What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 523 A Strange Scene

But amidst this tragedy, there is something strange.

The source of the weirdness is Song Shi.

He only has the strength of Celestial Immortal Realm, but he has survived many Golden Crow attacks, and he has killed Golden Crows from time to time, including many gods and Monarch Levels.

This abnormal situation caused more Golden Crows to gather together, and the attacks they released were even trembling at the Immortal King level. It seemed that Song Shi could be killed every time, but every time Song Shi would come out alive, and occasionally... Can kill a golden crow with a sneak attack.

It didn't matter a few times, but it was abnormal dozens of times, so that the Golden Crows who besieged Song Shi became nervous, fearing that they would be the next to be killed.

It's not that this person's strength is terrible, it's just that his mysterious and mysterious means of saving lives give them a headache.

"I'm going to help other tribesmen, you kill him!"

Youshen Monarch Level Jinwu saw another companion being killed by Song Shi's strange appearance. He really couldn't stand it, so he simply didn't surround and kill Song Shi.

"Well, I'm going to help too. This is just a Celestial Immortal, and it's not worth wasting so much of our combat power."

Seeing that Jinwu wanted to slip away, he immediately left with the next righteous words.

"Hey, don't leave, my mana is about to run out."

Song Shi looked at the Golden Crow who ignored him quite speechlessly, and shouted loudly, trying to persuade him to stay, because one of them had just killed him.

Many Golden Crows rolled their eyes when they heard this. What the hell? If it was certain that your mana would be exhausted, how could we end up fighting like this?

In the blink of an eye, half of the golden crows flew away. Song Shi had no choice but to rush forward.

"Who told you to leave, stay with me!"

He deliberately attacked a Golden Crow that had not killed him, forcing the latter to kill him.

Three times later, he struck out with thunder and destroyed the Golden Crow who had killed him. The transformation from weak to strong made other Golden Crows who had seen it many times collapse.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? Stop fighting!"

There was a time when Jinwu gave up his job.

A group of golden crows have been surrounding and killing for so long but they still can't kill this guy. Anyone else would collapse.

"Or just don't bother to care about him."

The rest of the Golden Crows are totaled. It’s not about killing anyone else, so why fight with this weirdo.

Even if they want to fight to the death, they should be able to deal with this person, but they don't have the ability to deal with him yet.

With an idea, a group of golden crows immediately dispersed.

"Hey, don't run!"

Song Shi angrily chose another one to catch up with: "Keep fighting with me, why don't you ignore me."

"Can you fucking stop following me!"

Jinwu, who was being chased, cursed.

"Maybe it's because you are more handsome."

Song Shi smiled and said, "Come, let's have a fight."

After saying that, he stopped the latter, unleashed all his fighting power, and started fighting with him.

Soon, the Golden Crow was beaten to death by the immortal Song Shi, and its blood spilled into the sky. The body was collected by Song Shi as food.

After solving it, he set his sights on another god, the Monarch Level Golden Crow.

The latter's feathers stood on end, and he suddenly felt bad in his heart.

The situation changed. Many Golden Crows knew about Song Shi's weirdness and were unwilling to fight with him. Song Shi was forced to hunt down one Golden Crow after another.

On the cruel battlefield, this reversal made the other Golden Crows and immortal gods stunned.

"What happened? I saw it right, right? A Thunder Punisher is chasing the Golden Crow?"

"This guy doesn't look too strong to fight, at least not as strong as the Immortal King."

"It's crazy, who has the advantage?"

Whether it was the Golden Crow or the third-party immortals, they were all dumbfounded and felt a bit dreamy.

This time, the leaders Di Zhong and Di Zhou had to pay attention to Song Shi, especially Di Zhou, who had already killed King Yunting until he was covered in blood. He thought he had a chance to win, but at this moment he was confused by Song Shi. .

"What's going on!"

He asked angrily: "There are so many of you and you still can't deal with a Celestial Immortal?"

"Fourth Elder, we don't want to either. This man can't be killed no matter what, but he can kill us. We really don't want to fight him."

The Golden Crow commander who had fought against Song Shi responded with a wry smile.

Emperor Zhou frowned when he heard this, and deliberately stopped his offensive to observe Song Shi. He found that every time this person seemed to be killed, he would soon appear intact and launch an unexpected counterattack.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether it was the powerful substitute Divine Ability or other means. He said impatiently: "Old Jiu, go over and deal with him. If you can't kill him, seal him up, otherwise it will be annoying to watch."

Song Shi's threat was nothing, but it had a great impact on the overall momentum. He could not let it continue.

The Divine King-level Golden Crow known as Lao Jiu was nearby. He glanced at Yun Ting, who was about to fall down at any time. He felt that there was no suspense here and nodded: "I'll take care of him."

After saying that, he turned around and turned into a ray of light to contact Song Shi. The latter was split into two halves on the spot, without any resistance at all, and quickly shattered into coke.

"With this little ability, how can I force you to run away?"

The Ninth Elder was very dissatisfied and scolded Jinwu who was being chased by Song Shi.

The latter said bitterly: "Ninth Elder, that's not the case. You will soon understand how terrifying this person is."

The ninth elder frowned at Song Shi's body. He wanted to see what this man was capable of.

"Ding, congratulations on being killed. You will be rewarded with three thousand mana, a certain understanding of the Law of the Sun, and a certain attribute."

There was a big difference in rewards between being killed by the Divine King and being killed by the Divine King. When Song Shi heard the prompts, he felt that if he got this level of rewards a few times, he would probably break through to the Immortal Monarch Level.

He appeared behind the Ninth Elder with a smile: "The Divine King is different. He can kill my clone with just a little bit of power."

"Is this the method?"

The Ninth Elder didn't even look back and asked about Jinwu who was being chased by Song Shi.

The latter nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, there's nothing we can do about it. No matter how much effort we put in, it will only kill the clone or fake body."

"Then eat him!"

The Ninth Elder turned his head and opened his mouth, which suddenly turned into a flaming mouth, swallowing Song Shi with lightning speed, and the tyrannical law of the sun turned into a big net and enveloped Song Shi.

Under the power beyond his own, Song Shi could not move at all. His body burned rapidly and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Song Shi resurrected outside and exclaimed: "It is indeed stronger. I can't compete with you head-on at this moment."

Seeing that Song Shi was okay, the Ninth Elder narrowed his eyes: "This way, I didn't swallow your true body, it was quite hidden."

He swallowed Song Shi in one gulp again, and his spiritual thoughts quickly swept around, looking for the hidden true body.

It's a pity that what he swallowed was the real body. How could there be a real body outside? Even if he pushed his spiritual thoughts to the maximum limit, Song Shi was still not found.

"It's definitely weird."

He was deep in thought, and when he was considering how to deal with this person, the sky in the distance suddenly twisted, and a deafening sound came out.

"Oops, someone is trying to break the formation outside!"

The Ninth Elder saw what the noise was coming from and was surprised: "How could it come so fast!"

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