He held a string of Buddhist beads and said with a smile: "Isn't this person going to Dongzhou? Tell Baqi there about the Great Dao Soldier. Doesn't he really want a Law Treasure that matches him? Gotta give it a chance.”

"That's good. If we kill someone with a borrowed knife, we won't get our feathers dirty."

Lu Luo smiled.

"Let Sapphire look at it. If there is a chance, this kind of treasure is the best for me, Hundred Treasure Mountain."

Song Shi stayed at the mansion for a day, and Kang Lixun came to visit again.

He recovered from his superficial injuries, his face was still pale, and he was extra polite at the moment, for fear that Song Shi would beat him again.

"Song...Song Fellow Daoist, Mr. Su asked me to take you to the meeting."

Facing Song Shi, Kang Lixun's tone was a bit stuttering.

"Let's go."

Song Shi was not interested in scaring this guy anymore, so he threw the gourd and let Kang Lixun lead the way.

The latter realized that the gourd was not simple, so he took a secret look, did not ask any more questions, and honestly led the way.

The two flew away from the Eight Gates Immortal Mansion area and entered the place where thunder gathered above the white clouds.

Both Kang Lixun and Song Shi have practiced the Thunder Law and are at home in this thunder cloud without any discomfort.

The most amazing thing is that the Thunder Punishment Messenger token worn by Song Shi on his waist began to glow, releasing a wave of waves that seemed to be able to directly mobilize the surrounding thunder.

"Your token has the power of heaven and the power to command thunder. It can be used in special circumstances, such as in thunder clouds."

Su Fu's voice appeared, obviously aware of Song Shi's abnormality, took the initiative to explain, and appeared in the thunder clouds, followed by more than a dozen immortals.

Song Shi cupped his fists and said, "I've met Mr. Su."

"Your position is the Thunder Punishment Envoy, so you can learn the Thunder Punishment Technique. With this order, you can control the nine-day thunder to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Of course, its power is related to the environment, your strength, and the level of the token."

Su Fu continued speaking, taking another look at Song Shi's gourd. He didn't show anything, but the immortals behind him looked surprised.

Song Shi actually knew this information and pretended to understand it for the first time and listened very carefully.

After telling Song Shi about the situation of the Thunder Punishment Order, Su Fu looked serious: "Song Shi, if you take office in advance, I will also activate the power of thunder punishment for you in advance. I hope that you will be fair and impartial in the future and carry out punishment on behalf of heaven. Kill evil and destroy demons, strengthen righteousness, and promote the authority of the Immortal Court!"

"Perform punishment on behalf of Heaven, punish evil and destroy demons!"

The other Thunder Punishment Envoys followed suit and shouted loudly, their voices shaking the void like rolling thunder, which was quite inspiring.

Su Fu took out his token, and after activating it, the token on Song Shi's waist flew up on its own. There were two immortal inscriptions on it that were dazzling, triggering the rules of the world and creating a special pressure.

This was the power of heaven. For a moment, Song Shi felt that the surrounding world was affected by the token, especially the power of heavenly thunder, which seemed to command all the thunder in the world.

Amidst the crackling sound, dense thunder gathered towards the token, and the token bloomed with bright white lightning and floated in front of Song Shi.

Su Fu shouted: "Song Shi, officially accept the order!"

Song Shi took advantage of the situation and grabbed it, and the condensed thunder rushed towards his palm, and then quickly spread throughout his body, making his beard, hair and clothes swell, and he suddenly became less angry and more powerful.

The thunder flowed on him like water. Song Shi's muscles tensed up and he looked angry, transforming into a thunder god.

"Song Shi, before this order, I swear an oath of heaven and earth. I will never betray the Immortal Court for the rest of my life, otherwise I will be struck by lightning."

Su Fu urged.

Song Shi then swore, and the moment he finished speaking, a powerful force of heaven locked onto him. For the first time, Song Shi felt that if he disobeyed the oath, he would be killed immediately.

"This is the real oath..."

He was surprised. He had never felt so clearly a terrifying power that was above the law, especially when this power could easily crush him.

"After swearing, why don't you take out your Thunder Punishment Sword and Immortal Armor?" Su Fu said.

As soon as Song Shi thought, a big sword and a set of silver armor flew out. The sword was held by his other hand, and the silver armor flew to him and merged perfectly with the thunder, making him more like a thunder god.

At the same time, the mysterious and powerful power of heaven dissipated, and as long as he did not rebel, it would never appear again.

"The Thunder Punishment Token has been activated. The Thunder Punishment Technique and the Thunder Control Technique are contained in the token. You can understand it by yourself. Now you will go to Dongzhou with Kang's envoys and several others to patrol."

Su Fu took back the token, the powerful aura on his body quickly converged, and casually arranged Song Shi's next steps.


Song Shi answered simply.

Su Fu said to Kang Lixun: "There are many evildoers in Dongzhou, and they have been taking more actions recently. Those who should be suppressed should be suppressed in time to avoid major disasters."

"I would like to follow the arrangements of the Immortal Monarch."

Kang Lixun responded respectfully.

"Go ahead."

Su Fu waved his hand, turned around and turned into lightning to escape, but did not go to Dongzhou together.

There were more than a dozen immortals who left, and in the end only Kang Lixun stayed.

Song Shi was stunned. These guys all came to see him take office. They left after the ceremony. No one wanted to get to know him?

Are you so unpopular?

He must be too busy to talk to me more.

He couldn't help but look at Kang Lixun: "Are they all busy?"

"This... must be it. I heard that evil spirits have been causing trouble recently, and the Immortal Monarch is also taking action."

Kang Lixun replied.

"Is that so? That's good. Let's set off. I'm quite curious about what Dongzhou looks like."

Song Shi smiled.

"This is the map of Dongzhou, you can take a look."

Kang Lixun pointed his finger, the light flowed, and a vast area appeared.

In addition to an irregular continent, the entire East Continent also has densely packed islands and a wider ocean. There are various Immortal Gates, Immortal Clan, and various monsters and monsters on the islands of the mainland. There are a lot of them.

"There's no such thing as a complete map?"

Song Shi asked that the map of Kang Lixun's evolution was too small.

"The Thunder Punishment Order has been activated. It contains a map of the entire Jiuzhou, which can be detailed to within one mile."

Kang Lixun said helplessly, this guy didn't know anything, and he had to patiently explain, but the other guy had just beaten him, and he felt very upset and panicked.

"Oh, I forgot about this."

Song Shi realized that the token had not been activated before and had nothing. He thought it was just a status symbol, but he did not expect it to have such a function.

He immediately sat on the reincarnation gourd, injected his thoughts into the token, and an Eight Trigrams Diagram appeared, with a total of eight options, in which various functions were written, all of which could be touched with thoughts.

The eight options are Immortal Map, Message, Mission, Thunder Punishment, Treasure House, Ten Thousand Methods, Space, and Salary, among which is the map he wants.

When the thought touches the Immortal Map, it immediately becomes a map, in which the location of oneself is a dot, which contains the Immortal Court, the Eight Immortal Palaces of the Sea of ​​Clouds and other contents.

After touching the messaging option, he immediately entered a starry sky with twinkling stars. There were stars all around, all carrying thunder light. They were the names of the Thunder Envoys, including Kang Lixun and Su Fu.

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