What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 497 Taking Office

"Then what's the matter with you?"

Song Shi was confused. He had never seen this immortal before. Why did he feel familiar?

He took another look at this person. He was wearing a gray Taoist robe and had a thin figure. He looked like an immortal, but he always felt a little wretched.

"My Excellency Su Fu, I would like to get to know Song Fellow Daoist, and I hope you won't dislike him."


Song Shi thinks this name is quite interesting.

"It's Su with the prefix Cao, the blessing of blessings. It's in the same book as Fellow Daoist. Currently, it's the Immortal Monarch of Nine Heavens Thunder Punishment in Dongzhou."

Su Fu smiled and introduced: "At present, I can barely be considered a Song Fellow Daoist Shangguan."


Song Shi was stunned. This guy could be considered his boss's boss. He was a True Immortal-level existence.

He said speechlessly: "Why didn't you show up just now?"

Good guy, let his subordinates fight here without saying a word, he thought he didn't know.

"Such trivial matters occasionally happen in the Immortal Court. It is better to block the situation than to block it. We must give everyone a chance to gain status based on their ability."

Su Fu smiled and said, "It's pretty good now."

"Well, Lord Immortal Monarch, you are the first to say that you don't want to meddle in other people's business so elegantly and elegantly."

Song Shi smiled and didn't mind that Su Fu was watching the show. He didn't want to offend Immortal Baoguang, and he actually didn't want anyone to stop him from beating the dog.

"Fellow Daoist Song is very interesting to talk to. I think our Thunder Punishment Department will be very lively in the future."

Su Fu seemed very kind and didn't mind at all that Song Shi didn't regard him as a superior. He glanced at Kang Lixun and other immortals who still had their magic power sealed: "It's not easy for them to do things to others. If you give him a beating, it's enough to vent your anger. Give them back your Law Treasure and some things you don't like."

"Mr. Su's words were so nice that I was embarrassed not to return them."

Song Shi felt very comfortable listening to it, and immediately threw everything back except the Immortal Crystal and Immortal Pill, and said coldly: "I don't think you dare to mess with me next time."

After saying that, he made a secret to unlock the seal, and the four immortals stood up with a groan. There was not a single good part of their bodies. If they were not immortals with strong vitality and the power of law to protect their bodies, they would have died long ago.

They glanced at Song Shi fearfully, bared their teeth, put away their things, and then thanked Su Fu.

"Thank you for what I did. You should thank Song Xianshi for showing mercy."

Su Fu corrected.

Kang Lixun hesitated for a moment, then thanked Song Shi for showing mercy, which gave Song Shi enough face.

Song Shi had gained face and was in a good mood. He waved and said, "We will all be colleagues from now on. Let's just pretend we are not acquaintances this time."

Kang Lixun and the others could only smile bitterly. If they knew people like this every time, they would die quickly.

"You guys should go back and recover quickly. Something may have happened recently. Recover as soon as possible."

Su Fu waved his hand.

Song Shi looked at this man, it was not easy, he could resolve the conflicts between his subordinates in just a few words and made him feel very comfortable. This skill would be good for him wherever he goes.

Compared to Immortal Baoguang and Kang Lixun, he has a completely different attitude towards this person. At least he is very comfortable getting along with him, just like the homophony of his name.

The latter continued: "You are now at the door of Fellow Song Daoist. Don't you want me to come in and sit down?"

"For this reason, how can I still refuse?"

As soon as Song Shi had an idea, the door of the mansion opened and he stretched out his hand to signal: "Please."

The two entered the Immortal Mansion one after another. As the space fluctuated, it was no longer clear what was outside.

"It's over, it's over, there's nothing left to do."

"Hehe, it was really fun to see it today. It's a rare sight in ten thousand years."

"This can be said for hundreds of years."

The surrounding immortals withdrew their gazes and dispersed one by one.

In the mansion, Song Shi knew where his sense of familiarity came from. In the book Taiwei gave him, there were some stories about immortal officials.

Since there were too many immortal officials, he only scanned a circle and didn't have time to look more.

"Fellow Daoist Song, your place is quite quiet, but you can arrange for some maidservants to serve you, so that it will be more convenient."

Su Fu said casually: "In this Immortal World, you have to learn to enjoy it. Everyone is very particular about appearance, so you can see that all the major immortals basically have mounts, and the more luxurious ones also have pets, and they often fight, kill, and compete for each other. The lower bound of resources is still very different.”

Song Shi knew that the other party was talking about killing the crane, and smiled lightly: "Take your time, there will always be a suitable one."

"Song Fellow Daoist has a high vision and looks down on ordinary idle clouds and wild cranes. However, there are still too few High Level mounts like True Dragon Qingluan. He can usually make do with them to avoid being looked down upon by other arrogant gods. Because of this matter There’s another conflict.”

What he said was very clear. If you want to get along in the Immortal World, you must have a reputation, a mount, etc. Otherwise, with Song Shi's temper, he may get into a fight with some immortal gods because of this matter.


Song Shi smiled awkwardly. With his habits, if he was offended by some people, he might actually take action directly.

"I have already eaten the crane. I will buy another one when I have time."

Su Fu couldn't help but ridicule: "If your reputation as a crane-eater spreads out, which crane would dare to follow you? Just get a flying Law Treasure like an auspicious cloud to lead the way. Just don't be too bad. In fact, most of our Lei Department use clouds." For Flying Law Treasure.”

Song Shi is speechless, why not just eat a fat crane, as for this?

"One more thing, the Immortal Court may have some big moves recently, and you may not be able to take a break for a hundred years."

Su Fu got down to business: "I see that your ability is no worse than that of the veteran Celestial Immortal, but you just lack some experience. If you are interested, I can arrange for you to take up the post as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the situation."

"You can have this."

Song Shi nodded. He also wanted to go out for a walk. This would help collect resources. Can he buy cranes, kill cranes and dogs every two days?

"As long as you don't have any objections, you can go to Dongzhou at any time after you are ready. Although it is not as wealthy as Zhongzhou, it is not bad, but there are more monsters and there are many mountains. After you go there, if you can, you should take it easy. Son."

Su Fu disclosed some situations to Song Shi in advance and also reminded him.

"Monster? Then I'll charge you some protection fees. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Song Shi's eyes lit up.

"Song Fellow Daoist, I've told you all about it, how can it be your turn to collect protection money?"

Su Fu raised his head and said, "Remember, when you do something, you'd better ask about the mountains behind you, so as not to offend too many gods."

"It seems that the Immortal Court is really complicated inside."

Song Shi shook his head and rolled his eyes: "Then I will take office tomorrow. I have already gone to explore the situation."

"So urgent?"

Su Fu frowned: "You just offended Immortal Baoguang, aren't you afraid that he will target you?"

"What are you afraid of? He still dares to kill the immortal envoy of the Immortal Court?"

Song Shi doesn't care, so what if he dares to kill?

If Immortal Baoguang dares to kill, he will dare to die.

"He doesn't dare, but some guys do. The Immortal Court doesn't control everything. There are also major Immortal Gates here, and there are some shady and evil ways."

Su Fu said meaningfully: "Only being low-key and smart can make you do things safely."

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