What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 507 Two-Headed Flame Dragon

Song Shi didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as he came out, so he immediately changed direction and approached the mission location.

At this time, an awesome scene appeared. The token actually jumped out of a three-dimensional map and automatically navigated him. Song Shi was in a trance, thinking he had returned to the modern society in his previous life.

"Whoever created the Primordial Origin system has definitely seen navigation in the technological world!"

Song Shi thought to himself that he was interested in the guy who created the Primordial Origin system and would definitely meet him in the future.

"This is your first mission, so go faster, Shrink the Earth to an Inch!"

Song Shi stood up from the gourd and hurried on his own, quickly crossing millions of miles and arriving at a special sea area that exuded a scorching breath.


Before they arrived, Song Shi saw a lot of water vapor bursting on the sea surface, lightning crisscrossing, and from time to time a red tentacle ejected from the water mist, accompanied by bursts of angry dragon roars.

"Who's fighting the dragon?"

Song Shi moves forward while using his thoughts to explore first.

Passing through the scorching water vapor, the temperature of the seawater becomes higher and higher, and finally it is in a boiling state, and when it goes deeper, it turns into magma.

The red lava is constantly rolling, contrasting with the surrounding sea surface, which looks particularly spectacular.

Song Shi was stunned for a moment and looked at the map. Yan Xinhai was marked here, and there was an introduction next to it.

The special zone formed by the magma eruption in the center of the earth stretches for millions of miles and is rich in fire-attribute power. There are tribes such as the Flame Snake and the Flame Dragon. Due to the special environment, the creatures in this area are particularly ferocious and violent. You need to be careful when passing by.

Song Shi took a look and estimated that the evil dragon here was the Yanlong.

His thoughts continued to deepen, and then he was torn apart by a destructive energy.

This was not because he was discovered during his exploration, but because a fierce battle was taking place in Yanxin Sea, and the aftermath of it tore his thoughts to pieces.

At this moment, the fiery red magma in front of him continued to roll, and then was pressed down by a circle of waves.

"Two-headed flame dragon, you have violated the laws of heaven, and you will definitely die today!"

In the center of the lightning, Wang Dong was wearing silver armor and holding a Thunder Punishment Sword. A large amount of thunder fell from the sky and struck a red evil dragon in the magma.

This evil dragon was exposed in the magma, and the exposed half of its body was over ten thousand feet long.

The most important thing is that it actually has two heads. It is a natural heterogeneous species. Its red scales are shining with luster, and the law of fire is imprinted on it, forming mysterious lines that make the body look particularly tough and push back the power of thunder.

When it heard Wang Dong's words, its eyes were particularly fierce and cruel, and it stared at Wang Dong with a ferocious smile: "If you want to kill me, I'll eat you first!"

With a bang, the magma exploded, and a dragon tail ejected from the magma, like a divine whip, lashing hard at the thundering figure high in the sky.

Wang Dong retreated hurriedly. His physical body was not as good as the other's, so he did not go head-to-head with the beast.

The hot air waves made sweat break out on his forehead, and his eyes became more solemn.

Just from the initial fight, he could feel that this beast was very difficult to deal with. The opponent gave him a sense of oppression and he had to wait for other reinforcements to arrive before he could take them all down.

"Hide? How long can you hide?"

The Double Flame Dragon roared, its throat squirmed and expanded, and when it opened its mouth, two magma-like attacks were shot out, locking Song Shi left and right.

At the same time, its ferocious mouth opened, revealing sharp teeth, ejected from the magma, and bit Song Shi.

Two magma attacks came out, and then two dragon heads came over to bite them, blocking Wang Dong's left and right retreats. He retreated in danger and almost got bitten.

He stopped a hundred miles away in a slightly embarrassed state, smelling the smell of burnt hair, and muttered with a heavy heart: "Aren't the reinforcements coming yet?"

"As soon as you tell me, I'll be here!"

Amidst the ridicule, Song Shi appeared next to Wang Dong.

When the latter saw it was Song Shi, his jaw dropped: "Why is it you?"

He knew Song Shi's cultivation level, and a Celestial Immortal at the early stage was not enough.

"Why can't it be me?"

Song Shi smiled playfully: "You are watching from the side."

After saying that, Song Shi's eyes fell on the double-headed flame dragon: "Tell me, why were you ordered to kill?"

"Kill me? Are you worthy?"

The double-headed flame dragon smashed its tail, and the magma rolled up, turning into a huge wave of fire and pushing towards the two of them, without even giving them any room to dodge.

Song Shi curled his lips and simply raised a finger to draw.

The next moment, the brilliant chaotic sword light illuminated the sky. The giant wave of magma, which was far tougher than ordinary sea water, was like a piece of rock. It was torn apart and cut open by the sword light.

The two stood at the crack, and the seemingly powerful wave of fire pushed past them. Apart from being scary, it had no effect at all.


The two-headed flame dragon grunted in pain, and there was a sword mark on its tail. The strong dragon scales were broken by the sword energy, and he was injured on the spot.

At this moment, Song Shi exploded with his true strength, like an ancient demon god, overwhelming all directions. Both the double-headed flame dragon and Wang Dong were stunned, as if they were facing this high-level immortal god.

"Brother Song...you!"

Wang Dong exclaimed, just now he felt that Song Shi's cultivation was not enough, but in an instant it exploded so horribly that he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Brother Wang, you haven't said why it was ordered to be killed."

Song Shi smiled and didn't explain much. The strength he showed at this moment was the best explanation.

Wang Dong came back to his senses and explained: "Well, he swallowed an immortal official. This is a big taboo. Naturally, he will be punished by the Immortal Court as a warning to others."

"Okay, everyone in my Immortal Court dares to eat it."

Song Shi looked at the two-headed flame dragon who was afraid of him: "Then I have more reason to eat you. Brother Wang, you don't have to hand over your flesh and blood to kill this dragon, right?"

Wang Dong shook his head: "No need, but we must capture its soul as much as possible and kill it on the Immortal Platform to scare many demons and monsters."

Song Shi smiled broadly: "That's no problem. Let's work harder and solve it as soon as possible, so that we don't have to share the meat with other immortals."

"Looking for death, do you think I'm a sheep and you can kill me if you want?"

The two-headed flame dragon is inherently cruel and murderous, otherwise it would not even dare to eat the immortals of the Immortal Court. When it heard Song Shi's contemptuous words, it immediately became furious, controlled the magma and flew out of the air, and directly bit Song Shi at close range. Yes.

"Brother Wang, be prepared for him to escape, and I will kill him!"

Song Shi did not retreat, but took the initiative to rush over.


Wang Dong also wanted to say not to engage in close combat with this evil dragon. After all, Dragon Race was physically powerful. Not to mention that it was a flame dragon, and its explosive power was terrifying.


Before he could speak, Song Shi turned into a meteor and collided with the double-headed flame dragon. There was a loud noise and blood spilled into the sky.

Wang Dong was splashed with blood and felt terribly hot. He discovered that the injured person turned out to be a huge two-headed flame dragon.

Song Shi not only dodged the bite, but also used one hand to punch a bloody hole in his body. The powerful force of the collision knocked the dragon's body in mid-air and let out a cry of pain.

"So awesome!"

Wang Dong was shocked. The body of this two-headed flame dragon was comparable to the Immortal Weapon. His previous attempts to attack with the Thunder Punishment Sword only left shallow sword marks on the dragon scales.

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