Such a ferocious attack caused Kang Lixun's expression to change continuously, and several defensive talismans flew out automatically, releasing circles of barriers to resist.

As a result, Song Shi's attacks became more intense, and his figure was all over the sky, attacking with thunder, as if they were all struck down at the same time.

Once in the fantasy world, the scene where Song Shi was attacked by the lightning bird is now replicated, but the character is replaced by Kang Lixun.

Under such a dense and powerful attack, Kang Lixun could not hold out as long as Song Shi. The defense around him was shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was too late to stop him.

"not good!"

He wanted to use other means, but it was too late. Song Shi's Thunderbolt Nine Heavens quickly attacked several times again, breaking through the last defense and slapped him in the face.


Kang Lixun was whipped into the air and was slapped on the spot until he became dizzy. His face was swollen and red, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He fell to the ground like a rag.

Bang bang bang!

Song Shi was so powerful that he chased after him and slapped him on the other side of his face. He then kicked him up like a ball and beat him in the air until he screamed and his body was deformed.

Kang Lixun was shocked and angry. The fire of law burst out from his body and he wanted to fight back. However, Song Shi's violent attack had no effect at all. He was still pressed and beaten by Song Shi and could not land for a while.



"You dare to beat Shangguan?"

The three immortals watching the show were shocked and hurriedly took action to stop Song Shi from continuing to chase and fight.


Three rays of light shot out and attacked Song Shi at the same time. They were powerful and fast, and it was clear that they were going to beat Song Shi.

Realizing this plan, Song Shi sneered, grabbed Kang Lixun's thigh, swung it as a weapon, and slapped him hard with his backhand.


Blood flew out and Kang Lixun screamed.

He was not Song Shi. His physical body was not that terrifying, and he was not able to condense bone armor. When he collided with the weapon that attacked the Immortal, he immediately saw blood. His bones were broken and his face was bloody.

The three guys who made the sneak attack were kicked out while screaming. They looked at Song Shi carrying Kang Lixun in surprise. For a moment, they didn't know whether they should go in or not.

"Are you the dog's legs?"

Seeing that the three immortals were all inferior in strength, Song Shi looked coldly: "In this case, I will break your three legs."

He dragged Kang Lixun, who had not yet breathed, and rushed over in a flash.

"'ve gone too far!"

"I advise you not to act recklessly, the consequences will be serious!"

The third immortal had a fierce look and a pale heart. Before he could say anything, Song Shi knocked Kang Lixun back.

In particular, his strength was much lower, only reaching the early stage of Celestial Immortal, so he just persisted for a moment, then screamed, his bones were broken and his tendons were broken, and his shoulder was smashed by Song Shi on the spot.

Once again, the immortal vomited blood and flew away. Kang Lixun's struggle was also shaken by this terrifying collision that directly hit the flesh. The bones in his body were broken one after another, but he still couldn't get rid of Song Shi's hand.

The eyes of the remaining two immortals jumped. If the little guy didn't really look like a human being, they would have thought they had encountered an ancient demon.

Even this Song Shi is more terrifying than the mythical beast, so cruel, they have never encountered this kind of fighting method.

"This...isn't this guy just a few years old?"

"It's beyond our control at all. This time we hit the wall."

The two of them cursed secretly in their hearts. When they saw Song Shi smashing their companion out of shape several times, they turned around and looked over. Their bodies froze and they were panicked.

"You...don't come over!"

"You will be punished for being so cruel here!"

Both of them were extremely guilty and their faces were a little pale.

"Who cares if I beat a few dogs?"

Song Shi had a sneer on his face and continued to rush over.

The two immortals were so frightened that they used their respective immortal treasures. They saw how terrifying this man was at close range, but Commander Kang just didn't fully anticipate it and suffered a loss because he had no time to prepare.

Two rays of light flashed, a thunder treasure fork and a silver hammer were sacrificed, flashing powerful waves to defend Song Shi.

However, Song Shi still carried Kang Lixun and smashed him over. Their faces twitched, fearing that their immortal treasure would kill Commander Kang with one force, so they could only lean on the defensive.

Kang Lixun only felt severe pain constantly coming from him, and the bones in his body were constantly breaking, forcing him to use all his strength to protect himself.

Bang bang bang!

The violent impact continued to echo, and the two immortals were hit by Song Shi and kept retreating.

For a moment, Kang Lixun's special humanoid weapon collided violently with the two immortal treasures, and the scene was bloody.

Kang Lixun's blood was splattered at the scene, mixed with his screams. The mouths of those who came after him were smashed, and their screams were gone.

If it weren't for the immortal body and the power of law to protect the body, the two immortals would not dare to use killing methods, otherwise Kang Lixun would be directly blown up by such an impact.

He couldn't speak and could only use his thoughts to convey the message. He said angrily: "You have taken away the Law Treasure and want to destroy my body?"

"Commander Kang, we don't want to either. Without Law Treasure, we can't stop him."

The two men smiled bitterly. Even so, they felt that they would be unable to withstand this violent storm at any time.

Kang Lixun could only convey his thoughts to Song Shi: "Stop it quickly. Do you know who this commander is? How can I be willing to be so humiliated by you?"

"Aren't you a dog? When did you become an adult?"

Song Shi retorted: "You dog was beaten so much that you howled, how come you didn't see your master come out?"

"You are looking for death. If the people behind me come out, you will be crushed to death easily!"

Kang Lixun threatened.

"Oh, then let him come out and crush me to death."

Song Shi Haha, he is really not afraid. Anyway, he doesn't think this guy will be at Heavenly Venerable level. At best, he is a Golden Immortal, which is good.

He continued to carry this special one and hit it hard.


Kang Lixun's thigh bone was broken, and the severe pain made him angrier: "Don't go too far, this time I'm the one who suffered, so I'm a human being. Let me go, so you can work here!"

"No, you are a high-ranking Celestial Immortal, so you can't be so intolerant of beatings, right?"

Song Shi exerted force again, and there was a loud bang.

The defense line formed by the two immortal treasures was forcibly broken by him. The sharp edge of the thunder fork cut off half of Kang Lixun's arm, and at the same time, his head also knocked an immortal away.

The bone that Song Shi had been holding in his hand was thrown out, knocking the other person away, and grabbed the hammer-like Law Treasure.

This thing was silver-white in color, with thunder runes all over it. He held it and shook it, and with his advantage, it flashed next to the two immortals, side by side.


The chests of the two were dented directly, and they were almost penetrated by the hammer. Their ruthless methods shocked the other immortals who were attracted by the silence.

"This new Thunder Punishment Messenger is so cruel."

"Oh, Kang Lixun has encountered a tough situation." "What's going on? Aren't Kang Lixun and the others from Hundred Treasure Mountain? Do you dare to fight?"

"I heard that Hundred Treasure Mountain took a fancy to this newcomer and wanted to win over him, but for some reason a conflict arose. Kang Lixun wanted to show off, but he was beaten up."

There were more and more immortals around, whispering, and inadvertently revealing some situations.

After Song Shi heard this, he just sneered: "It's quite calm."

He beat these guys like this, and the guys behind him haven't come out yet. Did he decide it was too embarrassing and didn't want to come out, or did he think he wouldn't go too far?

Unfortunately, he is not an ordinary immortal. If he is targeted, he will only do worse things.

He carried Kang Lixun and beat the three immortals until their bodies were deformed, scrapping them on the spot. Then he forcibly blocked the immortal power and suppressed them under his feet.

Then, in front of everyone, he plundered all the treasures and properties of the four great immortals.

"Consider these as your apology to me."

Song Shi said lightly.

After doing this, he glanced around. Except for those who came out to watch the show, most of them were still hiding and looked like they were watching a show.

But he could vaguely detect the angry and unkind eyes, and immediately stepped on Kang Lixun's deformed head, taunting: "You dogs are too unworthy of being treated. After being beaten like this, your master is not willing to stand up for you. I I suggest other dogs think hard and see if they need to change their owners."

These words made all the immortals watching the show change their eyes and were very surprised.

"That's so crazy. This sentence has offended many immortals. I really don't understand where he gets his confidence."

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear this sentence. Many immortals have some interests in some Immortal Gates."

"If he wasn't so powerful, I would have to go out and beat him."

"Although it doesn't sound nice, these words are too poisonous. It's clear that they are deliberately trying to force the people from Hundred Treasure Mountain to come out."

"Where does he get the confidence to press forward like this? Aren't he afraid of completely offending Hundred Treasure Mountain? This is the High Grade Immortal Gate, and the Golden Immortal is in charge."

Song Shi's words made the theatergoers cry louder and the scene became more lively.


A scream came from the distance in the void, with irrepressible anger.

Song Shi grinned: "Can't you finally bear it?"

He looked towards the source of the sound. In the emerald green divine light, a gorgeous woman with beautiful flowers flew over, her eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

This woman was wearing a tight green short skirt, revealing her legs as white as jade, her plump hips and waist, and her plump upper body, revealing a ravine.

A closer look revealed that this woman was actually Luo Luo, but her makeup and temperament had changed drastically. If it weren't for her appearance and aura, Song Shi would have thought she was the wrong person.

At this moment, Lu Luo doesn't have any cuteness, youth and innocence. She just looks like a gorgeous, sexy and hot young woman. She is dressed very boldly. Her slender eyebrows are curved to the end and then raised up. Her nose is high and her lips are bright. She is a stunner. .

Song Shi looked strange when he saw this outfit: "You didn't just get off that old guy's bed, did you? Or did you just perform a beauty charm on him?"

Luluo, who was about to hit Song Shi, her face froze, and she was really confused by Song Shi's attention.

The most important thing is that Song Shi guessed it right. She was trying to please the immortal, but Song Shi beat Kang Lixun so violently that she had to come over in a hurry. Her clothes and makeup had not changed.

"Hehe, that old guy is playing pretty well."

Song Shi smiled playfully. When he saw Lu Luo's reaction, he knew that he had guessed it right. He joked: "It seems that the pure fairy has seen it and likes the more charming one."

At the same time, he secretly said: "Wouyou, you really got it right, she is just a plaything."

"Don't tell me, I don't even bother to talk about such spineless things."

Worry-free contempt.

"Okay, don't talk about it. Can you dress like him next time? To enhance the relationship between husband and wife?"

Song Shi smiles evilly.


Wuyou replied, how could she please a man with her majestic queen-like existence?

"Shut up!"

Song Shi's evil smile misunderstood Lu Luo, and her pretty face was livid with anger: "You are talking nonsense, don't blame me, Hundred Treasure Mountain, you are welcome!"

Song Shi didn't get the answer he wanted from Wuyou, so he could only continue to criticize Lu Luo, saying disdainfully: "A plaything like you is worthy of scaring people with the Hundred Treasure Mountain. Without the backing behind you, you can't even use these few things to scare people." No dog can compare.”

He hooked his hand and said, "If you are not convinced, come here and try a few moves to see if I don't blow your breasts out!"

At this point, he looked at Wuyou's rather exaggerated chest: "Are you deforming it on purpose? It's quite big."


Luluo was so angry that Song Shi screamed that she was going crazy. Her strength was not as good as Kang Lixun, who was deformed by Song Shi. How could she go up and humiliate herself.

It was precisely because she couldn't defeat Song Shi and couldn't beat him that she became so angry that she said hysterically: "Why, I don't understand, why do you want to go against us? Am I, Hundred Treasure Mountain, sorry for you? Just because I’ve arranged for a crane to come to your place, but you’re going to kill the crane and beat people again?”

When Song Shi heard this, her evil smile disappeared, and her face turned cold: "So I should be subject to your calculations, toyed with by you, and obediently follow your ideas?"

Many immortals had complicated expressions upon hearing these words, and many sighed.

"It makes sense, but it's a pity that you can't help yourself after all."

"Yes, there are so many grudges and grudges in this Immortal World. For millions of years, some things have been deeply ingrained."

"It is basically impossible to get ahead in the Immortal World without relying on the Immortal Gate and currying favor with the superior."

"This person is still too young and will regret it later."

After sighing, they all thought they were experienced people and shook their heads at Song Shi.

Luluo was very pleased with these words and her anger dissipated a little: "Song Shi, you have one last chance. Now kneel down and apologize. I, Hundred Treasure Mountain, can help you find your way back."

This superior look made Song Shi's eyes show murderous intent. He stared at the woman who deceived him: "Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Terrifying murderous intent erupted from Song Shi's body. His many experiences between life and death, as well as the many creatures he slaughtered, allowed him to condense a murderous intent that was different from ordinary people.

Luluo was shocked on the spot by this murderous intent, and she subconsciously took a few steps back. After realizing it, her face turned red, and she wanted to speak, but her body trembled, and she didn't dare to speak after opening her mouth.

Because, Song Shi held a thunder fork in her hand, which appeared in front of her in an instant, penetrating her full chest. The heartbreaking pain made her feel fear and covered her head with cold sweat.

She looked into Song Shi's eyes and understood that the other party would really kill her!

At this moment, the old voice that appeared when killing the crane echoed again: "Song Shi, stop it. I, Hundred Treasure Mountain, can't tolerate a great immortal like you, okay?"

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