What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 505 Braised Lion Head

"We're already here, and you're still mentioning your old thing, so go in first!"

Yuan Jingwei, who was standing behind the golden lion, kicked him directly on his butt and kicked him into the second prison.

Song Shi made a secret, and chains with the power of thunder flew out one after another. Puff puff, they quickly penetrated the golden lion's limbs and forcibly locked it in the cage.

"Ho ho ho!"

The golden lion roared in pain and tried to struggle, but the thunder from the sky struck him mercilessly. Soon, his whole body was blackened and he could only twitch on the spot.

"Song Shi, I'll leave this guy under your care. I'll punish him with thunder once every day at three quarters of noon to give him a long memory."

Li Ertai glanced at the Golden Lion coldly, turned around and left with Yuan Jingwei, without saying anything to Song Shi.

The black water black snake looked at the golden lion through the gap, with joy in his eyes.

Finally, a guy came to replace him. This person shouldn't catch him eating meat, right?

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, why can't I eat a bunch of weak creatures!"

The golden lion roared in the direction where Li Ertai and several immortals left. The sound was deafening, like thunder.

He didn't think that swallowing a city was nothing, it was just a tooth sacrifice.

"You sound very angry, I need to add something to it."

Song Shi was unhappy and waved the token.

The sky brightened, and thunder fell instantly.

Boom boom boom!

The sky thunder, which contained great destructive power, struck the golden lion mercilessly, making it dizzy and twitching on the spot.

The thunder came and went quickly. Song Shi glanced around and saw that no one was watching, so he took the meat and cooked it.

He moved closer.


The golden lion suddenly raised its head.

"How dare you chop me!"

With a sense of resentment, his whole body was shining with golden light, he picked up Song Shi and opened his bloody mouth to bite Song Shi, and wanted to get the factory back.

Song Shi slapped him directly, and with a muffled bang, he pulled it back.

The latter was beaten in a daze. Even if he was injured by several Celestial Immortals, he would not be so weak that he would be whipped away by a gatekeeper.

"You have the nerve to make such a fuss with your little ability?"

Song Shi threw out a chain, forced it through his body, further imprisoned him, and then used the forbidden secret technique to seal the magic power.

"If I hadn't been injured, would you be worthy of beating me?"

The golden lion was still stubborn, and then saw Song Shi breaking through his fur, and asked uneasily: "What are you doing?"

"Take your meat and make braised lion's head."

Song Shi said calmly.

The braised lion head is not really made of lion head, but if it is really made of lion meat, it is not bad at all.

"Stop, why do you eat my flesh!"

The golden lion was at a loss. He had eaten other people before, but this was the first time he encountered someone eating his own flesh.

He wanted to resist, but was struck by Song Shi's lightning, leaving him unable to fight.

"Forget it, I'm big, so it doesn't matter if I eat a little bit of my flesh. He doesn't dare to kill me anyway!"

The golden lion chooses to lie down.

Song Shi took the meat and turned around to start cooking.

Black Water Black Snake grinned as he watched. If the golden lion came and fed this man, he would be less destructive.

"why are you laughing!"

The golden lion can't help Song Shi, and he doesn't look kindly on this scoundrel.

"I was laughing. Finally a guy came over to help me take some of the pressure off."

Black Water Black Snake said coldly: "You will soon understand what this sentence means."

Song Shi got tired of eating snake meat and spent the next half month eating lion meat.

This makes the golden lion most afraid of not being struck by lightning every day, but being attacked by lightning to cut his flesh.

Losing pieces of flesh is like slow death, which is a torture for him both mentally and physically.

The golden lion was tortured half to death, and Song Shi began to eat the black water snake's meat again. This time it was the golden lion's turn to laugh.

Taking the meat, Song Shi returned to his room, which was a space of its own, where Bai Xiaoqin and others were practicing.

Song Shi was very bold and used the cover of the law of space to create a space here. As long as other thunder punishments could not be used, Bai Xiaoqin and the others could practice here.

The main reason is that the rules of heaven and earth in the coffin of life and death are not as complete as those in the outside world. Long-term practice can easily lead to unstable foundation.

Being exposed to the immortal energy environment, everyone's cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds. The speed was a hundred times that of the lower world and more than ten times that of the Xuan Spirit World.

However, this is not a long-term solution. If possible, Song Shi still has to place everyone in a normal environment. There are risks in being sneaky.

"There is no patrol mission yet. Let them eat some meat from the High Level Demonic Beast to improve their physical bodies."

He specially treated a part of the meat, re-refined it, added some herbs to form bottles of special elixirs, and dispersed the essence of the flesh and blood into the pills. Otherwise, with the strength of the flesh and blood of these monsters at the Divine Level, Bai Xiaoqin and the others would not be able to withstand it. No.

After finishing this, he started to make the braised lion head and said with a smile: "Wuyou, come out and prepare for new dishes."

"What are you going to do again?"

Wuyou appeared curiously. During this period, he had changed many ways to eat snake meat.

"meat ball with soy sauce."

Song Shi smiled and said: "Finally, we changed the ingredients. I hope they catch more monsters, so that our dishes will be richer.

"Do you think Tianlao is your own food storehouse?"

Wuyou wanted to laugh when he heard this.

"It's the best use of resources."

Song Shi doesn't think it's anything. These monsters have killed so many people. What does it mean for him to eat some meat?

"These monsters eat people. If you eat monsters again, don't you feel sick?"

Wuyou smiled evilly.

Song Shi was stunned, he hadn't thought much about this yet.

He shook his head: "This... cows still eat grass. People who eat beef do not eat grass. And what I do is to punish them and let them change their ways."

Wuyou smiled and said, "Why are you eating grass? I am grass. Do you want to eat it?"

"Here, give me a bite."

Joking with Wuyou and eating braised lion's head, Song Shi felt that this life was leisurely and comfortable.

In addition to eating meat himself, he would occasionally invite other Thunder Lords to enjoy it, so the other Thunder Lords turned a blind eye to this matter.

As for Kang Lixun, the leader here, he would not say anything.

Song Shi deliberately left some meat for the relatives in the life and death coffins to eat, so that the immortal Qi cultivation that made him improve by leaps and bounds

Time passed, and ten years passed quickly.

Song Shi was guarding the Tianlao to eat meat. On the way, two Demonic Beasts came. One was a vulture, and the meat was of poor quality. Song Shi gave up after eating it once. The other was a sea dragon in the sea, and Song Shi took special care of it.

During this period, Song Shi not only ate meat, but also occasionally took some bones and internal organs to eat. Anyway, as long as they were not killed, these parts could be reborn.

Song Shi was very happy, but Wuyou felt it was boring and took the initiative to say: "You should find a way to go down there. There is no value in eating their meat here."

"I'm also feeling a little bored. The effect of the flesh and blood of these Great Monsters on me is constantly weakening. I have to find an opportunity to go to the ground."

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