What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 491 Big Fat Goose

In the center of the Eight Gates Immortal Mansion, apart from the square, there are many pavilions and pavilions around it. There are even undulating fairy mountains, flowing springs, and cranes flying down from time to time, with immortals riding on them, leisurely and at ease.

What's even more exciting is to ride on special Law Treasures such as divine chariots, colorful sedans, and fairy boats pulled by fairy birds and mythical beasts, and are supported by fairy guards, which is full of style.

"This is what an immortal is, luxury."

Song Shi praises.

During this period, he practiced in seclusion for several years, using the resources given by the Ministry of Thunder to transform some of his mana.

After the hospital ran out of money, he walked out of his immortal mansion and came to the central area to exchange for some resources.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

A Tianma float flew over Song Shi, and the bells hanging on it were crisp and melodious, attracting attention.

Song Shi muttered after seeing this: "The immortals in this Immortal Court like to ride various mounts and immortal birds. I, who walk on feet, look a bit poor..."

"You are already poor. If you don't find some Immortal Pill for me to take, I will eat you."

Wuyou's polite voice appeared in his ears. Now Wuyou can communicate with him not in some important places, but can come out to meet him in private space.

Song Shi's face twitched: "You have eaten up all my family assets, isn't it enough?"

"No matter how powerful the things you collect in the lower world are, it's better to get some good things in the Immortal World as soon as possible."

Wuyou looked disdainfully: "Otherwise, even if I eat you now, the nutritional value will not be high."


Song Shi's head is full of black lines.

"I think it's a pity that this Immortal Court is too safe, everyone behaves well, and I, a good person, don't see any chance."

Song Shi is helpless.

"Are you considered a good person?"

Wuyou said sadly: "You just can't find a reason to do it."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll sell some of the Law Treasures I have first and see if I can exchange them for some Immortal Pills or something like that."

He communicated with Wuyou secretly, looking at the circle of streets heading towards the edge of the square.

Outside here is a market, where most of the immortals from the Eight Gates Immortal Mansion will do business. There are some shops and restaurants, and all the people who come to play are immortals.

songs .

Seeing a small building with shining treasures from a distance, Song Shi saw the words "Hundred Treasure Mountain" on the plaque and strode over.

It is indeed a High Grade Immortal Gate. There is no gatekeeper outside. After Song Shi walked in, he suddenly became enlightened.

Behind the door is a Grotto-Heaven blessed land, with fairy mist, lush vegetation, and an exquisite treasure mountain of various colors of light sitting in the center, with spiritual springs flowing slowly, cranes flying, and deer chirping.

"I was careless."

Song Shi smiled bitterly, this is the Immortal World, people can naturally accept Xumi, a small building is a side of heaven and earth, and there is a universe within it.

A thunderbolt passed through the void, falling like a meteor in front of Song Shi, revealing a graceful fairy with a cute appearance and beautiful and smart green clothes, giving people a sense of closeness.

"This must be Lord Song, the newest member of the Immortal Court. Welcome to our Hundred Treasure Mountain."

The fairy in green clothes smiled out of her pear vortex and bowed to Song Shi generously.

"you know me?"

Song Shi was surprised, it was his first time here.

"Hehe, when the Immortal Court recruits new officials, the news will be announced. There are not many new people recently, but your Excellency is the one who attracts the most attention. We, the Immortal Gates, pay more attention to it."

The fairy smiled lightly: "My lord, my name is Luluo. If you have any needs, you can tell me."

Song Shi felt very comfortable, then smiled and said: "Sell some things first, and you can help me see if they are worth it later."

"Sir, please come with Lu Luo."

The graceful figure turned around and led the way, leaving behind wisps of fragrance that was refreshing.

Song Shi was thoughtful and communicated with Wuyou: "Isn't this a human being?"

"The girl who became a god from a green radish seems to have no pursuits and is only worthy of being a servant to be ordered around."

Wuyou was dismissive.

"Not all grass elves want to be queens like you, or even want to be Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi said.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in being stepped on all day long."

Wuyou snorted coldly.

"Oh, you are a worry-free grass. You must have been stepped on by immortals often before, right?"

Song Shi teased.

"Fart, I was born in chaos. Whoever dares to step on me will bleed!"

Wuyou said domineeringly.

"Hey, they are also plants. You should also learn from this pothos and be more cute and innocent. Only then will it be fun to be a fairy."

Song Shi feels that Wuyou's burden is too heavy.

"I want to be like her, just reduced to a plaything. I want to control my own destiny."

"Okay, you are a strong woman, not a little girl."

Song Shi gives up and turns Wuyou into a gentle and easy-to-push fairy.

Wuyou was silent for a moment and said: "There are some good treasures here, try to get them."

"What you can afford, I probably can't afford..."

Song Shi flew close to Baoshan, only to find that the glowing treasures were placed between the cliffs, and each one was perfect.

"Then grab it."

Wuyou said domineeringly.


Song Shi glanced at the immortals sitting in the mountains, and he couldn't beat any of them.

He shook his head hastily, he is a law-abiding immortal, how could he have such thoughts?

"Sir, you can buy these treasures placed on the mountain. You see, this crane is fat and strong. It is a good mount."

Luluo began to introduce it to Song Shi. Song Shi looked over and saw a crane at the foot of the mountain drinking from the spiritual spring. When he heard Luluo's words, he raised his head and spat out some water.

"Luluo, you want to sell me again, believe it or not, I will eat you."

The seemingly handsome crane made a rough sound, which immediately ruined the image.

"Huh, you haven't sold anything for a hundred thousand years. It's just a waste of food here, and you eat more."

Luluo put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "This Lord Song is a rookie in the Immortal Court. You will have a bright future with him."

The plump crane glanced at Song Shi, "You see, he is so poor that he can't even afford an immortal robe. How can he support me?"

Song Shi's face darkened. He often died in the past and was always used to using magic power to condense clothes. How come he didn't have the fairy robe? He just didn't have time to buy it.

He looked at the crane: "You are so fat, you must taste good. What kind of food do you want to choose, braised or grilled?"

The plump crane immediately exploded its feathers and flapped its wings, creating a strong wind. It was actually quite powerful: "If you dare to eat me, I will dare to eat you."

"Big fat goose, shut up. You are so rude to the customers. Not only will the shopkeeper punish you, but your prices will drop again."

Lu Luo scolded hurriedly.


The plump crane looked sideways at Song Shi: "Even if I lower the price, he won't be able to afford it."

Song Shi didn't expect that a mount would dare to be arrogant, and said calmly: "Luluo, an immortal should be able to eat his own mount, right?"

"Ah, it should be possible." Luluo said uncertainly: "I haven't heard of any immortals eating mounts."

"We didn't have it before, but now we can. I will buy it later and try how the crane tastes."

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