched his fists, the fire of law beating in his hands, and walked directly to the altar.

"court death!"

Seeing that Song Shi was approaching, the Ancient Sirius stepped on it, and with a buzzing sound, a circle of energy appeared on the altar, trying to crush Song Shi like before.


Chaos light flashed on Song Shi's body, and the power that easily crushed the Ascensioner was blocked by the chaotic light.

"You waited for someone to stand inside the altar before taking action, which shows that this power is limited. Now it seems that it is indeed nothing more than that."

Song Shi still walked around as usual, and even twisted his neck deliberately: "It's still a little short of crushing me."


The Ancient Sirius looked at Song Shi in surprise: "Chaos Dao, you have actually practiced Chaos Dao, and your physique is stronger than other ants."

There was some strange light in its eyes, as if it was a very special practice.


The altar shook, and more powerful power surged out. Song Shi's body sank, but he still resisted.

"not enough."

Song Shi's bones only made brittle sounds, and he was still a little short of being crushed.

He walked to a crack and grinned: "This place is the most dilapidated. Let me give it a try."

A punch landed.


A force ten times more terrifying than before leaned on the altar, and violent vibrations spread.

Du Ming'e was forced to take a few steps back and noticed the change in the expression of the Ancient Sirius. She couldn't help but look at the altar, showing surprise.


A shattering sound sounded, and the ancient jade on the altar slowly cracked under Song Shi's fist, with his fist as the center and spreading around like a spider web.

Some of the cracks merged with the large cracks that existed before, causing a chain reaction. More cracks appeared, and the collapse started directly.

Song Shi's punch was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing this broken altar to collapse.

"You succeeded, you have the ability."

The ancient Sirius sighed. The body began to twist as the altar collapsed.

At this time, the ancient divine inscriptions inscribed near the altar seemed to be inspired to their final power. The light shone brightly and shot out streaks of brilliance, forming huge ancient inscriptions in the void.

These ancient divine texts shone with light, suspended in mid-air, and were specially combined together. The jade that released these powers was further unraveled, and turned into powder.

The divine inscriptions shot out from the broken jade with the light. It seemed that these words were originally hidden inside. In the blink of an eye, they were combined into tens of thousands of scriptures above the altar. Each ancient divine inscription carried a wild and ancient atmosphere. , as if condensed by a certain law, flying and combining in the air, showing different colors.

Song Shi's eyes lit up and he observed carefully and found that he did not recognize these ancient divine texts. He looked at Du Ming'e awkwardly: "Do you recognize them?"

"Can't fully recognize it."

Du Ming'e shook her head: "This seems to be a sacrificial scripture with a lot of content and is quite High Level."

"Huh, it's also an ancient festival. They were precious things in the ancient times. I don't even know them. They are a bunch of local dogs."

The Ancient Sirius, whose figure became increasingly blurry, looked contemptuous.

Song Shi frowned: "That's useless. I thought it was some kind of Divine Ability, but it turns out it's for sacrifices."

Du Ming'e shook her head: "Brother Song, it's not that simple. This method of sacrifice is also a powerful way of heaven. It was very popular in ancient times and still exists even today."

"The way of sacrifice..."

Song Shi couldn't help but think of the first time he came into contact with something like this, he was still a small character. What happened at that time? It seemed that the guy from Heavenly Demon Temple was offering sacrifices to the evil god. Later, he was killed by the evil god, and he received many rewards at the time.

This festival should be related to something, but unfortunately he still has no interest in it.

"I don't know."

The Ancient Sirius looked down upon him: "What a pity, who asked you to break the altar? According to the rules, this divine code has to be given to an ignorant guy like you. It is really a waste of resources." When he said this, tens of thousands of gods suspended in the void The text shines like stars, with shadows of ancient gods emerging in the light.

There are sky-reaching one-eyed demons, dark demonic shadows, ghostly shadows, and evil ancient gods... Song Shi was stunned for a moment as if he saw a powerful existence from the ancient times.

This divine code looks quite extraordinary.

Du Ming'e looked at the divine text with difficulty, thought of something, and said in surprise: "Could this be a divine code that can directly reach the realm of heaven? It can communicate with all the gods who have received sacrifices since ancient times, and borrow their power from the heaven to gain the power of gods and demons. !”

The Ancient Sirius looked sideways and said proudly: "Finally, there is someone who knows the truth. Yes, this Ancient Festival can directly communicate with many gods and demons who accept sacrifices. As long as your sacrifice is rich enough, it will be no problem to ask the Ancient Demon God to temporarily come to help."

After hearing this, Song Shi suddenly said: "It turns out to be a special technique for hiring thugs, which is quite interesting."

"Fart, what does it mean to invite a thug? This is to communicate with the gods, possess the power of gods and demons, and is the Great Dao of heaven and earth!"

The Ancient Sirius corrected him very unhappily, "You will know how powerful this festival is by absorbing it. As long as the sacrifices you give are generous, it will be no problem even if you invite the Chaos Gods and Demons to take action."

"Oh, that's a High Level thug too."

Song Shi said calmly that as an immortal, he really didn't have much influence on this thing. Of course, it was much more important than when he first saw this thing.

Because this is indeed a powerful method.

Taikoo Tianlang was so angry at Song Shi's words that he gritted his teeth: "I don't know what to say!"

At this time, the divine inscriptions in the air began to condense together and transformed into a five-color altar, layer by layer, square in shape, divided into seven layers from bottom to top.

The phantoms of the ancient demon god that originally appeared are now engraved on the seven-story altar, arranged from bottom to third. There are many at the bottom, and the numbers are smaller as you go up, and they are also more powerful.

The most important thing is that these virtual shadows are actually lifelike, like real projections, and different atmospheres can be detected from them.

Song Shi can sense that the gods and demons at the lowest altar are not very powerful, and are much weaker than him. They may be false gods or demigods.

The second level is more powerful, comparable to the messenger Di Ling, and the third level is like the Immortal Monarch, but the aura is much stronger.

He estimated that if these were ancient demon gods, then the fourth level should be the first-class Divine King, which was more powerful than the ordinary Immortal King.

The fifth level is the God Emperor Level. The sixth level is the Heavenly Venerable level. Among the gods and demons, it should be the Chaos Gods and Demons. The seventh level...

His eyes fell on the seventh floor, and he only saw two, namely a giant holding an axe, and a phantom with a snake head and a human body. Moreover, these two were very blurry, not as clear as other phantoms.

And he found that the higher the altar went up, the blurrier the shadow became. It should be that the owner of the shadow was too powerful and could not be fully revealed in this ancient ceremony.

"It's interesting. Could it be that the two at the top are Pangu and Nuwa?"

Song Shi touched his chin. At this time, the ancient Sirius suddenly turned into a shadow, projected on the second floor of the altar, and turned into a lifelike Sirius.

The next moment, the altar turned into five colors of light, quickly shrank, and fell into Song Shi's hand.

Song Shi sensed that this thing was not an entity, but composed of countless laws and other forces. No, there should be a more powerful force.

The power of heaven.

He was stunned for a moment, could such a thing exist in this illusion?

Is it an illusion, just an experience, or is it really something?

"Congratulations to Brother Song for receiving this ancient divine tome."

Du Ming'e's expression was so complicated, who would have thought that breaking an altar would be such a thing?

But she understood that it would be completely impossible for her to do such a thing.

"It's unclear whether it's true or not."

Song Shi tossed aside the Ancient Divine Scripture: "Speaking of which, what is the level of this Ancient Sacrifice?"

Du Ming'e actually knew some information and said with emotion: "These are the eight ancient divine tomes. They are very famous. Perhaps in terms of value, they are not as valuable as those divine tomes that inherit the Divine Ability, but its auxiliary value is the greatest."

"Oh, what do you say?"

Song Shi vaguely guessed something.

"Because it is the only divine book that allows you to directly trade power with many gods and demons when your strength is low. In theory, you can get feedback as long as you provide sacrifices."

Du Ming'e said with hot eyes: "Even if we become Celestial Immortal in the future, it will be nothing in the Immortal World. But if we sacrifice a god and demon and get a little bit of its power, even if this power may only be used once, it is equivalent to a powerful person." It is a perfect trump card to protect yourself, and it can also directly help you improve your strength, which is equivalent to a multi-functional Law Treasure."

Song Shi couldn't help but look sideways.

It can not only add points, but also provide trump cards.

Isn't this equivalent to a simple system-type Law Treasure?

"It's really interesting."

He immediately became interested and prepared to study it.

Even though this thing has little effect on an immortal being like him, it has such a function and has been thoroughly researched. It is also good for one's own people to use it. It is much more powerful than the ordinary Law Treasure.

"I just didn't expect it to be here."

Du Ming'e hesitated: "Then is it true or false?"

"You should know when it's over."

Song Shi looked at the altar of gods and demons: "I think, even if it is fake, it still feels like it exists in reality."

"It makes sense. The illusion is illusory and has a certain basis in reality. It cannot be fabricated out of thin air. If it can be created out of thin air, it is no different from creating the world."

Du Ming'e approved.

Suddenly, a hand appeared and grabbed the miniature altar in Song Shi's hand.

Song Shi moved a bit and got out of the way.

A figure came to the front from behind him, greedily looked at the altar in his hand, and asked: "How did you get this!"

Song Shi smiled playfully: "You can break this altar, but it's a pity that you were scared away by the wolf and lost the opportunity to collect this ancient artifact."

The latter's eyes narrowed and he was a little annoyed: "I didn't expect that I was frightened by a dog's bluff. You were slow to react. I didn't expect that you got an advantage."

Reluctantly, he asked, "What is this? It looks extraordinary."

Du Ming'e got angry and retorted: "What's your attitude? This thing belongs to Brother Song. How dare you snatch it just now?"

The latter was playful: "You can't say that, everyone has a share in seeing this thing, but I'm not the only one who saw it."

"That's right, everyone has a share in the things in this altar."

Another monk appeared and deliberately agreed. In fact, he just used any excuse to rob the altar of gods and demons.

Song Shi waved his hand and said meaningfully: "This thing is the altar of power change in the ancient ceremony. If you are interested, you can share it."

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